Chapter 22

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Today was camp day. The class had lined up waiting to go onto the bus. Tenya was barking out orders, I expected nothing less.

"Everyone! We must fill out from the front of the bus first, in rows of two!" He spoke. Everyone ignored him, as we were filled with excitement.

"Come on Tenya, we're all excited and you could use a rest." I patted his shoulder, he sighed.

"I do try." He yawned.

"Let me take over." I patted his back once more. I stood in front of our classmates, whistling loudly. "Everyone! Order find a partner and get on the bus!"

Suddenly the line broke into scrambles, our classmates finding partners and getting on to the bus.

On the drive, I kept worrying about my dad, even though I knew Uncle was going to stay with him for the week, helping out at the restaurant. On the drive, Tenya also fell asleep, unusual for him. He used the window as a rest, but I moved his head to rest on my shoulder. He was so sweet as he slept. I noticed a couple of our other classmates had picked up on this.

"You two are really close, Amao!" Mineta clung to the seat in front of me.

"Shh! He's sleeping." I covered Mineta's mouth.

As we got off at our first spot, I noticed that we were nowhere near the camp.

"Long time no see Erasurehead!" A female voice spoke out, soon followed by a body.

"Nice to see you again ladies." Our Professor spoke.

"We are the Wild Wild Pussycats!" My personal favourite of the Pussycats, Mandalay spoke. "We own this whole stretch of land, as far as the eye can see! The training camp is just in the middle there."

She pointed to the middle of the forest, I was confused for a second, but then I realised.

"That means? Surely not!" Kirishima chuckled nervously.

"Everyone get back on the Goddam bus!" Sero shouted, everyone ran towards the bus. I stood at the edge of the railing, breathing in the forest air.

"Are you ok dear?" Mandalay approached me.

"I'm taking in the surroundings." I smiled. I extended my claws and used my quirk to jump over the railings.

I dug my claws into the cliff face and abseiled down to the forest floor. Soon enough, my friends joined me, but a little more force was used on their approach down.

"You have 3 full hours! You can get through the beast forest to the training camp!" Mandalay spoke to us.

My ears twitched, hearing the footsteps of some almighty beast.

"We have company everybody!" I announced, suddenly a huge dirt beast made itself known.

Mineta was almost crushed, Deku saved him, just barely. Todoroki sprung into action.

"We have no choice but to charge through using the shortest route!" I said. "Work together Class A!"

That was all that needed to be said. Each class member took a different mud creature, we took them down with much ease. That was until one approached Tenya, he had accidentally stalled his engines and was about to be crushed. Fury took over my body, I saw distorted images tinted in bloody red. My muscles swelled, ripping my uniform in several places.

"Amao-!" A couple of my classmates had seen me.

I let out an almighty roar, shooting towards the creature, threatening my loved ones life. It opened its mouth for me. It was as if time slowed down for me, I looked down at Tenya, he smiled. I looked back at the monstrous creature, drawing my claws in front of me, I tore the creature to bits and exited the other side.

"Amao, that was awesome." Kirishima high fived me, I returned the action.

As we ran together, I took a look at my reflection in Shoto's eyes. My sclera had turned red, my eyes had apex predator-like slits for pupils. My nails sharper than all hell, or any blade that had graced this earth. My body pumping with adrenaline. My sharp teeth poking the bottom of my lip. I charged towards a couple of the monsters, taking them out in one.

A couple hours later, we had finally reached the heart of the camp. All of us were drained, I was crawling on the floor, I couldn't feel my legs. I was so angry, angrier than I was at the sports festival. And there stood Mandalay and Pixie-bob, taunting us.

"We estimated on how long you would take us!" Mandalay joked.

"IF I DON'T GET SOMETHING TO EAT RIGHT NOW I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL SOMEBODY!" I roared at the top of my lungs. My peers looked over at me. My claws dug deep into the ground. I sat up and began to wail like a toddler having a tantrum. "PLEASE JUST SOMEONE GET ME SOMETHING!"

"Well you lasted longer than I thought." Pixie-bob smirked. "I was impressed with you 5 the most."

She pointed to me, Bakugo, Todoroki, Midoriya and Iida. I was distracted, I only just noted that there was a child that was with the Pussycats. Apparently it was Mandalay's cousin's son, who lives with them. Midoriya approached him upfront, a big mistake on his part, as he was struck in his balls by the kid.

"Midoriya!" I sat there in shock.

"Get your stuff off the bus, and into your rooms, then you can eat dinner and bathe and sleep." Aizawa spoke. "Your training starts early tomorrow."

After checking out the rooms the only thing on my mind was eating. As a class we raced down to the cafeteria. I was still incredibly sore, aching and angry.

"Amao, this one's for you." Pixie-bob directed me to a whole entire table with an assortment of different types of food. Everyone looked stunned.

"How are you going to eat all of that!?" Sero's jaw dropped to the floor.

"Just watch me." I started to salivate like a wild beast.

I lifted up the table, tilting it at a 45 degree angle, the plates of food started sliding towards my mouth. I inhaled the menagerie of delicious and different food items. And after that I still wasn't full.

"Oh my god." Todoroki sat there in disbelief.

"Expected nothing less than a fat-!" Bakugo had his mouth covered by Tenay, I smiled knowing he had my back.

"There's more if you want y'know." Mandalay used her quirk and told me telepathically. I nodded and they brought me out more food items, which I devoured.

Afterwards, we all went to the hot springs, obviously split by gender. However I felt uncomfortable.

"Amao, aren't you coming?" Ojiro and Tokoyami asked.

"Nah, I think I'll sit this one out." I smiled, weakly. After eating I had returned to my old pudgy self, it was quite unsightly to see myself even in the mirrors.

I spent some time in the shower, relaxing and scrubbing my body from head to toe. When I got out I noticed there was only one person in the changing room with me. It was Tenya, I was shocked, he had not a stitch of clothing on. I admired his body, much better than mine for sure. Everything about him, his solid biceps, muscly calves and thighs, rock hard abs, I admired and adored about him. Even his trouser snake was impressive, with the tufts of deep, midnight blue hair, shrouding his penis. He caught me looking at him and giggled, playfully. I covered my face in embarrassment, I was pinker than his tip.

"Don't be embarrassed Amao, it's just anatomy." Tenya smiled, opening my locker, which was next to his. "You and I both have the same parts."

"God you sound like Tatianna and my dad." I laughed.

"Well, your dad taught you right." He next pulled on his underwear, I did the same, next putting on an oversized t-shirt. "Who's Tatianna?"

"When we get home, you're coming over and we're going to watch Tatianna perform 'Same Parts'" I held his hand as we both finished changing.

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