Chapter 31

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A couple days later, our new costumes had been officially upgraded. I loved the new costume. I even got the approval of my peers too.

"The new costume is awesome Amao!" Denki smiled, giving me the thumbs up.

"Yeah man! Looks totally manly!" Kirishima flexed his muscles.

The new suit reflected my old suit very well, using the same base layers as I had in my previous suit. However, my new fingerless gloves had extra padding added to the knuckles, wrists and palms, for extra support when I was in melee combat. My palms also had a textured silicone surface, coated with a layer of incredibly strong grip material. In a similar way, my boots also had this same material. In addition to this, my boots had titanium studs added to the bottom. This was to add grip to my feet in addition to adding more power in my leg kicks during combat. My trench coat-jacket had a cool new pattern, a deep forest green at the ends of the jacket, graduating to a lighter green, the jacket also had intricate gold outlines of bamboo leaves and stalks, to reflect my quirk, in addition, the hems were also in a gold tone. I also had new ear cuffs that were placed behind my ear, with an in ear radio too. The impressive part to these ear cuffs were that when the surrounding noise became over 106 decibels, the cuffs would expand, cupping my ears in a protective layer of noise dampening foam, which also allowed me to tune in to specific noises, from subtle footsteps to high pitched cries. Also, my support weapon had been upgraded too, my new whip was now fashionably metal, a 10 feet stainless steel anchor chain whip, perfect for effective long range combat with versatile abilities.

"Amao watch out!" From my daydream I looked up and saw a chunk of rock heading towards me. I took no chances.

Using my quirk to spring up towards the rocky target. Extending my sharpened claws, I struck the rock. I watched as it smashed into 4 separate pieces. For some extra damage, I cracked my whip and shattered the concrete rock into particles no bigger than pebbles.

"Was the whip really necessary?" Kaminari laughed. I cracked my whip again, this time in his direction, he gulped suddenly, that was when I changed the direction of the strike by using my hand to move the extending whip to the left. The chain wrapped around the male and I pulled him in closer.

"For that extra 'flare', yes the whip is necessary!" I smiled, dropping him from my grasp.

"It's like he completely changes when he is in his costume..." I heard Small might whisper to Aizawa.

"I know...but I've noticed something." Aizawa replied.

"Hm?" Small-might spoke.

"He still feels guilty, for everything." Those words summed up everything that I was feeling.

That night, everyone was exhausted in the dorms, dinner still had to be made and everyone just wanted to go to bed, knowing full well the provisional licence exam was tomorrow. Everyone was in a slump, I sat quietly to myself, looking at the fridge, then, the idea popped up into my mind.

"Everyone! Since the exam is tomorrow, we all need to be on top of our game!" I stood up and ran to the fridge, pulling out a couple of compatible ingredients. I started to cook, however I noticed that I was missing a very important tool.

"Tenya, run upstairs and get me my wok!" I ordered.

"On it Amao!" Tenya responded, a couple of seconds later he gave me my wok.

Around 30 minutes later, I had finished the meal. A hearty and nourishing chicken stir-fry, one of my dad's specialties. A combination of vegetables, rich in essential nutrients, shredded and seasoned chicken breast, with a golden poached egg to top the meal off.

"Extra chicken for us three." I topped up Kirishima, Shoji and I's meal with more chicken breast. "For extra protein to help out our muscles tomorrow."

"Oh! And extra avocado for you Yao-momo." I smiled, adding the avocado to her plate. "Extra lipids and fats, whilst also being very tasty and fulfilling."

"How do you know all of this Amao?" Midoriya began to eat his food. "This is so delicious!"

"It's not rocket science, it's about choosing the right foods to promote healthiness in your body and quirk, so eat up, there's seconds on the counter, and don't feel ashamed to dig into them!" I smiled. I then began to walk to Aizawa's room.

Once I got there, I knocked on his door. He opened it partially.

"What do you want Amao?" He said, groggily.

"For you, same as us, but with carrots, red peppers and spinach." I smiled. He took the plate confused. "High in beta-carotene and vitamin C."

"But why?" He questioned.

"As a thank you, for all that you do for us." I smiled.

" Well thanks anyways. Now wash up and go to bed." He then shut his door. I returned to the class, who were arguing about doing the dishes.

"That's not how you load a dishwasher!" Tenya was hand-chopping the air. "There is a system! Cutlery in the basket, plates in the plate rack! Kaminari! Don't put dish soap in the Dishwasher!"

I whistled to get everyone's attention.

"Listen up everyone!" I started. "Each day, two people will load the dishwasher, I say we do it in order of class seating, so that means, Aoyama and Mina, you guys are first!"

"No fair!" Mina whined.

"Do you want to do it on your own Mina?" I asked her.

"No thanks!" She quickly returned to loading the dishes.

"It's crazy how you can achieve order so quickly." Shoto spoke ominously behind me.

"I'm just making sure everything runs as smoothly as possible around here." I said before walking upstairs to bed.

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