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Changbin and Seungmin managed to talk things through.

Things got steamy between them but Changbin got a call from work so he left.

Seungmin was left hard as a rock as Changbin left to go to work.

Seungmin was frustrated and jerked himself off instead of calling Hyunjin over like he usually does. But of course that wasn't enough and he later called Hyunjin over and they did the deed.


At work Changbin threw himself into it. He decided not to call Jisung into the office since the younger deserved his weekend.

So now he was here in the office alone as he sat in his expensive leather seat and typed away on his laptop on his expensive hard wood desk.

Changbin was spoiled rotten growing up.

His dad was a billionaire and his mom a judge.

Whatever Binnie wanted Binnie got.
His dad always spoiled him with lavish gifts, money and affection.
He had a really strong bond with his dad and he looked up to him.
His mom always stayed patient, soft, and gentle with him even when scolding him.
His mom taught him all of the principles he stood by and his mom and him had a very precious bond.

His parents divorced when he started middle school but that never affected him. Or so he says and thinks but deep down he knew his parents divorce affected him some how.

By somehow I mean he never talked about his actual feelings and always try to avoid stressful situations involving people close to him. He rather avoid the problem then solve it. Not to mention his unhealthy obsession with needing someone near so he doesn't get lost in his head and let his feelings Come out.

Changbin's mom later married Minho's dad. Changbin would spend the weekdays at Minho's dad's house and the weekend at his dad's.

YES! Changbin had been sleeping with his step btother.

But how could he not when he had the biggest crush on his passive aggressive hyung.


7 years ago

Seventeen year old Changbin took a huge chug of the vodka bottle he was holding as he walked towards the parking lot of his house.

Perks of being in a rich neighborhood was that the house were so far apart yet very safe to walk back home.

Which meant Changbin could go party and get super wasted but the walk back home always seem to sober him up a bit before heading inside.

But tonight he was too far gone. He had a high alcohol tolerance which he thanked his dad for but tonight he drank alot and that's the amount enough to have an average person black out or throw up his entire stomach.

But for Changbin he just felt like he could do anything and not care about the consequences.

As he walked along the road infront of lavish looking fountains and maze like white rose bushes he felt himself getting lighter. Maybe it was the alcohol or that Blunt some hot chick gave to him during the party but all he knew was that he never felt this way before and he loved it.

The lighter he felt, the more he wanted to get high even though something screamed at him from the back of his mind to hold onto something and stay down on the ground. That scream sounded like someone screaming underwater and he knew better then to listen to someone who was already in the deep end.

Before his feet could get any lighter he took off running. He ran as fast as he could. He ran and he kept running. He wanted to run away from his perfect life for a bit. He wanted to do something bad. He wanted to do some things he would never have thought of doing when be was sober.

With this thoughts in mind he just ran. He ran straight and would turn corners but he kept running.

He felt his head get empty and for once tears streamed down his face. He cried while he had the biggest smile on his face. Maybe he should have cried during his parents divorce then maybe he wouldn't be so miserable now.

He knew he should not feel this way. He was 11 when his parents got a divorce and he felt nothing then so why was he feeling this way now.

He felt the tears stain his shirt. He did not know when he stopped running or how he got on this bench but here he was sitting down with his head looking up at the stars as his tears trailed down his cheeks to his neck then staining his shirt.

He wasn't sobbing but the tears wouldn't stop. He wasn't smiling anymore. He looked confused but he wasn't confused, does that make sense?

He eventually fell asleep on that bench. Someone came and picked him up after watching him pass out and his little waterworks.

Said person then put him in their car and drove him to his house.


"Hyung!?" Jisung whined as he came into Changbins office in his casual T-shirt and shorts.

Changbin looked up away from his monitor and hummed at Jisung while he takes a sip of his coffee still not looking at Jisung.

"Why didn't you call me over to help with work?" Jisung asks as he plops himself down on the couch in the middle of Changbins massive office.

"It's the weekend." Changbin says as he chuckled at Jisung , thinking about how he was whining about work during their dinner.

"Exactly hyung. The sooner we both finish this the sooner we get to enjoy our weekend." Jisung says as he stood up from the couch and walks to Changbin and sits down in a chair infront of Changbins desk.

Changbin only hums as he watched Jisung sit down. They make eye contact and Jisung could swear Changbins eyes turned darker.

A smile soon found his way on Changbins face and the next words he spoke he knew would screw him over or work in his favor.

"Sung, you're sharp do you think Seungmin is cheating on me with Hyunjin?"



(I love Hyunjin and I'm sorry. I love Hyunjin soo much just as much as I love all the members equally. But come on Hyunjin is so Lana Del Rey coded I couldn't skip the opportunity to write him as the other women *man )

Word count 1077

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