Chapter 48

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A couple days later and I was sat in my dorm room, picking out an outfit for the day, when I got a news flash about a man getting taken down by the Pro Hero Hawks for Flashing. I giggled at the news article and clicked away. Yesterday evening, we watched the new Number 1 Pro Hero, Endeavour fight with hawks against a huge Nomu creature. It was interesting listening to how he spoke whilst fighting, I won't even lie, but I was inspired by his words too, I knew If I told Shoto that, he wouldn't like it because of all the abuse he suffered as a child. Although it was a Saturday, I had a lot of stuff to do; I needed to pick up some cooking and baking supplies, check in on dad and pick up some new clothing items. I walked down to the common area and picked up my school ID that I had accidentally left out.

"Alright everyone, I'm going out! Text me if you need anything!" I said before walking out. I put on a bobble hat and scarf as well as my new coat that dad sent to me through the mail, to stop me from getting cold.

On my walk I came across many unique places, like cafes and parks. Frosted over slightly with ice. I walked into a cafe, in the same place where I had first interacted with that child on a rampage during my internship with Uncle Tashiro.

"Oh my God! Its Mr Panda!" The barista pulled out a piece of receipt paper. She bowed her head. "May I please have your autograph?"

"Of course you can, whilst I'm at it, could I possibly get a cappuccino to go?" I began to sign the paper. Within seconds she had already prepared my drink.

"Oh let me pay for that for you Mr Panda." A man beside me quickly jumped beside me and payed for my drink for me.

"Thank you, that was very generous of you." I reached into my pocket and gave him a couple of yen as a reimbursement. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a homeless man looking at the pastries in the window. "Could I get one of them please?"

After purchasing the pastry I went outside and kneeled in front of the homeless man.

"Take this, I know its not that much right now." I handed him the pastry. I also wrote down the name of my dad's restaurant and the address aslo my Hero name. "If you get hungry again, don't hesitate to go to this address, say that the Cuddle Hero: Mr Panda gave you this."

"Bless you child, you're a great man and an even greater Hero." He smiled and bit into the pastry.

"You don't need to be a hero to save people." I smiled before walking away to the store, listening to music as I went.

Once I reached the store the first thing I was greeted with was a loud shout.

"THEIVES! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" I took my earphones off and looked up. I saw a group of hooded individuals running from the scene. It looked like they had just robbed a jewelry store.

"Get civillians to safety, call the police and an ambulance, get hero back up too." I told a security guard. I dropped my headphones, coat, scarf and had and ran up the escalator.

In front of me, there stood the band of thieves. I sat on the side of the railing and yawned at them until they noticed me. One of them held a gun up to me.

"You're that kid!" The tallest and skinniest of the group shouted. I smelt the faintest hint of elastane on him. His joints reeked of the stuff, from my guess, he could elasticate his body.

"Its about time you meatheads noticed I was here." I laughed. "Just give the stolen jewellry back and you guys can be on your way."

"Fuck off!" The most muscular of the group approached me, looking for a fight. "You want a fight? You'll get a fight!"

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