Chapter 18

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A couple days later, we had just finished classes for the day. Professor Aizawa left us on a mildly affirming note.

"I trust you are all studying for your final exams, I trust you are also training for the physical portion too." He said. "Amao, can I talk to you outside?"

I stood up and left the classroom with him. He turned to me and said,

"Obviously, for the finals, you get 20% extra time than the rest of the students."

"Yes sir." I nodded in agreement.

"You are also allowed access to private information about the practical test too." My eyes widened. "All I can tell you is that you will be fighting against someone, not something."

"Thank you sir." I said before returning to my classroom.

I looked around at everyone, they were panicking about their placements in the midterm assessments, I wasn't worried too much for once. Considering I placed 2nd, just before Momo and just after Iida.

"If anyone needs any help, I'd be willing to share my notes." Momo smiled.

"Yes please!" A lot of our classmates rejoiced.

"I'll admit, the one thing I keep tripping myself up on is those godforsaken Quadratics" I trailed off. "Like how does someone look at a graph and say, Ah yes that deserves maths to explain it! C'mon it's just a squiggly line!"

"Amao, it's ok, I can run you over them again." Tenya and Yao-momo both raised their hands towards me, they looked at each other with scorned faces.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm going to need all the help I can get with them heh." I chuckled, nervously. "Oh, and I can help you both with your home economics work!"

Yao-momo went into a full on speech, it was adorable to say the least. From what I gathered, over the weekend, tea and great hall. That was all I needed to know.

As we sat down to lunch, I was actually eating in the presence of others for once.

"Its nice to see you eat with us Amao, ribbit." Tsu smiled.

"Its nice to see you all feeling so excited about me eating." I chuckled, but I noticed that there was one person who was not eating. "Midoriya, don't you feel hungry?"

"I'm still thinking about the practical exam." He said, poking at his chicken. "I just wonder what it could be."

"Ok, I'm not technically supposed to tell you, but I'm going to anyway." Everyone looked over to me. "But you cannot tell anyone."

"Go on." Tenya was intrigued.

"Ok, so due to me being autistic I get extra information about the practical exam as well as extra time in the written exam." I said. "Aizawa told me that we won't be fighting something, but someone."

"Really?" Midoriya stabbed a piece of chicken with his chopstick. "That changes things."

"That leads me to believe that we are fighting villains." Shoto spoke, solemnly.

"My thoughts exactly." I said.

"Interesting. That means we should put a focus on our combat skills." Tenya pounded his hand on the table.

Over the weekend I spent a day at Yao-momo's house revising, revising at home too. As for the practical side of things, I went and trained a lot with Tenya, he ran in the park and I flipped heavy tires. And then, the dreaded week came.

As I sat down at my desk, pencil in hand, a mixture of anticipation and determination washed over me. The final exam was here, the culmination of months of hard work and dedication. I glanced around the room, taking in the familiar sight of my classmates, each focused intently on their own exam papers. With a deep breath, I turned my attention to the questions before me. Despite the pressure weighing heavily on my shoulders, I reminded myself to stay calm and focused. With each question, I drew upon my knowledge, recalling lessons learned and concepts studied late into the night. The ticking of the clock faded into the background as I immersed myself in the task, my determination driving me forward. With every answer I jotted down, I felt a sense of satisfaction and pride, knowing that I was giving it my all. As the minutes ticked by, I pressed on, pushing past any doubts or uncertainties that threatened to derail my focus. And as I finally reached the last question, I couldn't help but feel a surge of relief and accomplishment. With the exam completed, I set down my pencil, a sense of satisfaction washing over me. Whatever the outcome may be, I knew that I had given it my best shot, and that's all I could ask for.

Those same feelings remained constant for the week, until it was friday, which really put me on edge. We were in front of the challenge grounds, standing in front of Nezu and the other Pro Heroes.

"This year, for various reasons, we are changing things up." Nezu smiled. "You will be working in pairs to defeat and apprehend one of our very own teachers!"

We all gasped, I just nodded my head. I had figured if it had come this, I wouldn't be facing off against Midnight or Cementoss, considering I overpowered them in the Sports Festival.

"Your partners and opponents have been preselected at my discretion." Aizawa spoke. "Your pairings are as follows."

Teachers lounge, a couple days beforehand, Aizawa POV

"Now, onto Odayaka." Aizawa stated. "He's the only one in the class who got prior knowledge of the practical exam."

"Hmm, putting him against Cementoss or I would not be effective in assessing his progress." I turned and saw Nemuri speak out.

"That's true. What I've noticed is that he doesn't like to make his own decisions, he'd rather take orders from others and roll with that." I thought for a moment. "I think I'll take him."

"What's the reasoning?" Ken asked.

"By capturing Momo and Shoto and eliminating his quirk, Amao is left with no choice but to save himself." I chuckled at my own plan.

"Are you sure Shota? Amao is quite the sweet talker." Anan spoke, robotically.

"I can take him, I know all of the perfect weak spots." I replied.

Back to the present, Amao POV

I found out that I would be fighting with Momo and Shoto, two fierce individuals who had much better quirks than I did. What made it even worse is that, we were against Professor Aizawa, fighting against him is the equivalent of fighting a real villain. He scared me.

"In instances where you find yourselves unmatched it would be better to run and get help." Aizawa shot a malicious grin in my direction. Panic settled through me. "First group, let's go."

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