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Seungmin stirred awake as he pulled Changbins naked body closer to him by the waist.

He opened his eyes and took in his lovers face. He really missed waking up with Changbin in his arms.

He smiled to himself as he remembered how he made love to Changbin last night. ,,I really am in too deep.,,

He smirked when Changbin turned around in his arms. His ass practically there for Seungmin to take.

Seungmin smirked and pulled their bodies closer. He coated two of his fingers with his saliva and pushed them in Changbin. Even though they did it last night his fingers struggled a bit before he entered the older.

Changbin stirred in his sleep and moved away from Seungmin but Seungmin held him in place and slowly pulled his fingers out and play with the olders rim.

Changbin whined as he was now awake and flustered like crazy. "Wha what are you doing Seungmin ah?"

He got a humm from Seungmin as the younger continued to finger him. Changbin moaned and threw his head back.

"Hmm you're hard Binnie-ah." Seungmin teasingly says as he strokes Changbin with his free hand while still fingering him.

"Hmmm ah-ha shut up."

Seungmin chuckled as he flips Changbin onto his stomach and pulls his tummy up to put a pillow under him.

Seungmin reaches over and takes the lube from last night on the night stand. He squeeze some on his erect dick and strokes himself before entering Changbin raw.

"Fuck you're still so tight even though I used your hole last night.  Angh Fu~ngh fuck you're  perfect." Seungmin struggled to say between moans, his voice so soft almost like a wisper and strained groans against the back of the olders neck.

Changbin let's out a scream like whine as he grips the bed sheets. "Fuck!"

Seungmin chuckled lightly at his reaction "Did I already find it hyung-ah ? But you cant cum yet we have all morning"

And that's exactly what Changbin and Seungmin did. They did it till Changbin had to say their safe word "puppies" ( a/n this was originally scarecrow ☠️) before he passed out.


Seungmin is currently massaging shampoo into the olders hair and his scalp. Changbin humming sleepily at the gesture.

He had gained consciousness when Seungmin was cleaning his cum stained body with a damp clothe. Even though Seungmin cleaned him up he still felt sticky all over so here they were in the bathtub. Because the older could not feel his legs Seungmin had to do all the work.

"Minnie-ah I'm hungry."

"I ordered some pizza. It would be here once we settle in bed.


Seungmin and Changbin cleaned up as they both got into comfy clothing and made their way to bed.

They were cuddled up in bed when they heard the doorbell. Seungmin groaned as he reluctantly left Changbin's warmth to get their pizza.

As he got out the room he could hear Changbin's phone notifications going off. It was annoying so he picked it up and walked towards the door to get the pizza.

He got the pizza and walked back to the living room putting down the pizza box and decided to check the olders messages.

As expected Changbin had a lot of missed calls and messages from lots of people but the one that stood out was Jisung's.

,,why is he so desperate for Changbins attention?,, Seungmin really didn't like Jisung.

It was obvious to him that Jisung liked his boyfriend.

Even though Changbin explained everything that happened with Jisung, Seungmin still didn't trust that Changbin wouldn't give in again and that Jisung won't throw himself at his boyfriend.


Seungmin quickly put Changbins phone on silent and went back to him.

"Stop whining like a baby. I'm here."

Seungmin crawled in bed with Changbin and kissed his pouty lips. He had set the pizza down on the bed.


They both finished their food and fell asleep.

Seungmin watched the older with tired eyes before he kissed his lips and pulled him closer by the waist. He was worried about the deal he made with his lover cause the thought of Changbin with anyone else made his heart burn.

He hoped Changbin would forget about it and they would be fine. ,,Hyung what have you done to me?,, Changbin looked so perfect in his arms. He smiled and kissed him on the head and buried his head between his lovers neck before also drifting to sleep.



Hellurrrrr loveless 🧚🏽‍♀️ 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️

I'm sorry for this late, short and messy update.

My rl is currently going downhill

Anyhoes hope you enjoyed and hopefully imma do the fast updates again.

Word count  790 <3

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