Chapter 23

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Early morning had come and we were already starting our training. Aizawa was yapping to us.

"This semester at U.A you mostly focussed on your mental prowess and through your experiences, not much regarding your quirks." Aizawa smirked his malicious grin. "The one who's made the most progress is Amao, but still, even he has a fair way to go before I could consider him pro hero material."

Those words hit like a stack of bricks.

"This training is going to make you feel like you're dying." He snarled viciously.

And oh how he was right, what he had in store for me was absolute torture. My arms and legs were chained to the ground, I was blindfolded and had high pitched frequencies playing in my ears. The psychological torture and stress triggered the deepest and strongest elements of my quirk, worse than how I acted at the sports festival. Aizawa told myself I had to let go, so I did. I shook the whole mountain with my screams and roars.

After hours of this torture, Aizawa unlocked my arm restraints. That was the time where I could really let loose. I began smashing heavy boulders, cracking tree trunks. I was still blindfolded and auditorily deprived.

More hours go past and I now had all of my senses regained. I was hunched over, like a proper beast. My quirk activated. I walked over to a boulder, Kirishima wanting me to punch him. So I did, with full force. He went flying into the rock face. I chased after him, going to attack him, but I changed my plan. I struck the boulder beside him, shattering it into pieces instantly.

For the rest of the day, I was in a cycle of triggering my quirk, going berserk, trying my best to control it, failing and going back to sensory deprivation.

After training had finished, we were all exhausted.

"We aren't making you food anymore!" Ragdoll smirked. "Even though you all are exhausted, it's not an excuse to make sloppy cat food!"

My feet tapped with excitement, even though I was exhausted, and my ears were still ringing from those painful frequencies, cooking was my happy place.

"Why do we have to cook!" Denki, Mina and Hagakure moaned.

"Can we not just eat the curry cold?" Some of my other classmates yawned.

"Everybody! It's insulting that you would even utter those words of eating a cold curry!" A fire lit in my eyes. "Being a Hero involves providing for the physical and mental needs of people in need! And what does that better? GOOD FOOD!"

"I've never seen Amao this fired up." Midoriya whispered to Uraraka.

"Cooking is my absolute passion! And anything below par is not acceptable!" I shouted. "I'll lead, the rest of you, play your part and help out! Start by getting fires lit, water boiled and vegetables cut!"

They all moved sluggishly.


With that said everyone started to chip in. We were all helping out each other, I led this delicious operation. I noticed that Class B were having some difficulty with their teamwork, their communication was below par. I walked over to Kendo, their class representative who was exhausted dealing with the arguments between their class.

"You need some help?" I asked her.

"Mhm, I think we're all just a bit hangry." She chuckled, before covering her mouth, thinking she offended me. "I'm so sorry, I forgot..."

"It's ok, slowly but surely, I'm gaining control." I smiled. Just then, Tetsutetsu threw a tomato at Monoma's head. I turned to the two of them. "Boys! Stop fighting! Fighting isn't going to magically make food appear!"

They turned to me and then walked in opposite directions.

"Look, I can tell you guys don't want to cook, just give me your supplies and we can make extras." I told Kendo.

"Thank you Amao, that's very considerate of you." She smiled, sheepishly. "You have such a caring heart."

After that exchange I started to utilise their cooking material and whipped up an amazing curry, exactly the same as how I instructed our class to make. We added the mix to a huge pot provided by the pussycats.

"Alright! Come get your dinner everyone!" I smiled, holding a ladle. Each person that came by with their plate, I filled up each person's plate. I had people coming round to me for seconds, and still we had food left over.

"Wow Amao! This is delicious!" Kirishima rejoiced.

"We make curry like this back at my dads restaurant." I smiled, taking spoonfuls of my greatest works. "I'll need to add this to my recipe book."

"Recipe book?" Momo turned to me.

"Like Midoriya and his hero book, Amao has a book with recipes he's developed." Tenya chimed in. He sat in front of me, underneath the table he put his leg in between mine. "I've been lucky enough to look at it and it's very impressive."

"Speaking of Midoriya, where's he gone?" I asked.

"He's probably doing more training, I recon." Ochaco said.

"Have to give it to him, he's determined to strengthen his quirk." Tsu smiled.

That night I was becoming increasingly homesick. Missing my dad and my uncle. It was around 2 in the morning when I woke up in sweats. I started to pant uncontrollably. Drawing my legs up to my chest I started to cry quietly.

"Amao... Are you ok?" I felt a comforting hand on my thigh. Tenya sat up and put his glasses on. He crawled beside me.

"Missing home." I sniffled. I felt his arms wrap around me, they were warm and welcoming.

"It's ok, I'm sure your dad is ok, he's a strong man who can hold his own." Tenya patted my back. "Plus, you were having so much fun during dinner time, you didn't even think about your dad."

"Mhm, but I'm worried about him now." I sniffed once more.

"Hey, you need to get some sleep, lie down next to me." Tenya whispered, pulling my waist so that I was next to him. We faced each other, holding each other's hands. Slowly, I drifted off to sleep, knowing that I had Iida next to me.

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