Chapter 49

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The next couple of days were dedicated for me to train, reflecting on what Mirko said, I needed to now think beyond my own limits, training and testing myself until pure exhaustion.

"Don't let them anticipate your next move." I repeated to myself, keeping my balance in a handstand.

"Truer words have never been said." I heard two voices. I looked up and saw Ojiro and Mina.

"Oh! Hello you two, sorry you've caught me at an odd time." From my handstand, I flipped onto my knees as they sat in front of me.

"Amao! You really should've been on the dance team for the School festival, you have great flexibility a dancer would kill for!" Mina smiled.

"I agree, you really have great control over your limbs." Ojiro sat on his tail.

"This might seem a bit awkward to ask, but..." I turned away, embarrassed. "Can you guys help me train?"

"Of course, just tell us what you need." They both stood up, proudly.

"I need help with developing new attack patterns." I took a couple steps back.

"Well, I know where to start!" Mina put her hand up into the air, creating a mild acid. She slid gracefully towards me, her movements so fluid. "You see how I'm using my quirk to move like a liquid?"

"I understand, but my quirk doesn't produce acid." I chuckled.

"It's called adaptation!" I then felt a punch to my shoulder. "Use your quirk to move, usual legs don't take you as far."

"Try this on for size, Amao." Ojiro rushed towards me, using his tail to propel himself towards me. He swatted me into the side of a tree.

I layed there in shock, it made me realise how much work I still had to do to refine my fighting style.

The next day we all sat in class, listening to Aizawa's boring lecture.

"Things only get tougher from here, although some of you don't have your provisional hero licences, you all have responsibility to act accordingly to any situation." Mr Aizawa said. After he stopped talking I heard a siren sound.

"Warning! This is a Hero Training Drill! Class 1-A, Hypothetical Villains have infiltrated U.A grounds. Neutralise the threat and get civilians to safety." Nezu's voice spoke through the speaker as red lights flashed. Our Hero costumes were dispensed through the wall.

"You heard him everyone! Get suited up and assemble at the scene!" I stood up from my desk and grabbed a couple of costumes, including my own.

As we got to training ground Beta, we gathered on a rooftop.

"As far as we know, intel is fairly limited." Tenya spoke to the class.

"That's right, Reconnaissance squad, if you will." I turned to my classmates, Jiro and Shoji. "I'll give you a helping hand too."

With them, I listened out for possible casualties, as well as any villains in the area. Tentacole was able to pinpoint a fire, whilst Earphone-Jack was able to detect a casualty. My ears picked up on something different.

"Someone was swept away in the river, that's our first priority. A fire near a collapsed building, that's our Second priority!" I announced. " Ingenium, Shoto, Froppy, Tsukuyomi and Grape Juice you guys go ahead, we'll come up the rear!"

As everyone spread out, I began to run with Uravity, Pinky, Deku, Creati and Cellophane. Suddenly, there was another huge Blaze that erupted from the rubble.

"Cellophane, Uravity and Pinky, I trust you can handle this!" I looked up and already saw that Operation Rainy day was already in action. The operation was effective and to the point.

"Watch out you guys!" Earphone-Jack spoke into our earpieces.

Suddenly, Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki appeared, they were playing the parts of Villains. Nejire held Pinky hostage.

"I'm going home." Amajiki turned around and began to take off.

"C'mon Amajiki, at least put up a bit of a fight!" Nejire pleaded. "We've got an important role!"

"What do you want evil villain!" Deku performed.

"...I want to go home." Amajiki stood in front of us.

"Then why are you still here?" Ojiro questioned.

"B-because Hado will get mad at me." Amajiki stuttered. "But Mirio wanted me to fight, so I will."

Within seconds Amajiki had shot tentacles towards us. Using some debris I managed to block the tentacles from hitting us.

"I'll take Amajiki, you guys help retrieve Pinky!" I spoke, just as Amajiki smashed through the concrete I held.

Looking at the pattern of his tentacles I was able to identify a safe route to attack him. It was as if things were moving in slow motion. I ran towards Amajiki, taking into consideration what Mina and Ojiro had told me about adapting.

"How are you getting so close to me?" Tamaki spoke.

I dove through a lattice of octopus tentacles that Amajiki had laid out to me. But when I got closer, I could see he was preparing another attack. His nose grew sharper, it scraped my cheek, causing it to bleed.

"Swordfish, that's a new one for you." I jumped backwards.

"You were too predictable, going in for a direct hit." Amajiki ignored my flattery, his words confirmed what I was working towards.

I looked beside me and saw Red Riot, Chargebolt and Bakugo. They were able to weaken Amajiki, however they were no match for Suneater. The three of them were knocked down quite quickly.

"Back for more?" Amajiki shot towards me using his chicken wings. He used his clam hand to strike me.

I built up strength in my arm, but then reflected briefly. I needed to change my attack plan. With my muscle grown in my arm, I blocked the clam attack from Amajiki's left. Due to the impact, I was propelled further from Amajiki. I activated the stronger depth of my quirk, my pupils turning a hue of red, nails extended to extreme lengths.

I charged towards Amajiki, he gathered all ten tentacle fingers and shot them towards me. I remembered what Mina and Ojiro said, Adapt my movements to my quirk. Taking that into consideration, I shot ahead, utilising my sharpened nails to slice through the almost impenetrable octopus tentacles. When I got closer, I ducked into a handstand. I powered up my legs and kicked the tentacles in the opposite directions, leaving the whole of Amajiki's chest open. With my balance unfazed, I grabbed Amajiki with one hand and thrusted him into the ground, therefore immobilising him.

"I think that's the drill over." I layed down next to Amajiki eating a protein bar. I turned to him. "You want some? It's got beef jerky in it. Good for hoofs."

"I'll pass." Amajiki sat us both up.

"That is the drill completed." Nezu spoke through the speakers. "Please get changed and return to your assigned classrooms."

"That was awesome Amao!" Mina ran up to me and hugged me. "You really adapted!"

"All I really did was change up the way I distributed my power." I sighed.

"Yeah but that flexibility really came in useful!" Ojrio patted my back with his tail.

"I guess so." I chuckled, walking with everyone back to the locker rooms.

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