Chapter 30

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A week later, most had settled in, I however still felt homesick, no matter how often I visited and called dad. My friends knew, and they were doing everything they could to help me through this time.

It was early morning, I had just finished brushing my teeth and getting ready for the school day. I was happy to continue with school, considering I could walk 5 minutes to get there, instead of the usual 30 minute train ride I would usually take.

As we sat in Homeroom, Aizawa spoke about the provisional licences.

"Our focus now is getting you all Hero licences, don't take this lightly, as a lot of work is cut out for you all for this to be made a reality." Aizawa spoke, menacingly. "It means you are responsible for human lives, the test is hard, extremely hard. In order to prepare, you will be creating three ultimate moves."

The door opened, and Cementoss, Midnight and Ectoplasm appeared, as they were to be taking this lesson.

"These moves must be strong, unique and represent who you are as heroes." Midnight spoke intelligently. "Get your costumes on and meet in Training Ground Gamma."

We did as she said and were now in the new training ground. I had noticed that my Hero costume was much looser than before, it made me slightly more confident in my ability to perform.

"Start thinking about possible costume changes too, because everything is going to be helpful to get you all to pass." Aizawa spoke. "Intensive training begins now!"

"Each get to your assigned platform, you'll have a clone of me to help you make your three ultimate moves." Ectoplasm shot clones out of his mouth as Cementoss built platforms with our names on them.

I was on one of the highest platforms, it was quite interesting, looking down at everyone. I was daydreaming before I was interrupted by the Ecto-clone.

"What're you thinking of?" The clone spoke.

"One defensive, One attack and one support. Ideally." I looked down at the ground. "Or Two attack and one support."

"Good starting place, have you ever thought about using your hanger as an ultimate move?" The hero spoke.

"Absolutely not!" I drew my hand across my body as a sign of disapproval. "That's not a good idea at all."

"Amao, this is your chance to utilise your quirk, turn that negativity into a positive Ultimate move." Ectoplasm jumped towards me, attempting to kick me.

"Hey!" I rolled back. Frustration grew within me.

"See! That was a physical defense mechanism." Ecto went to attack me again. I dodged and then had a thought, I looked down briefly and saw Tenya and Yao-momo. "An idea?"

"You bet!" I tackled the clone to the ground and squeezed it tightly, subduing it into mush.

"That was great Amao!" I saw a supportive Midnight, Ectoplasm and Cementoss cheer for me. Another clone appeared in front of me.

"Subduing an enemy without engaging in physical violence, you put them to sleep peacefully, therefore stopping their quirk from working, saving many. A perfect example of an Ultimate move." Hearing those words from the clone made me extremely happy. It made me want to create more moves.

"I think I'll call that one Cuddle Prison." I smiled. "It's on brand, cute and also very effective!"

A couple days later and I had already created all of my Ultimate moves.

"Alright Amao, get ready to use your defensive move!" Ectoplasm warned me. I braced for the attack.

When he got closer, I puffed out my chest, creating a wide, defensive stance, broadening my confidence 10 fold and using my quirk to strengthen my muscles, and skin, similar to Kirishima's quirk. A couple attacks from the Ecto-clone, I felt nothing, in fact, I thrived.
"My defensive Ultimate move: Safeguard." I shook off the dust that was on my shoulder.

"Great work Amao." The clone smiled. "Now, ready for your offensive?"

"I'm not too sure." I began getting anxious.

"No need to fret, you can control yourself, you know what to do if you get out of control." The clone spoke. I felt reassured yet still very nervous.

"The Offensive Ultimate move: Juggernaut!" I let out a powerful roar, my classmates looking at me. My muscles swelled, to a size I had never seen before. My teeth sharpening, poking through my mouth, tongue lengthening and my eyes becoming a deep red colour, with my rounded pupils shifting to slit-shaped pupils. My nails, growing to the size of a paring knife.

I jumped towards the clone, It put up a good fight but I overpowered it, smashing its body into the ground, after carrying out some calculated fighting moves. I found my happy place after looking at Tenya and returned to my usual, big and cuddly self.

"Amazing job Amao!" Cementoss gave me a big thumbs up.

After the day had finished, Iida, Uraraka and I were walking towards the development studio.

"What're you guys' favourite moves?" Uraraka asked.

"Reciro-burst, it's very practical in its use." Tenya spoke, robotically, yet I expected nothing less.

"For me? It has to be Cuddle Prison." I smiled. "But I do actually enjoy Juggernaut."

"I wouldn't've expected you to enjoy that offensive move so much, Amao." Ochaco smiled.

"It's because I get to find my serenity in this one right here." I punched Tenya playfully.

"That's adorable!" The brown haired girl smiled as we walked into the development studio.

Suddenly, the door to the Development Studio exploded, lying on the ground was Deku, and on top of him was Mei, Mei Hatsume. Her breasts were the first things that Deku saw when he opened his eyes.

"Ochaco, girl, let's take a breather." Rage coursed through her body, I was just about able to soothe her.

"I hear from Eraserhead, you guys are here to upgrade your costumes." The Pro hero: Powerloader invited us inside, welcoming us with open arms.

We spoke for a while, drawing up ideas for my improved quirk.

"As soon as I saw you in your costume, I could tell that it was a Fatgum original design." He laughed. "Looks good on you kid, although we can improve some aspects of your quirk."

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