Chapter 37

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It was a beautiful morning, and everyone had collected in the common area as per Aizawa's orders.

"Class 1-A is going to have a news article about life in the dorms, don't know why, but there." Aizawa spoke. There was chatter in and amongst the class.

"Why do they have to do it now?" I scowled, I felt a hand touch mine.

"It's going to be fine Amao, trust me." He said, holding my hand gently.

"Amao, Tenya, as class representatives, you have the responsibility of keeping everyone in line!" Mr Aizawa shot a glare at us, I heard him whisper under his breath. "If you two would stop holding hands."

"Of course sir." I spoke.

"We will make sure everyone is performing at their best!" Iida chopped the air.

"No need, I'm here to observe you in your natural environment." A man walked through the door and stood next to Aizawa. Tall, average build, black hair. His palms, significantly giving the appearance of camera lenses. "Hello everyone, my name is Taneo Tokuda."

"Nice to meet you." We all bowed.

"No need to do anything fancy, just act yourselves and carry on with your day." He spoke.

" that case, should I start on breakfast?" I asked.

"We'll help out!" Tenya, Tsu, Mina and Midoriya chimed in.

"Great, let's get started." I smiled.

I got a couple photos of me cooking in the dorm. My own special recipe, named after my Uncle, the Toyomitsu Tamagoyaki. 9 decent sized omelettes cut into manageable pieces. 3 plain, 3 spring onion and peppers and 3 meat variants, it was ideal for my classmates to take whatever they wanted. We also had a side of rice to go with it.

"Eat up everyone, hope you enjoy!" I smiled, remembering my cooking heaven.

"So do you enjoy cooking?" I turned to see Tokuda next to me, I froze for a second.

"Um... Yes, my cooking makes others feel happy, which makes me feel happy." I spoke.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but Tashiro Toyomitsu is your uncle, yes?" He pointed a camera in my face.

"N...not biologically no." I remarked, I got a couple of odd looks even from my classmates.

"Figured, you're nothing like him!" Tokuda panned the camera around. I felt hurt, very hurt by the remark.

The school day was pretty uneventful, usual goings on. Language, then physical activity, then art history, lunch, more lessons, more photos, more quirk training.

Tokuda POV

So far, I've narrowed it down to the 6 who got to the Semi-finals of the sports festival. However, the two most interesting out of the lot are Amao Odayaka and Izuku Midoriya. Amao, his quirk is incredibly strong, and he was able to attack All Might, some serious balls and strength if he was able to do that, but he lacks any confidence, which is unusual for someone who potentially could inherit All Mights powers.

Amao POV

I sat down with Tenya outside, I wasn't feeling that great, feeling panicked.

"Calm down Amao, tell me what's up." Tenya spoke. I failed to form words or any coherency in my sentences. "Take your time Amao."

"I...I felt hurt. I felt hurt when the reporter said about Uncle." I clutched my heart. "It's true we aren't biologically related, but he treats me like his nephew and I look up to him like my uncle."

"Blood related or not, you have such a wonderful family." He said gently. I kissed his lips quickly.

"About family, have you told your parents yet?" I asked.

"No...I'm still trying to work things out." He scratched his head.

"Take your time, you know if anything goes wrong I'll be here no matter what!" I held his hand and spun around with him, wrapping him in a hug.

The next afternoon, we had just been given the all clear to go ahead with work studies. I was in my dorm room, when I got a panicked knock.

"Ope-!" The door flung open. It was Tenya, he was borderline in tears.

"They know Amao." He hyperventilated. I knew what he meant. He showed me his phone.

I read out some of the messages that his parents sent to him. With a photo of us kissing, Tokuda took the photo, I was angry.

"Why is it that I wake up to see a photo of you kissing another boy? What is going on Tenya? I thought we raised you better than this. We're disappointed in you, Son." The message from his Dad made me wretch.

"What do I do?" Tenya held on to my hand.

"Tenya, you need to tell them that this is who you are." I told him.

"O...ok." He began to type. I helped him respond.

"Mother, Father, I understand how you may feel. It's time I confess to you that I am in love with Amao, very much so, and if you do not agree with this, then you are free to call me or arrange a visit with me at any time." He reread the message to me.

"Good, now listen to me, you need to promise me that whatever they say, you stay true to yourself." I held my hand on Tenya's rapidly beating heart.

"I will and It's true what I said in the message." Tenya's lip quivered. "I do love you and you mean so much to me." 

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