Chapter 59

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Days later, and we were called out on an important mission, the Paranormal Liberation Front was moving closer into their plan to cause mass destruction. It was all hands on deck, every Pro Hero from around the country was asked to join in the raid. Each of us was given a specific role to play in the simultaneous attack.

My role was to help infiltrate and eliminate any and every villain. I stood at the front with Heroes such as Fatgum, Midnight, Suneater and even Mt Lady. Tokoyami, Denki, Komori and Honenuki also joined us in the fight. It was obvious to see how nervous I was getting, considering I had almost eaten through the entirety of my food supply.

"Calm down bear. Remember, if you can defeat Overhaul, you can defeat anyone." Fatgum patted my head.

"It's not that I'm worried about." I distracted myself by playing with my new rings featured on my gloves. "Before, I didn't have to worry that Tenya could get hurt. But this is different."

"He'll be fine Amao, he can hold his own, just like you can hold yours." I felt Midnight's soft hands cup my face. She wiped the sweat from my forehead and adjusted my hair. "It's been a pleasure to watch how you've grown through adversity. So don't feel like you need to hold back."

"What are you insinuating?" I questioned.

"This goes for everyone, Pro Hero and Student!" Edgeshot held my other shoulder. "Whilst us hero's pride ourselves on fighting in non-detrimental ways, due to the gravity and high-risks of this mission. I have been given clear orders from Tsukauchi and Endeavor; You may engage in using lethal force to destroy villains by any means necessary, no matter the severity of their actions or how much they try and discourage you, use your own judgement to decide on these actions."

"So we can just kill people?" I left my mouth agape.

"Yes." Edge looked back at the Villa that stood like a fortress.

"This goes against so many of my moral values." I sighed. "But I'll do anything to protect my friends, fans, family and folks at home. Even if it means killing people."

"That's the spirit." Fatgum patted my shoulder. "Don't tell dad about this."

I'm glad dad hadn't fully recovered yet, due to his injuries, he got to spend the day at the dorms covering lessons with Small-might and Lunch Rush. Suddenly, I heard the faint rustling of chatter coming from the Villa, which was over 5 miles away.

"Alright! Heroe's! Move out!" Edgeshot spoke. We all began to run towards the Villa, I was hoping and praying that Tenya was safe and was going to be safe.

As we approached the Villa, Cementoss used his quirk and decimated the villa. I heard screaming from within that tugged at my heartstrings, but I needed to focus on my own personal mission. Eliminate any villain as quickly as possible.

"No villain escapes!" Edgeshot shouted as we ran inside the decimated Villa.

I watched as the villain in front prepared an attack, an electrical power. It was beneficial that we had Kaminari with us, through the help of his quirk he was able to insulate the electrical charge into his own body, dispelling it into the ground.

"He did it!" I rejoiced as I stood next to Midnight and Tokoyami.

"Good boy." Midnight shrilled in her sensuality.

Within seconds, Villains came trickling out of the rubble of the Villa.

"Well Mr Panda, this looks like a job for you." Midnight encouraged me.

"There's so many of them!" I stood there in disbelief. Irrational thoughts infiltrated my mind like a poison. "I-I can't think of a plan! I don't know what to do! I can't do this! I'm useless! Why did I think becoming a hero would be a good idea?!"

"Amao, you aren't the same boy you were once. You won't be able to control everything in life, not even yourself, but at times like this, it's useful to lose control! Go fucking Beserk kid! It's probably the only time you'll be able to!" Midnight held my hand. "Remember who you're doing this for."

"I'm doing this for Tenya, Eri and Dad. I won't let them down!" Anger festered within me.

I activated my quirk and shot ahead of everyone. The army of copies flooded in my direction.

"YOU'RE ALL GOING TO FUCKING DIE!" I screamed, running towards the army.

Each step I took, my speed increased greatly. My claws grew out to unfathomable lengths, reflective of the size of Katana blades. With one foul swoop, I sliced the limbs of the entirety of the army in one go, their blood hitting the floor in waves. I looked back at the Heroes and saw how they all smiled at me,

"Great work Mr Panda." Edgeshot started running towards me.

"I didn't even do anything, I just cleared the way for everyone else." A common criminal ran towards me. I grabbed its head and smashed it into the concrete, blood pouring from their skull. "So lets get in here and fuck all these cunts up."

"If Mirko and Bakugo combined into one body, that is how Amao is when he uses his quirk." Tokoyami spoke to Midnight.

"I know, and it's very sexy." Midnight replied.

Within seconds, the Pro's were in action, subduing as many villains as possible. I took that as my cue to help my fellow students in disarming as many villains as possible using as little force as possible.

"Mr Panda! There's some coming your way!" I heard the Pro Gang Orca shout at me.

"I'm on it sir!" I looked at the villains approaching me. I stood still and tracked their footsteps.

As they charged towards me, I ran through them. After coming out the other side I was met with Tokoyami. And as the smoke cleared, the villains were on the floor, asleep peacefully.

"How were you able to take down all of them? I thought cuddle prison was only able to take one person down at a time?" Tokoyami stood gasping.

"I adapted it, as Midnight said: "You can't control everything in life." So I changed my plan." I huffed. "I was able to zip around and hug each of the criminals without them even detecting me, that subdued them in no time. I think this should be called Berwyn Cuddle Prison!"

"Interesting name." Tokoyami chuckled.

"Tsukuyomi and Mr Panda! You guys are with me!" We turned our heads around and began running towards Fatgum. "There are many routes that the villains can exit from that Cementoss can't reach, you guys will need to take care of this and destroy the possible exits."

"Right!" We said in agreement.

"Suneater, take care of this lot." Fat instructed.

As Tsukuyomi and I ran towards the corridor, Tamaki used his ultimate move and swept away a bunch of criminals.

"Tsukuyomi, I'll leave this up to you. I'll follow in the rear!" I shouted.

Tokoyami used his quirk and sent Dark Shadow flying towards the end of the corridor, however he was met with quite some resistance. I tried to focus my sense of hearing on what was below but the sounds were too discordant for me to distinguish.

"What've you got Mr Panda?" Fat spoke.

"I can't pick anything up! It's too noisy!" I huffed.

"There's more villains below the villa! And a huge Monster too!" Dark Shadow announced.

"What're we going to do?" I asked Fatgum.

"Leave them there! We have to fight against the criminals that are already trying to escape." Fat shouted. "Tsukuyomi, Mr. Panda get in my stomach."

"What?" Fumikage questioned.

"No time to explain, it's great fun though." I pulled Tokoyami's hand and we sunk into Fat's stomach. 

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