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Hey! Thank you very much for deciding to read this book! I hope you enjoy! 

- This is the final time I will say this before the book starts. 



"We know you're in there, come out Amao!" I sat in the toilet cubicle, holding my breath and covering my mouth in pure fear. My ears hurt with all of the loud sounds, it was so disorientating. "I'm going to fucking kill you!"

"Get out of the stall you fat fag!" Streams of tears flooded down my face, my peers tormented me, day in, day out. In school was the worst but they still found ways to find me and try to hurt me.

Suddenly, the stall door burst open and I was dragged from my hiding place in the stall, to the bathroom floor. I was made fun of, punched, kicked, spat at, violated in ways so unimaginable that it would make even criminals wretch at. These bullies hated me, the whole school hated me, I had no one, no one there for me. I couldn't defend myself, I was hurt badly, and all I could do was cry. My tears pooled on the bathroom floor, that's all I remembered, my vision went dark.

Kuma Odayaka POV

"It's so unfortunate, but that doesn't excuse his actions Mr Odayaka. Unfortunately we will have to remove him from the wrestling team, and the Band." I looked at this woman with pure disgust in my eyes.

"You do realise what that child is going through don't you? He's getting this torment every single day! He's terrified of going out on the weekend in fear of being killed!" I argued. "Bear, who did this to you?"

My boy remained silent, tears falling from his eyes.

"Sir, you need to understand that I can't help your child if he can't help himself." I was so frustrated, I just had to leave. "You're a single father with no help from his mother whatsoever, what do you expect when he's raised by the likes of you?"

"It is your role and responsibility to ensure that that boy, my child, is safe and doesn't fear for his life every day. With that said, have a good day." I slammed the door and saw my boy sitting outside, looking sorry for himself.

"Come on bear, let's get you home." I helped him up and saw a peek at his scars.

When we got home, I knew what was going to happen, everything sharp was locked away, so I

was hoping nothing of 'that' nature could happen. I had to close the restaurant for the day because my son was in such a bad state. This wasn't the first time he had an outburst like this. When he was little, Amao got really angry at a kid at his kindergarten because he stole his lunch, so Amao punched this other child in the stomach. That was how we discovered another aspect of his quirk.

"Amao? When was the last time you ate?" I asked, firmly.

"This morning..." He replied, his hand gripping to the sofa, claws digging into the furniture.

"Tell the truth Amao." I sighed, feeling sorry for my son.

"Yesterday morning." I saw a tear fall down his face. "I didn't have much..."

Tears fell from my kids face, it pained me to see how much he struggled with himself, his image, his self esteem. I quickly wrapped him up in a hug. I just wanted to protect him, keep him safe.

"Go change and I'll make you something to eat." I said, Amao took my advice and went to change.

Amao P.O.V

It was true what people said about me, I hate myself. I hate the way I look, the way I act, the way I walk and talk. Everyone knows it, but they stay back and observe. My dad is the only one who's ever been there for me, but still, he doesn't help, if anything, he makes it worse for me. I feel like a burden to him, even though he's trying his best. Me being around, living, just makes me feel like a stain in the world.

Constantly, I get remarks like "You're so fat!" And "Gay boy!" And what's worse, I believe them. My dad constantly tells me that it's my quirk that makes me this way, but I know it's not just that. These bullies at school are the same size as me and are still skinnier than me. I just stick out because I don't know how to fight back.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and all I could see was a round shapeless blob, nothing special about me. It made me feel sick, my arms covered in scars from when times got really bad. It's not the first time things like this had happened, whenever I created those eternal scars I would look at a picture that I kept beside my bed of the people who went behind my back, revealing a growing secret.

"Why'd you have to trust them Amao?" I whispered to myself.

They told everyone, within seconds the news spread like a wildfire, that I, Amao Odayaka liked guys. Within 24 hours, I had texts, messages, calls from people who I didn't know, calling me horrid things about me. They found out where I lived and threw rocks at my window, destroyed my dads restaurant on the lower floor and created so many problems for me.

"Amao! Come try something to eat." Dad called for me.

As I sat at the table, my father sat in front of me, he was quiet, and so was I, both of us knew what was coming up tomorrow.

"You know what da-." Dad started.

"I know." I stated.

"You know you can talk to me." Dad spoke whilst eating a spoonful of rice.

"I know, but I don't want to." I huffed, pushing an uneaten katsu chicken bowl forward.

"At some point Amao, you'll need to talk to someone about it." Dad held my hand, his huge hand , similar to mine, held my hand.

"I know dad! I tried to kill myself a year ago tomorrow, now can we just get over it!" I swatted my dads hand away and stood up, an unexpected rage coursed through my body.

"Calm down bear, your claws are digging in." I looked down and saw my dads hand, my claws had dug into his hand, blood slowly trickling out of the puncture marks.

"I'm sorry dad." I jumped to the medicine cabinet and grabbed the antiseptics wipes and plasters. I treated my fathers wounds that I inflicted on him.

"Bear, even though you have your moments, you're a compassionate person." He said before wrapping me up into a hug. "I would ask if you thought about that high school, but I don't want to put any more on your mind."

"I thought about it, but what good of a hero would I be if I can't fight for myself." A tear fell from my eye.

"You can fight for yourself, bear. Remember my catchphrase from back in the day?." Dad held my face and wiped away my tears.

"Words wield power more mighty than the fist." I cried, I got a nod in response.

"Did you want to talk with your uncle?" Dad asked.

"Maybe." I sighed. "Let me just go to bed."

"Ok bear, sweet dreams." He smiled.

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