Chapter 8

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Weeks had gone by, and I had kept working on my physical strength, running twice a week, I even started lifting heavier again and my uncles home Gym three times a week. I started to notice the change in my physical appearance, my chest was starting to become more pronounced, in addition to my biceps starting to grow bigger. However, my eating habits hadn't changed much. But now, it was another day, where we were in class Listening to our teacher, who had been wrapped up in bandages due to his injuries.

"The Sports festival is something no aspiring hero should miss. You all need to do your absolute best or you won't get very far in life." He muttered through the dressings.

After class was over, I could hear thousands of footsteps outside of our classroom door. My suspicions were correct, there seemed to be around 232 people specifically, minus the 12 who had multiple appendages that dragged across the floor.

"Move aside extras!" Bakugo snapped at the other students.

"Well, from what I can tell, you guys are a bunch of asses." Another student piqued my curiosity, purple hair, sluggish walk, total disregard for his external appearance. He spoke with a scratchy tone of voice, his vibrations in his baritone speech had hints of persuasion.

"Sweet talker..." I mumbled to myself. "Or maybe manipulation?"

"Consider this my declaration of war." He then looked at me, laughed and stated. "I didn't know they let whales into U.A."

Those words rocked my body and mind, Tenya looked back at me with a concerned look. I only looked back down at my own desk. Then a loud burst of noise interrupted my train of thought. It was another male, obviously more muscular than me, remarkably similar to Kirishima. As he spoke, I caught a whiff of rusted metal, I tasted metal on my tongue.

"Iron related quirk." I mumbled, writing it down in my phone.

"He wasn't wrong." Tokoyami shrugged.

"He could've said it in a nicer way though." I chimed in.

"Still. It was so manly." Kirishima shed a superficial tear.

"It sucks though because he made everyone hate us!" Kaminari curled his fingers towards himself in frustration.

"Nothing I'm not used to." I joked, however my peers looked at me confused, I took it as my opportunity to exit.

The Next Day

It was finally time to show the whole of Japan, who I was, not that they would care anyways. We were currently in the 1-A room. I was so anxious I couldn't eat, even though I had to, to prevent anything from going wrong.

"I feel sick." I hyperventilated.

"You don't need to eat that much Amao." Mina said as she tied up her laces.

"It doesn't work like that Mina, and I really wished it did." I put the empty bucket of popcorn beside me as we were then called out to the main arena.

"Whale." I turned to see Bakugo standing in front of me. "It's clear to see that you just aren't cut out to be a hero, you aren't strong enough to beat me, nor anyone in this class."

"What did you say? I'm sorry, I had my earplugs in." I lied, I felt increasingly nervous, anxious, angry at this comment. Todoroki brushed me off as we all walked out together.

Tsuyu moved next to me and wrapped her tongue around my arm.

"If you want to leave, let me know and I'll go with you." She smiled sweetly.

"I don't want to ruin this opportunity for you Tsu." I puffed up my chest as we walked.

I underestimated how many people would be watching us, it was scary, very scary, and loud too.

"This year, I will be your umpire!" The R-rated hero, Midnight announced. "I understand her whole thing of being sexual, but is that really appropriate for this?" Tokoyami and Kaminari proposed.

"I like it! Strong, female empowerment." I stared, respectfully of course. That was until...

"Taking our Student pledge this year, we have Amao Odayaka!" My heart sank, everyone stared at me, I looked up at her and she signalled me to come to the microphone.

Slowly, I etched closer to the stage, crawling up it my heart was racing and I now wanted to leave. Midnight coughed as an attempt to get me to speak. I froze in fear, a couple of the other class members started to smirk, and smile at me. I felt myself getting defensive and I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"You all stand here and mock me, but I'll have you know, I'm stronger than I look." I snarled into the microphone, visions of red crossed my eyes for a brief moment.

I returned to my standing place, noticing people had shifted away from me ever so slightly.

"It's time now to introduce the first challenge!" Midnight whipped her hair around as the first challenge was revealed. "The Obstacle race! All classes will compete in an obstacle race around the circumference of the stadium facing different obstacles along the way. As long as you stay within the boundaries, you are free to do whatever you want!"

After the rules had been explained, we then had to line up at the starting line. There were so many people I knew I had to find an alternative route than running through the tunnel.

"GO!" She shouted.

It was like a discount sale at the artisan bakery. Everyone was gunning for the same loaf of bread. As everyone tried to fit into the small arch, I took an alternate route.

I used my strength in my legs to jump up onto the wall, digging my hefty claws into the concrete, I began to crawl on the wall, I swiftly cleared the archway and began to run, faster, and with more power than I had ever shown before.

"I don't believe it! Amao is in first place!" Mic sounded astounded. "But, Shoto Todoroki is sure to catch up!"

I turned beside me and saw him catch up to me. Within seconds, many of my classmates followed behind me.

"Get back here you fatty!" I heard Bakugo shout behind me.

I was stopped in front of a robot. It was one of the 0 point robots I had destroyed during the entrance exam, I was reluctant to fight it. So I didn't.

"Why aren't you fighting it!?" Bakugo snapped at me.

"Because, I'm not strong enough!" I replied, running past him. "A real hero knows when they're not strong enough!"

As I did this, I felt a cold rush past me, making me sluggish and sleepy. It was Shoto, speeding past with his ice quirk.

"Amao was smart, he recognised his strengths lie in alternate ways, he amended his previous mistakes and decided to press on with the main focal point of this challenge." Aizawa muttered into the microphone.

As I ran, others began to catch up, my legs grew tired but I knew I needed to work quickly. The second obstacle was another story.

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