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Hyunjin could hear knocking on his door. What was the point of opening the door? He knew what was waiting for him on the other side. Heartbreak in the form of the man he loved.

"Hyunjin please open the door. " Seungmin sounded worried.

Hyunjin felt his stomach do flips at the tone. He got up from the couch and walked towards his front door. He stopped in front of his door and held the door knob.

"Please don't do this." Hyunjin felt his hands shake.

"Jinnie-ah let me in." Seungmins voice was gentle. Seungmin knew this was not going to be easy for Hyunjin. Which is the reason why he did not do it over text or asked Hyunjin to meet up elsewhere.

The door opened revealing a red puffy eye, mess, Hwang Hyunjin. Seungmin felt guilty and like a complete dick.

"Seungmin please. " Hyunjin sounded completely broken. "Please don't do this to me. " More tears streamed down his face. "Please I don't mind being your secret forever. " Hyunjin pleaded desperately.

"Jinnie-ah." Seungmin called out tenderly as he took a step forward and engulfed the older into a hug.

"Does Changbin hyung know?" Hyunjin hugged back with a little hope that Minho did not tell Changbin.

"He does that's why we need to stop seeing each other. " Seungmin broke the hug and cupped Hyunjin's face.

Hyunjin felt guilty but he felt even more panicked.

"Please Seungmin. You can't do this to me. " Hyunjin tried clinging to whatever little delusional hope he had of Seungmin leaving Changbin for him.

But his hope incinerated when Seungmin let his hand fall down from his face and he took a step back.

"Hyunjin I hope you fix whatever is left of your friendship with Binnie hyung. You and me are over. I'm sorry. Don't forget to eat all your meals and take care of yourself. " Seungmin sympathetically said before leaving Hyunjin alone once again.

Hyunjin could not believe this. He closed his front door and locked it. He fell to the floor and started sobbing.

He could not believe that Seungmin and him were over. He just lost Seungmin.

Seungmin was never his to begin with but he would have given that man anything if he asked.

But all Seungmin gave him was his body. Not his love. Not his thoughts. Not his attention. Not his heart.

Was he a selfish brat for wanting what was his bestfriends?

Yes but at this point he did not care. He wanted Seungmin back. And he knew crying on the floor was not gonna make him come back.

But what could he do? Seungmin was not just someone else's boyfriend he was CHANGBIN'S boyfriend.

He would be an even more disgusting monster if he tried to steal Seungmin after already sleeping with him multiple times behind Changbin's back.

All he could do now is cry his heart out .



The marble floor felt cold against their bare skin. Changbin and Hyunjin slept on their backs looking up at the ceiling.

"If the Chandelier fell down it would crush us to a pulp." Changbin said tiredly.

Hyunjin turned his head to look at the older's side profile. "Hyung don't say anything scary like that. " Hyunjin scolded the older as he started feeling even more anxious being under the Chandelier.

"Let's go somewhere else." Hyunjin got up and took a hold of Changbin's foot and started tugging at his foot for him to get up.

"Urgggh fine." Changbin groaned as he sat up and kicked at Hyunjin.

They were in the schools ballroom and recess was over like an hour ago.

"Where to?" Changbin asked as he followed after Hyunjin.

"Just follow me and find out."

Hyunjin led them to the old science lab. It was turned into a storage room for all the science equipment and chemicals. There was an emty table in the middle of the lab. Every other table had tower of boxes or large equipments creating a nice hide out space.

"How do you know about this room?" Changbin asked taking a seat on the steady thick wooden table.

"Channie hyung." Hyunjin responded opening one of the boxes under one of the tables.

"I figured. " Changbin responded as he laid down on the table.

Hyunjin made his way towards Changbin, got on the table and laid down on the older. He was basically sleeping ontop of him. Changbin grunted but hugged Hyunjin with his eyes still closed.

"What's up with you and Mingi?" Hyunjin asked whilst being all cuddly with Changbin.

"We are ok.." Changbin responded.

"Bull shit. He literally stopped taking you to his races and he has been in a bitchy mood lately. Spill what happened?" Hyunjin lifted his head from the olders chest to look at his face.

"He's jealous of Seungmin and me hanging out more often. I don't know why because he doesn't get jealous when I hang with Jackson and you guys." Changbin explained.

"Seungmin? You mean that nerd?" Hyunjin tilted his head to the side.


"I don't understand. He is not even your type. He doesn't have tattoos, he is younger than you, he acts like a know it all, and he kinda give off sadist vibes. So why does Mingi hyung feel threatened?" Hyunjin asked genuinely confused.

"Exactly. We got into a fight because of him and now Mingi has been ignoring me. He said 'we have to wait and see what Seungmin does' like what does that even mean?"

"I don't know. " Hyunjin responded.

"Maybe something happened. " Hyunjin suggested.

"Like what?" Changbin asked.

"I don't know. You tell me. " Hyunjin hinted.

"Urggg maybe it was that fight they had. " Changbin frustratingly confessed.

"I'm guessing Seungmin provoked Mingi. " Hyunjin shrugged.

"Yeah but Mingi won't tell me what Seungmin said to him that got him so riled up." Changbin rolled his eyes at that thought.

"Poor Seungmin. " Hyunjin said knowing damn well the nerd is probably all bruised up.

"Yeah poor Seungmin. I went to his place and treated him. Poor baby could barely stand." Changbin said.

"What did Mingi hyung think of that?" Hyunjin questions.

"Well he bought medicine and snacks for Seungmin because he felt bad. " Changbin smiled because his boyfriend was so adorable trying to be mad whilst still being so caring.

"Mingi hyung really is the best. " Hyunjin widened his eyes surprised.



Hellurrrrr loveless

I wrote Changbin's and Hyunjin's bestfriend moments like me and my bestfriend's. Minus the betraying part.

I hope you enjoyed this.

Anyhoe loveless 🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️🧚🏽‍♀️

till next update <3

Word count 1099 <3

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