Chapter 14

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A couple days later and it was now Monday morning, I was on my way to school and it was certainly raining quite heavily. On my walk I saw Bakugo. He was soaking wet. I walked over to him and he looked up at me.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"Walk with me please, I need to talk to you." I replied. He said nothing, but walked with me, under my umbrella.

"I know you're going to apologise to me about the Sports Festival, but just forget it." It was like he read my mind.

"I know, but I wanted to express my apologies." I handed him over a box, we had just gotten into the school by now.

"What's this?" He asked plainly.

"Something sweet for you, please just take them Bakugo." He opened the box and was taken back, this was because in the book were 6 baked shortbread biscuits, decorated with royal icing, all made by me and me alone"

"Tch." He chuckled slightly before dumping my work into the bin. "The only apology I'd need from you is a rematch, you coward."

I sighed and walked up to the classroom. Opening the door, I saw my friends and they all smiled and waved at me.

"Nice nails Amao." Sero complimented the forest green nail polish I still had on my fingers.

"Thank you!" I smiled. "Oh! And before they get crushed, I made everyone a gift from me to say thank you for all of your support."

I handed out a similar shortbread biscuit to every person in our class, each decorated with royal icing to look like a chibi version of my classmates, even Mineta got one. Everyone told me how delicious they were. We sat talking until Aizawa came in, he didn't have any bandages on, which was great. We sat quietly, listening to him.

"About the Hero internships I spoke to you about before the Sports festival, on the screen shows the number of Pro Heroes who are interested in you." He clicked at the projector and it displayed the bars ranging from the most offers to the least offers. I was at the top. "As you can see, Amao is at the top, getting an offer from the number 2 Pro Hero, Endeavour, Fatgum, Mount Lady and Miriko just to name a few. This was because he showed a wide range of his non-violent fighting skills during the battle portion of the festival."

I was surprised people actually liked me and wanted to work with me.

"Now, today you will be choosing your Hero Names, and because I don't want to do this-." Aizawa started, half way through talking, Midnight dramatically burst through the door, boobs first of course.

"I will be taking this lesson!" She announced, proudly. Every male in my form went bright red, all they could do was stare at her breasts, it made me uncomfortable. She handed out whiteboards and everyone wrote furiously, I did too, considering I knew the perfect name for myself. "Hero names! You need to take into consideration the type of Hero you want to be in future! Pick something inappropriate and I'll have to teach you a lesson!"

I appreciated Midnight's sensuality, it suited her. I was caught in a daydream when I was called up to reveal my name.

"So, Odayaka! What is the name you have chosen?" She cracked her whip, softly as she took into consideration my sensitivity.

"I've chosen this name as it's an homage to one of the best Hero's that I take inspiration from." I revealed my board. " Cuddle hero: Mister Panda."

"Adorable! What a great homage to Mister Bear, wouldn't expect anything less from his son." Midnight nudged me, playfully. "We used to get along in our youths."

She then winked and signalled me to return to my seat, I followed her instructions and returned to my seat.

After a while, Bakugo was still struggling to pick his name, most of them included indecencies and violence. I raised my and, Midnight encouraged me to speak.

"What about? The explosive Hero: Dynamite?" I suggested, everyone turned to me.

"Thats actually a really good name." Midnight turned her head and nodded in agreement.

Bakugo refused the idea, and settled with his name for now. We were then encouraged to pick out an agency to internship with, I looked down at my sheet and saw 4 that stood out to me, Endeavour, Fatgum, The Wild Wild Pussycats and Miriko.

"Do I want to go with a battle focussed agency like Endeavour, or a rescue focussed agency like the pussycats, or someone that I know like Fatgum or someone with a mutation quirk like Miriko." I mumbled to myself.

"Go for someone who you think you could benefit the most from." Mina turned to me.

"I'm still not sure!" I sighed, slamming my head onto the desk. I then had a flash of genius, I knew exactly who I was going to intern with. "I've decided!"

After handing in my paper, Ochaco decided to walk home with me, a friendly gesture. We spoke to each other and our goals in life.

"I want to make lots of money to support my parents, make sure they can live a comfortable life." She said.

"I want to help others, children especially, they are the most vulnerable in this world and need direction in life." I said. "Think about it Ochaco, right now a little boy or girl is being abused, a child is being bullied, a teenager like us is planning to kill themselves."

"That's pretty heavy Amao." She turned to me.

"I know, but it's the sad reality of malice behind humans." I sighed.

"Who did you sign up for an internship in the end?" She turned to me curiously. I looked inside of my Dads window at the restaurant, and I smiled. "That's such an amazing choice."

"Fatgums agency, that's the sort of place I want to be!" I smiled, waving to my dad and Uncle.

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