Chapter 33

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"No more Genso, just leave me alone." I cried, crawling up into a ball.

"You think, just because you go to U.A, you think you're better than me!" I looked up and saw him, his face was menacing, his jaw sliced from ear to ear, his darkened cloak waving fiercely. He shot out several illusions from the back of his cloak. "YOU WILL NEVER BE BETTER THAN ME!"

In front of me stood an illusion of me, and my classmates, they stood laughing at me. Calling me names like Genso used to call me. They even kicked me and punched me, causing physical pain.

"Weak!" Bakugo snarled, viciously.

"Faggot!" Kirishima retorted, punching my back.

"Who'd want to be friends with a fatty like you?" Midoriya looked down at me, kicking my chin.

"You're nothing." Uraraka stamped on my head, causing me to be sick.

"Poverty stricken fleabag." Shoto kicked me, flipping me on to my back.

The kicker, the ones who truly cared about me. Tenya, Uncle and Dad.

"I only got you into the course to see you fail!" Uncle laughed. "You are nothing! USELESS WASTE OF SPACE!"

Tears fell from my eyes, I couldn't use my quirk. I was scared, defeated, I was slipping into old habits, cutting all up my arms.

"You are no son of mine, I've tried to help you Amao, but nothing can help you, you beast! Do you hear me?" Dad held my neck, his fangs of teeth spat at me. "DO YOU HEAR ME!? YOU ARE PATHETIC!"

I was dropped forcefully to the ground, spluttering, bleeding, crying. My sorrowful tears mixed with blood, vomit, saliva and mucus, I was a mess, and I had given up.

"I've never loved you, I only wanted to make you feel special, just to see how far you would fall back down." Tenya walked towards me. "You mean nothing to me. I wanted to figure you out, and break you down. I NEVER LOVED YOU!"

I felt a powerful kick to my stomach, I flew backwards several feet. I did nothing but cry. Instead, I accepted my fate. I knelt before him. Prepared to fail. All for One made an appearance, he stood in front of me, menacingly. I shook in fear.

"You're nothing but a beast, no hero agency would want you, BEAST!" He shouted at me. I curled up into a ball, reliving painful trauma in my mind.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF HIM!" Suddenly the smoke cleared.

Aizawa POV

I gripped the edge of my seat, looking at Amao's body, it made me want to cry. I wanted to help him, but I couldn't. I just knew he was being affected badly.

"Class, you need to help him." I whispered under my breath.

"Is that the kid who went ape-shit at the sports festival?" Emi laughed.

"He's not an ape, so you can shut the fuck up." I snarled.

"What? It's true, has he got that quirk under control or not?" She spoke. I was glued watching the scene that was unfurling in front of me.

"He's a troubled kid, but one of the strongest willed for sure. He is no beast, nor freak or ape." I gleamed, pointing out Amao's winning ticket.

"I bet that's what they call you in the sheets, Shota, a freaky beast." Joke laughed. "Please marry me and have my babies!"

Amao POV

As the purple smog cleared, I saw them, saw them all standing in front of me, every last one of them. Class 1-A, they stood surrounding me.

"Did this fucker lay a hand on you?" Bakugo shouted at me, whilst he and Kirishima pinned down Genso.

"I'll fucking kill you all!" Genso broke free from Bakugo's restraints, shouting in immense desperation.

"Did you really think we'd leave you?" Tenya held his hand out to me. I picked it up.

"Not for a second." I wiped my eyes from my tears, lying through my teeth.

"You know we are all here for you Amao, always and forever." Midoriya stood in front of us.

"Let's fight together!" Yao-Momo, Jiro, Uraraka and Mineta suggested.

"Let's play a game Amao!" I heard that voice, but I showed no fear. "DID YOU HEAR ME!?"

"Shut your mouth." Shoto sent a barrage of ice towards him, Genso smashed through the barrage. He sent one of his strongest illusions towards us.

"Living Nightmare!" He screamed. I looked up and saw that everyone was confronted with their respective innermost demons.

I stood in front of mine. It was me, but I was bestial, a feral creature. Images of me standing over my dead classmates and family graced the peripherals of my vision. My lip wavered in fear.

"You will never make it, Amao!" Genso snarled. "You are no hero. You're just a pig! A beast! A faggot!"

"I am Amao Odayaka!" I shouted, I prepared my Ultimate move. "And I am a hero! DO YOU HEAR ME!?"

My words shook the whole of the battlefield.

"I AM A FUCKING HERO! YOU FUCKING FUCK!" A red glow expelled from my body, completely decimating the ground beneath me (Imagine Burgundy's Dewott vs Irises' Excadrill: Dewott's revenge, specifically.) , clearing the illusion in front of me.

I charged towards the illusionist. He tried his best to break me down, sending fourth petty illusions. My friends were there to deflect them from me.

"Take him Amao!" Momo created a pole from her arm, striking an illusion in the mouth, whilst Tsu used her tongue to wrap the beast up.

"Fucking get him!" Bakugo and Kirishima struck two illusions.

"We believe in you!" Hagakure, Sero, Denki and Mina cried.

"We love you Amao!" Uraraka, Sero, Aoyama, Midoriya and Todoroki held down another illusion.

I ran towards Genso, he had one more illusion to send towards me, he sent it towards me. Tenya jumped in front of me and shouted.

"I'll give you a boost!" He held out his hand towards me. I took it. "You ready?"

"I am!" I spoke. I took his hand.

Tenya lifted us both off the ground using his reciproburst. He spun us round vertically, building us both speed. After building enough speed he let go of me.

I shot towards Genso with such force, my muscles in my arms swelled with pride. His eyes widened with regret, a tear falling from his eyes. I struck him out with the ball.

"That's it! No more passes will be issued!" The intercom voice shrilled.

As I turned behind me, I saw Genso begin to fall to the ground. I shot towards him and grabbed his body. I wrapped him in my grasp tightly, subduing him gently to sleep.

"Ultimate move: Cuddle prison." I whispered. I laid him gently on the ground and looked back up to my classmates.

My classmates smiled widely, I ran towards them, hugging them all as tightly as possible. Bakugo had missed my grasp completely.

I walked over to Bakugo, everyone looked at us.

"You're not going to hug me are you?" He stared past me.

"Take this as a sign of respect and thanks." I held out my hand to Bakugo, he swatted my hand away

"Tch, it's not like I love you or anything." He started to walk towards the exit..

"You don't need to." I smiled, thinking about Iida.

As the class walked towards the successful participants, everyone was laughing and joking about the first part of the test. I kept thinking about Genso's words "Pig. Useless. Beast." They made me want to cry and shrivel up into a ball and hide away. 

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