Chapter 45

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That evening we had gathered in the common space as we still had to decide what event we would plan.

"I know that we are training to be heroes, however we need to be mindful about the damage we've caused for the other students." Iida spoke, sitting next to me. "We need to think of something that can boost their spirits."

"Amao, we can do a soup kitchen!" Yao-momo placed her hand on my shoulder excitedly, I shook at the sudden touch.

"As much as I would like to, I don't think I could compare to Lunch Rush's cooking, let alone cooking for that many people." I spoke. "I found it stressful to cook for Class 1-A and 1-B together, so for a whole school, that'll send me down a spiral."

"What about the disco?" Mina suggested once more, her feet moving quickly.

"I like that idea." Shoto stood up and joined the conversation. He showed us a video of a concert, it was a shame he didn't know what a concert was though. "This is a form of entertainment apparently."

"Music, singing and dancing, perfect!" I beamed. "Mina, you can choreograph, Jiro, I can help you with the music! We just need a special effects person." I questioned. I looked at Shoto. "Shoto, you take special effects!"

"That sounds like a plan." Iida smiled. "All in agreement."
"Yep!" Everyone cheered.

The next day I was invited to visit Eri, with Mirio and Deku. I remember walking into the room and seeing her little body twitch when looking at us.

"Hey Eri-bear, sorry we couldn't see you earlier." I smiled. "I bought you some cookies, give them a try."

She was reluctant to eat anything, but more interested in our names.

"I know Lemillion, but who are you two?" She asked.

"Amao Odayaka, Mr Panda is my hero name. I helped save you." I smiled.

"Izuku Midoriya or Deku." Deku sighed.

"What about the other man, with glasses?" She spoke, tearily. "You all got hurt because of me."

"It wasn't your fault Eri, none of this was your fault." I spoke softly to her.

Mirio spoke incredibly well to her, making her aware that we are all happy that she is safe. Eri tugged at her face, pulling her mouth upwards, in an attempt to smile.

"It's silly, but I've forgotten how smiling feels." She shook in embarrassment. My claws poked at my skin in anger.

"Eri, you can't force a smile, trust me because I've been exactly where you are right now, things get better and you will learn how to smile again, and I hope to be there to witness it." I gave her a loving hug. I knew she had a long way on her road to recovery, and I was going to be there for everything.

"We can take her to the School festival!" Midoriya suggested. I smiled widely at his idea.

"What's a festival?" Eri asked sweetly.

"It's a big event held at our school! All of the different classes arrange fun activities for the other classes to enjoy!" I held her hand with both of mine. "There will be music! And dancing! And lots of really good food!"

"Is it your food?" Eri asked inqisitinvely, as she bit into another one of my cookies.

"Eri, I don't think I'll have the time to make food for everyone! But just for you, I can make something for you." I patted her head. She once more tried to smile but nothing came out. I got a text from Jiro saying that I needed to head back to help with the concert planning. "Oh! Eri, I need to head off now, can you promise me that you'll eat some more? I know it can be difficult but you can't survive on my cookies alone, ok?"

"I'll try..." I could tell she was lying, but I didn't want to pressure her.

"Ok Eri-Bear, I'll see you at the festival." I gave her one last hug before walking out. "I'll see you two later, Mirio and Deku."

Later that evening, we were listening to Jiro talk about her ideas for the concert.

"The festival is in a months time, we need to think of popular music that could work well and that people know." Kaminari spoke first.

"Does anyone know how to play base? Or drums?" Jiro asked.

"Amao! You can play an instrument." Tenya raised my hand for me.

"I play the saxophone, Tenya. Its hardly a trendy instrument." I put my hand down.

"Bakugo can play the drums!" Sero held a pair of drumsticks to Bakugo's chest. "Give it a try, or is it too hard for you?"

Within seconds, Bakugo had hopped onto the drumkit and began to play a killer piece of music. That was sorted, however the reasoning behind why he agreed was quite peculiar.

"We are responsible for everyone being on edge, everyone hates us, why should we even care about what they think! We are here to fight! Not make friends." He shouted.

"If thats your reasoning, lets murder these fuckers with killer music!" I smiled at Bakugo, his face went red for a second and he looked away, I could hear his heartbeat becoming faster the longer he was near to me.

"I studied piano since I was a child as part of my classical training, I'd be willing to play as part of the band." Momo announced.

"Great! I played base, but all we need now is vocals and guitar." Jiro smiled. We were then reunited with Midoriya, Tsu, Kiri and Uraraka, who had to catch up on their work studies. Luckily I was able to catch up in one day, it was obvious I had a little bit of a one up from the others.

"If you guys need a vocal, it should be you Jiro." Uraraka.

"Yeah! When we listened to you playing music! Your singing was amazing!" Hagakure clung to Jiro.

"I...I don't know." She withdrew from speaking. I walked up to her, I held her hand and looked at her in her eyes.

"Do you want to sing together?" I smiled. "Every since I heard you sing "Fly me to the moon" when I played my saxophone in the first couple of lessons, I knew I wanted to sing it with you again."

"A-amao, can you sing?" She blushed a bright pink colour.

"Mhm, as well as my saxophone, I used to fill in for the choir members who didn't show up. I'll admit, with a large lung capacity, pop music isn't really my specialty, but I'll give it a try." I admitted.

"Lets here you both, together." Yao-Momo created two microphones using her quirk.

"Lets give it a go." I looked at Jiro, she breathed heavily and closed her eyes. "Do you know this one?"

I whispered in her ear and she nodded, with a proud smile.

"I'll start singing the soprano part, you can fill the tenor line." She said. After that she began to sing. An emotional, yet extremely beautiful song.

Together we sung a beautiful rendition of "And I am telling you" by Jenifer Holiday.

".. Tear down the mountains! Yell, scream and shout, you can say what you want, I'm not walkin' out'~" I sung with a hoarse, and gravelly voice to display the pure emotion of the song.

When we finished everyone seemed to be in tears. Jiro hugged me tightly.

"That was awesome Amao!" She smiled.

"The vote is unanimous!" Tenya wiped a tear from his eye. "Jiro and Amao are are lead vocalists."

"I hope you all are ready, because concerts aren't usually just two people singing." I smiled, a sadistic look crossed my face.

"W-what do you mean Amao?" Midoriya's face went from happy to fearful quite quickly.

"He means, that all of the dancers will be singing at some point." Jiro spoke.

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