Chapter 56

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It had almost been 24 hours since we had rescued my father. I had gone to visit him, but he was left comatose, connected to tubes and machines. My Uncle sat by his bed with me.

"Amao, you saved him." Uncle patted my back.

"I don't understand why he didn't fight back." I gripped onto his bed rails.

"Bear, it's not in dad's nature to fight back." Uncle reasoned with me.

"I don't want to shit on my own dad, but it was stupid for him to not fight." I held my dads cannulated hand.

"This is your chance to change that Amao." Tashiro sighed.

"What do you mean?" I looked up at my Uncle, he wiped the tears off of my face.

"Succeed in the areas that your dad wasn't as strong in." Uncle spoke enigmatically. "Much like you, he used to pride himself on saving lives. However when it came down to fighting, your dad was less confident, leaving most of the fighting to me."

"So find the balance?" I raised my head.

"Exactly, find the balance between rescue and combat!" Uncle smiled at me. "And don't give up in the face of adversity. That's one of the biggest attributes your dad had."

Afterwards, the nurses had to treat my dad, which meant that we had to leave. I kept replaying what Uncle said to me, "Balance". It struck me and inspired me a lot.

I was walking through the halls of U.A and everyone looked at me proudly. I was just about to turn into my classroom when the door slammed open wide.

"Amao! How's your dad?" Tenya squeezed me tightly. "And how are you feeling?"

My classmates looked at my concerned expression with even more concerned expressions.

"Dad lost a lot of blood, he's in a coma at the moment." I wiped a tear from my eye.

"Amao, we're so sorry." Kaminari, Sero and Mina came to hug me.

"It's fine! It's all fine!" I lied. "But it's not..."

"This should cheer you up." Yao-momo used her quirk and created a small origami panda, intricately folded and ornately made out of golden paper.

"Thank you for your support." I tried to smile.

"Who was the villain you took down?" Shoto asked me.

"Uncle told me that his name was "Animator" or something?" I played with the paper panda. "His quirk allowed him to touch anything inanimate and be able to control it."

"Interesting, father was looking into someone with that sort of quirk." Shoto trailed off.

"Alright everyone! To display what we have been learning in our work studies, get changed and meet at training ground Alpha!" Tenya displayed a more calm side to him, it was refreshing and I much preferred this side.

"I like this new attitude." I handed Tenya his case.

"Manual did a really good job at teaching me leadership skills whilst also remaining cool and collective." Tenya started to dance really awkwardly.

"Tenya, I love you, but let's not..." I chuckled, pulling him out of the classroom.

In the locker rooms, I had most of my costume on, however my coat and fingerless gloves still remained on my lap. I was staring down at my dads ring.

"What's that Amao?" Deku picked up my dads ring.

"Deku, please give it back!" I pleaded with him. He saw my emotion and immediately gave the ring back.

"I-I'm sorry Amao. I was just curious." The green haired boy apologised to me.

"It's ok." I slid the ring onto my finger. "This was the only thing I was able to grab before the apartment went up in flames. My dad's old ring that he wore when he used to be a Pro."

"Don't tell me it can-!" Midoriya suddenly beamed. I quickly covered his mouth.

"What's the ring do?" Kiri and Sero chuckled.

"Shh! You'll have to find out." I stood up and put my trench coat on.

"C'mon everyone, let's go." Tenya stood at the door, guiding us out.

"Do we have to?" Mineta yawned as he spoke to me.

"Yup! Kick it guys!" I raised my fist into the air.

I was hoping to inspire my classmates into doing a good job, even though behind my smile, I was worried. Worried about my dad and if he would ever wake up.

"I am here! And I have cotton candy!" We all briefly walked past Small-might. "Since Mr Aizawa isn't here today, I'll be watching you show off some new moves and skills that you've picked up on during your work studies."

It was awesome to see all the different moves that my peers had come up with. We all fought against powerful robots that could use laser beams to gun us down.

"Amao, what've you learned?" Small-might pointed to the huge robot standing in front of us.

"To never give up hope, even in the face of adversity!" I shouted.

Using my quirk, I propelled myself towards the huge robot, I shattered the earth beneath my feet and braced for impact. Once I was inside the robot, I dislocated my own limbs and swung my sharpened claws around the inside of the monstrous machine. I shot out the other side of the robot, flipping and landing on my feet in front of my classmates. The robot fell to pieces, microscopic metal shards.

"Fuck whats wrong with your arms dude?" Kaminari looked like he was about to be sick.

"You guys might want to look away." I huffed. Sero, Mineta, Iida and a couple of the girls watched. With two cracks of my shoulders, my arms returned into their respective sockets, the same with my elbows too. "I've learned that through using my quirk, I can dislocate my joints which allows me to fit in small places, and become a lot more fluid."

"When we said that your dexterity was needing improvement, this is not what we meant, sweetie." Mina chuckled, uncomfortably. "But it's awesome nonetheless."

"Amao! You didn't tell us what the ring does!" Mineta jumped onto my arm, with a sense of urgency.

"Oh yes! I forgot!" I chuckled.

"Amao, is that your fathers?" Small-might's eyes widened.

"Mhm, Kirishima, I want you to use unbreakable." I pulled him aside.

"What? Why?" Kirishima was caught off guard.

"Trust me, I'll go easy on you." I smiled, sweetly.

"O-ok!" Kiri stood back. "Red Riot: Unbreakable!"

On the underside of my dad's ring there sat a button. I clicked that golden button and the magic happened. My fingers were wrapped up in a golden-plated tungsten knuckle duster. It glimmered in its unused glory. I bowed to Kirishima and charged towards him. Just before striking him, I saw the nerves in his eyes. I redirected my punch into the ground. The impact shattered the dirt beneath our feet.

"These are the legendary knuckle dusters Mr Bear used to use when he was a hero." I smiled. I pressed that same button and the knuckle dusters reverted back to the singular ring that sat on my middle finger.

"That was amazing!" Everyone beamed at me.

"Young Amao, you gotta get the support department to make you a pair of those." Small-might put his hand on my shoulder.

"As much as I respect the support students, my dads carry a legacy, one that I'm going to carry." I spoke.

"I respect that decision, it's so manly." Kiri shed a tear.

"What've I said to you." I whispered in his ear.

"Sorry Amao." Kiri whispered back.

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