Chapter 15

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Today was the day I headed to My uncles agency in Eshua City. I was super excited, he was also picking me up, so I didn't need to take the train, that scared me the most. I stood outside the train station and watched the car pull up.

"Get in kid! We have work to do!" Uncle opened the door and ushered me in.

In the vehicle, Me and Uncle Tashiro were speaking about my quirk.

"Amao, you and I both know you have a lot of training to do to get your quirk under control, however, I have faith that you can do it, or at least make significant progress in controlling it." Uncle said. "But I think the biggest flaw is that you have a fear of fighting."

"That's true." I held tightly onto my briefcase, containing my costume.

"There's a student I'd like for you to meet when we get to my agency, he was just like you when he first did an internship with me. He's still a nervous wreck, but he's not afraid of fighting anymore." Uncle then offered me a dango stick. I tried to refuse but that didn't go down too well. "Oh, and for the record, you will be confidently eating with me and my little protege."

"Yes sir." I sighed, eating the dango, it was the best dango I had ever eaten. "Is this shit enhanced?"
"Nope, just your fathers recipe." He chuckled. "Plus, I'm going to have my costume maker remake your costume."

"Could you tell I wasn't comfortable in my previous one?" I chuckled, nervously.

"Mhm, Allmight showed me the footage of when you did that training exercise, my designer is already remaking it for you, but more flashy and more you." Uncle then opened the door for me, as we were now at his agency.

The place was huge! When we walked in, the smell of fresh bread wafted through the air, the agency was ornately decorated, yet with a very homey and comfortable feel. Fatgum waved to someone, I looked at him, he was a very nervous individual. He approached us, his eyes locked onto the floor. He was a 3rd year student from U.A, known as being a part of the top 3

"Amajiki, meet Amao, he's going to be interning with us for the week." Amajiki held out his hand. "Amao isn't one for handshakes, definitely more of a hugger, aren't you."

"You bet." I smiled. "It's nice to meet you Amajiki."

I wrapped him in a hug, it was like his tense body softened to mush in my arms, he relaxed almost instantly.

"Nice to meet you too, Amao." He yawned. I then broke from the hug.

"Fatgum, Mister Panda's Hero costume is ready now." A secretary said, smiling at me.

I was called to try my costume on, and it was perfect. Ever so slightly different, but it was great.

"Amao, from the footage, it was clear to see you were uncomfortable in anything that showed your skin, that's why we designed this." Fatgum said. "A sleeveless white shirt, black shorts with lots of pockets for snacks, black platform boots that go up to your knees with silver buckles, grey gloves. A sleeveless trench coat, that's split in two just above your tail, held together by a black nylon fabric utility belt with a silver buckle."

"This is awesome Uncle!" I smiled, looking in the mirror I finally felt myself. "The gloves have holes for my nails to extend too! And the fabric is really stretchy so it can grow with my muscles."

"Yep, by the end of the week, you'll also be getting a new support weapon I had authorised for you!" He then held up a bottle of hair dye and a pair of earrings. "I noticed how when you have your piercings in and you dyed streak, you feel your best... So how about we make them permanent?"

"Of course!" I beamed!! Super excited for what was to come.

After a couple of hours, my permanent white streak in my hair was now a prominent feature of mine. I put in the new piercings too, a double lobe piercing, industrial on my left, conch on my right and a U-shaped septum piercing. I looked so great, no one could tell me otherwise. I then met up with Amajiki and he said,

"You look great." He mumbled.

"Thank you -jiki!" I created a nickname for Amajiki already.

"It's training time now." He suddenly linked arms with me and walked towards a door.

During the training, it was clear that Fatgum was trying to incite my Fight or flight response, I was urged to control it with all of my heart. It was difficult at first, but I quickly began to get the hang of it.

"Direct your quirk to that training dummy!" Fatgum ordered.

I looked at the training dummy and charged towards it, Amajiki tried to distract me using his quirk, he had octopus fingers that flew down towards me, trying to trip me up, however I jumped over them, dodging each flying attack. I managed to strike the dummy, incapacitating it. Next target was Amajiki himself.

"I'm not going easy on you Amao!" Amajiki seemed to be fired up, despite his nervousness. He flew towards me using chicken wings, he morphed his hand into a clam and struck me, I grabbed onto the arm, fully conscious. He shifted his position so that he was facing away from me. Suddenly, I felt a kick in my face, a forceful kick that blasted me into the ground.

"I had to eat horse meat for that kick." Amajiki gagged.

I was so confused, suffering a pretty nasty concussion.

"That concludes training for today! Go get some rest my boys and remember to join me for dinner tonight!" Fatgum jumped down and patted us both on the back. I was loving this internship, despite currently having a horse hoof print on my face.

That night I was talking to my friends, talking about how our internships were going, I showed them my new costume and they were in agreement that it suited me much better than my older one. I also heard that the Hero killer, Stain, who attacked Tenya's brother, was in the area where Tenya, Shoto and Midoriya were working. Every night I worried about their safety. 

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