Chapter 54

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"Denied!" I shouted into my phone.

"It appears so, such a bummer!" The Pro hero from the other line spoke back to me. "I was looking forward to teaching you my ways Odayaka, but U.A said that they wanted "Trustworthy Agencies" only."

"That's so annoying!" I slumped over the sofa in dads apartment.

"Don't let that deter you from what I said to you." She spoke. "What did I tell you again?"

"Until you are able to fully harness your quirk without worrying you won't get far as a Pro Hero." I repeated.

"Y'know what kid, I'll pass your name around to a couple of agencies and see what they say, I'll let you know how it goes." She chuckled.

"Thank you Mirko, it means a lot." I smiled before putting the phone down.

"Why don't you join up with Uncle Tashiro again?" Dad sat down beside me.

"I feel like he'll be too busy to deal with me." I sighed. "He's taken on two new students from Class 1-B."

"Amao, Uncle Tashiro will always find a way to implement you into his agency." Dad rolled his eyes and handed me a cookie as we sat watching the New Years Eve programs.

Suddenly, my phone started to ring. It was Tenya, so I picked it up immediately.

"Amao, I spoke with Tensei." He was very to the point, a hint of urgency in his tone.

"What did he say?" I sat up. My dad turned to me. I put him on loudspeaker

"He said that he would support me, no matter what." Tenya spoke. I sighed in relief.

"What did I tell you?" I laughed.

"I know, I know. But I'm nervous to go home, so I'm staying at Tensei's." Tenya replied.

"Tenya, it's a shame we can't be with each other tonight, but I'm glad you're safe and sound." I sighed. "Love you."

"Love you too Amao, Happy New Years too." Tenya spoke before putting the phone down.

"Count yourself lucky Amao." Dad smiled. "You're one lucky kid to find a boyfriend like Tenya."

"I know dad." I spoke.

Together we counted down from 10, and when it hit midnight, we both cheered. What I picked up on next, shook me to my core.

"Son, how's your quirk coming along anyways? Got any fun trips planned out?" Dad stood up and went towards the kitchen.

"Not really, apart from the work studies." I sighed.

"I hope it's not like the last time you did a work study." Dad spoke behind me, from within the Kitchen.

"Mhm, I'm glad that we left mostly unharmed." I sighed, staring down at my phone, I was scrolling through New Years messages from my class.

"I wasn't able to do much in the fight, probably for the better." Dad spoke.

"I wouldn't have been happy if you'd've gotten harmed." I chuckled.

"Was Ume any good at fighting?" Dads words became peculiar.

"Ume? I don't think I ever told you about her." My heart started to beat faster.

"It was a shame that she killed herself." Dad started to really freak me out. I noticed that he was washing dishes, without gloves on. That was the tell-tale sign.

On my phone, I texted Uncle and my classmates.

"Uncle, dad is acting strange, I don't think it's him." My uncle's text read out.

"Emergency, dad is being weird, I need help!" Within seconds I got responses from my classmates. I turned my phone to sleep mode. That was when I saw the most terrifying sight.

"I'm being weird?" Dad hung above me with a large knife.

I activated my quirk and grabbed dads hand. I harshly pulled him over my shoulder and smashed him directly onto the coffee table. I jumped backwards in fear.

"Tch, I thought the disguise would've lasted longer." A female voice started to speak. Arising from the shattered wooden table, the sight made me sick. My dad's face started to melt. Through the peculiar gunk I saw a true villain.

"Himiko Toga!" I cried. "What have you done to my dad!"

"I don't have time to play games." Toga's body became fully corporeal. "Set it Dabi!"

Within seconds, a blazing heat infiltrated our apartment. I had to think fast. I ran into my dads room and grabbed his ring and the picture of us that sat on his bedside table. It was almost impossible to escape, but within seconds of the building's collapse, I jumped out of the nearest window, landing on my back.

"We need help!" Strangers helped me to my feet.

"Home was safe..." I stood there, looking at our restaurant and apartment that burst into a violent blaze.

A couple minutes later, three Pro Hero's came to the aid. The Heroes Manual, Fatgum and even Endeavour came to my rescue.

"Amao!" Fat ran up to me and wrapped his arms around my shaking body.

"Himiko Toga! Toga disguised himself as dad and tried to kill me!" I clung onto his body. "Dad is missing!"

"Endeavor! Mr Panda's been kidnapped, Toga's been draining his blood to use his quirk! Send out an all forces look out." Fat shouted towards Endeavor.

"This is bad!" Manual used water from the nearest fire hydrant and attempted to put the blaze out.

"Daddy, where are you?" I cried in Fatgums arms.

"We won't rest until he's been found." Uncle Tashiro wiped the tears from my eyes.

Days had passed and dad was nowhere to be seen. Our work studies were also supposed to be taking place during this time. I remember being sat with Aizawa and the head of the police, Naomasa Tsukauchi.

"Amao, we don't think it's appropriate for you to do a work study with Fatgum, considering the family relationship. It's a conflict of interest." Tsukauchi placed his hands on the table.

"I hate to say this, but I agree." Aizawa sighed.

"Well, you both are wrong." I snarled. "My dad was always there to protect me, and to dishonour the volume of time he spent protecting me would be a criminal act in itself."

"Have faith in the Pro's, they can handle this." Tsukauchi made my blood boil.

"Shut the fuck up." I shook my head in rage.

"Amao, please!" Aizawa tried to calm me down.
"If you don't let me do a work study with Fatgum and help him track down my own fucking father. Then I will not be afraid to tear, shred and decimate anything and everything that lives and fucking breathes until I find him." I smashed the table in front of us. "I will try my best to keep my cool, but when I find Toga and Dabi, I can't guarantee that they'll be living after I'm through with them."

"Those are some fighting words." We all turned our heads and saw Principal Nezu.

"Nezu, you're seriously ok with this?" Tsukauchi sat in shock.

"We need to take this into consideration, no one on this earth knows Kuma Odayaka more than his son Amao Odayaka." Nezu patted my calf and I was able to calm myself down. "Amao, with the help of Fatgum, you will be able to find your father."

"Thank you Principal Nezu." I sighed, tears welling in my eyes.

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