Chapter 1

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Another week of pure torture, finally finished. I ended up speaking with my uncle, Uncle Tashiro. He was a pro hero, and his quirk made him look like the way that he was, similar to mine. He managed to convince me to go to the try-outs at a prestigious Hero School, U.A. I was probably going to look stupid going there, I'd be surprised if I could even fit through the door. But needless to say, I was so anxious being in such an unfamiliar environment, breaking my usual routine.

My dad had dropped me off, I looked so out of place, I felt it too.

As I walked in, I was guided to a huge exam hall, where everyone was sat, ready to take an entrance exam. I sat next to a tall boy, no where near as tall as me, with short black hair and glasses. I had to admit, he was quite embarrassing. He stood up and asked a question and people looked over at us, I felt so embarrassed and shaken. My heart rate was so high, I was sweating too. I could've asked to go into a separate room but I didn't want to seem weak.

When the exam started my mind went blank, but these questions were quite simply common sense questions. I managed to squeeze every bit of information out of my brain and onto the paper. I hoped I did well, but knowing me I probably didn't pass.

"Your time is up!" The man at the front of the hall told us. "Now you have been assigned training grounds for your next assessment, head to them and wait there!"

He was so loud and I hated it, sudden loud noises made me nervous. But I had gone, and waited at this training grounds, there was a huge gate that was going to open and unleash us into a 10 minute mock battle with robots that we needed to defeat. I was terrified.

"Focus Amao, just chill and don't let go." I repeated to myself. "If the worst comes to worst, you can always rely on a snack."

"Seems like a good idea." A small green boy looked up at me and had a crooked smile on his face.

"Leave him to concentrate!" The guy with glasses and the blue shirt who sat next to me in the exam hall stood up for me.

"Thank you." I whispered under my breath.

"Your mock starts now!" the man on the intercom said. As the large doors opened, everyone jolted off in different directions.

I ran in a different direction than everybody else, in hopes of finding more robots to destroy.

"I'll destroy you!" A robot appeared behind me. It was worth 3 points.

I froze as it came towards me, I didn't know what to do. A sudden gust of air passed me and the robot was destroyed. I turned behind me and saw that the guy with the blue shirt was there.

"Look, if it gave you any help, there are lots of people who wont be getting into this school, so dont be like them." He said before rushing off again.

I clenched my fist, claws growing from my nails and I ran. I came across some people who were trapped under debris, I used my quirk to lift the incredibly heavy debris off of them. I did that with a bunch of people too.

I came across that same green haired boy from before, he was about to be crushed by a slab of concrete, swiftly I jumped in and pushed him away. Using the strength in my legs I pushed the slab upwards to get it off of me.

"Thank you." He smiled.

I didn't know how to respond, I was awful at being social so I just ran away looking for another person to save.

I managed to find my way into a busy area, crowds are my worst enemy. That was until I heard an extremely loud noise. I shrieked with shock at the next opponent we faced. A huge green monster loomed over the fake city, it made my stomach sink. People began to run away, some were hurt and others were trapped.

I swiftly began to save those who needed help, there was a girl who was trapped, she looked exhausted. I didn't say anything but I still wanted to help. So I lifted the debris that she was trapped under and threw them towards the huge robot.

"Thank you so much." She smiled.

I directed her to where everyone else was.

Looking up I saw this Robot come towards me. It was a threat, a threat to my life, a threat to the safety of everyone else. It was just like one of those bullies I have to face on a daily basis. I began to see red, a rage coursing through me, unstoppable. My teeth grew sharper, claws became longer, my eyes turning a bloodshot red, my irises turning crimson. My hair became rough and my body, the greatest change about me; My body shed itself of its loose skin and fat and became pure muscle, my biceps bulged from my hoodie, my calves had huge veins running through them.

"You wont hurt me, not today; not ever!" I huffed, I could see my breath expelling from my mouth.

As the creature leaned towards me, I shot towards it. Running on all fours up its arm, using my claws to tear it apart. I then grabbed one of its loose wires and used it to swing around it and land a kick right into the side of its face, the power snapped all of the wires keeping the thing alive. I then tore it limb by limb, creating deep lesions in its metallic body. Suddenly, I saw competition, a green flash and then the corpse of the dead robot was on the floor.

I landed on my knees on the floor, My claws dug into the concrete floor. And then my arms, huge gashes appeared on my arms Swiftly, I tore open the protein bar I had in my pocket and ate it in one. I turned normal, fat and disgusting. I looked over and saw people stare at me, a look of disbelief strewn on all of their faces. I saw that green haired boy fall to the ground. I moved to where he was and caught him in my arms. I felt bad that I was getting my blood on him, so I put him down.

Soon enough the amazing Recovery Girl stepped in to help the green haired boy, his arms disfigured and legs broken; This was nothing for Recovery girl. She kissed him and his bones became fixed. She then came up to me, however I had already been bandaging my forearms up.

"Let me see dear." She looked at me, many other people looked over too.

"Its fine, I don't want to waste your time." I said before she ripped my bandages off.

"Dear, dear, let me fix this." She kissed my arms, the bleeding wounds healed but the leftover faded scars remained. "Deary, are you-!?"

"I'm fine!" I snapped, seeing red for a second. "Do you have any food?"

She handed me some gummies and I devoured them instantly.

I swiftly left after this to reflect on the day, and how I will not be getting into U.A.

Narrator POV

"Amao Odayaka, 16 years old. Height: 196 cm. Weight: Unknown. Quirk: Giant Panda- he has all of the attributes and skills a giant panda possesses, however, if he doesn't consume enough calories, he will become hangry, and incredibly volatile." The small-mouse-like creature announced to the gallery of Heroes, who watched Amao trudge towards the exit.

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