Chapter 10

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This challenge was difficult, our group was running out of steam, black smoke from out of Tenya's calf engines. I was starting to panic, only because I saw that look in Tenya's eyes, a look of pure determination. Todoroki had a twisted smile on his face. Kaminari was, well, he looked like he was trying to figure out where he was. And Momo? She was rejoicing. Todoroki annoyed me the most, thinking that he was better than everyone just because he had two quirks. It infuriated me, so very much. But I realised that we still could get through, but we needed to focus and stay to the plan.

"Deku. We still have a chance! We just need to try!" Ochaco remarked.

"She's right Midoriya." Tokoyami said.

"I agree." I chimed in. "Look, I've been observing our class for the past couple of months now, and I think I know their weak spots."

"What do you mean?" The green haired kid looked down at me.

"Tenya stalls his engines after a big burst. Momo gets weakened after every creation. Kaminari fries his brain. Todoroki gets frostbite." I started.

"Go on." Tokoyami was curious.

"There's one common weakness in all of them though." I started, suddenly I heard a burst from the ice behind us. It was Bakugo's group and they were charging towards us, just as we were charging towards Todoroki's group. "Get me closer to Team Todoroki! Real Close! Use Dark Shadow as a distraction!"

"On it!" The group said in unison. As we got closer I saw Tenya start to show signs of panic.

Dark shadow was sent off towards Bakugo's group. Denki had used his electricity which shot through Dark shadow and towards Team Bakugo. In this time, I got up really close to Momo and Iida's faces. Using a technique I liked to call affectionate, I made the widest puppy-dog eyes in front of them. They both hesitated before attacking me, which gave me time to signal to Midoriya.

"Now Midoriya! Take the Headband!" I instructed. He did what I said, which was good as the next thing we heard was.

"Time is now up!" Present Mic yelled.

I slumped to the ground, stretching my back and shoulders. I underestimated how difficult it was to hold up Midoriya. I had figured that Tokoyami understood my little plan, and he did. This was as when I distracted Momo and Tenya, Tokoyami was able to slip behind, taking Todoroki's headband. Whilst it wasn't much, it still landed us in 4th place, meaning that we advanced to the next round. However, something within me still made me angry. I needed to eat, but I didn't want to, but I had to. I gripped my biceps, digging my nails into my skin, ever so slightly breaking the skin through the fabric of my underlayers.

"Hey Amao, I didn't know you could be so cute!" Momo looked at me in awe, it seemed like she wanted a hug. So I accepted the hug. "So cute! And cuddly!"

"Is she ok?" Ochaco asked.

"Well, whatever you did Amao, I want to know what it was." Tenya cocked his head to the side in curiosity.

"I haven't used that in a while, it's a distraction move that got me out of a lot of trouble back in middle school..." I trailed off at the end slightly, as not to think of anything negative. This was when we broke for lunch, as well as me breaking from me and Momo's lengthy hug.

As the stadium got a little too crowded for me, I decided to eat lunch with my uncle, as he was going to be staying to watch the next couple of rounds. The group was splitting up for lunch, because we didn't want to reveal our strategies or show any weaknesses for the upcoming one-on -one battling rounds. But it was nice just sitting with my uncle for a change.

"You did amazing in those first two rounds kid!" He sat down with a plate of some peculiar and unsafe looking food. "But I couldn't help but notice, were you getting frustrated?"

"Lets just not." I started.

"Come on now Amao, don't try and tiptoe around the answer." Uncle Tashiro spoke, spitting a little bit of that food out of his mouth.

"I don't want to speak about it. Yes I was a little frustrated, end of." A slight burst of rage coursed through me, my nails dug into my own skin, this time drawing blood.

"Take it easy now." Tashiro tried to smile, but I could tell even he was uncomfortable.

"I'm trying!" I snapped, quite viciously. I returned to my senses quite quickly. "I'm sorry uncle, I- I didn't mean it! Honestly!"

"It's ok kid, but I'm worried for you. It's paramount that you keep eating, and you need to keep control." Uncle looked at me, I looked away.

"I know, I know, I'm so scared. This is scarier than the USJ attack. I don't want to lose control of myself, not again, but I can feel it rising." I admitted.

"Remain calm, don't get backed into a corner at all costs. And if you do, you need to forfeit." I was taken aback by my uncle's remarks. "Amao, I love and care for you like a son, just as much as your own dad does, so I need you to promise me that if you start to feel yourself losing control, you need to walk off the stage, I mean it."

"Yes Uncle Tashiro." I accepted this condition.

"Remaining battle students, make your way to Arena." Present Mic instructed. I got up to leave.

"Smash it bear!" Tashiro cheered for me as I walked off, I smiled slightly, knowing that during our exchange, he slipped a couple of high protein snacks in my pocket.

Back at the arena, we watched the huge screen that outlined to us who would be battling first. I was curious regarding other things, like how Kirishima's hair stands so straight yet he uses no distinguishable hair products and if Mineta really has hair, or if his hair was actually just those purple balls. My attention was drawn to the board again by a quick nudge by Tenya. I had noticed Tokoyami had withdrawn from the competition, I asked Tenya why and apparently he didn't feel at all well after lunch.

"Well, I knew I shouldn't've trusted those stalls. Food poisoning, she truly is a crafty beast I tell you." I had my finger resting on my chin. "Eat a bad meal and within two hours you're raining out of both channels."

"Thank you Amao, but is that really necessary?" He asked.

"She's a dangerous lady I tell you." I emphasised to Tenya. I then looked up at the board and noticed that Midoriya was up against Momo and I was up against a guy named Hitoshi Shinso? It was also nerve wracking considering I was first. "Interesting."

I looked around and saw a pair of purple, beady eyes glare at me.

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