Chapter 43

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That evening, when we pulled up to the dorms, I saw my friends standing and waiting for me.

"Am I the last one back?" I smiled. They all ran up to me and hugged me tightly.

"We missed you!" They cried.

"C'mon guys, let's just head inside." I wrapped my arms around them as we walked up to the door.

As we walked through to the dorm everyone looked shocked to see us.

"You guys are back!" Everyone charged up to us. "We saw the news!"

Everyone broke off into chatter, making sure that we were all ok. One person caught my eye. Tenya Iida. He looked at me, he raised his glasses, wiping the tears from his eyes. I smiled at him and he walked towards me, everyone began to look at us. As Tenya got close to me, he fell to his knees, tears streaming from his eyes.

"Amao! I'm sorry I ever doubted you! I love you so much and I'm sorry I didn't trust you! I'm sorry!" He bowed. "Please forgive me!"

"Get up Tenya." I shook my head. As he rose, I cupped his face with my hands. "You know I love you and you know you mean so much to me."

After that we shared a passionate kiss, in front of our classmates. It was finally time to show them our relationship in its fullness. Everyone cheered for us.

"So cute!!" The girls cheered.

"Talk Kaminari!" Sero punched his friend's back.

"Oh! Uh...Ally!" Kaminari raised his hand in solidarity.

"That's enough lovebirds." Aizawa wrapped us up in his cloth. "I'll oversee it for just the once."

That night, we were sitting down watching T.V as a class, whilst a couple of my class members tried their best to cook on their own.

"You guys are making it really difficult for me to not come up and help you." I laughed.

"We are ok!" Yao-momo spoke from the kitchen. Suddenly I smelt burning smoke. "It's on fire!"

I grabbed the fire extinguisher and shot it all in the Oven. My quick reaction time allowed me to extinguish the fire easily.

"Thanks Amao." Yao-momo sighed.

"Lets just order in tonight." I chuckled.

"Amao! It's Tatianna's Same Parts!" Tenya signalled for me to come over. I ran and sat next to him.

"People at the party...and I'm wanting to dance..." I started to sing.

That night, I spent it with Tenya. We were in my dorm room, currently I was browsing the news articles about what had happened that morning. I briefly noticed that Tenya was in nothing but his underwear.

"You don't mind if I stay like this?" He asked, politely.

"G-go ahead." I began to get flustered looking at Tenya's body. He slid next to me and held my waist, he positioned his head so that his chin rested on my head.

"I've missed this..." He spoke softly.

"Tenya...I need to tell you this before I get raptured by it." I placed my hand over my boyfriends. "I was sexually assaulted during the Hassakai raid..."

"Amao, h-have you told anyone?" He tightened his grip on me for reassurance.

"Aizawa and you, dad doesn't know yet." I started to cry softly.

"Mochi-Bear, I'm here for you no matter what, and when it does come time to take our relationship further, we can work it out together." Tenya whispered in my ear.

"Mochi-bear, that's adorable." I chuckled at the silly name Tenya gave me. "You know I don't do nicknames like that."

"I know, I just wanted to see your reaction." Tenya smiled as I turned to face him.

"Do you know Shoji can hear us?" I kissed Tenya. "Shoji stop being a voyeur."

"S-sorry..." We heard a muffled apology through the wall.

Tenya's face flushed red, it was adorable to see him like this, it reminded me of how much I truly loved him. During the night, I could only think of Eri, wondering if she was ok.

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