Chapter 25

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"Amao, you can't!" Tiger put his arm in front of me.

"I am going to be a hero, if I have to sacrifice my life for everyone else, then I will." I said, starting to run into the forest. "He means so much to me and I will do whatever it takes for me to save him!"

"Stop it!" Mandalay shouted at me.

As I got deeper into the forest, my anger and determination grew stronger. I noticed the clearing. Where my classmates faced some ferocious villains. They fought valiantly, but in the end, they were no match for these villains. Shoji and Midoriya were on the floor. The blonde villain went to stab him.

"Stop! You've got what you're looking for." I jumped in, accepting the stab wound to the palm of my hand with the other end of the knife sticking through my skin.

"Amao! Stop!" Midoriya shouted.

"Get back to Mandalay." I told him and the others.

"Are you ready to go, Amao?" The villain, who reminded me a lot like Shoto, put his hand on my shoulder, a painful, burning heat radiating from his palm.

"Let him go first." I stated, plainly. "Let Tenya go."

"What if we don't?" Another villain grabbed onto my other shoulder.

"I'll tear your fucking guts out, still keeping you alive, making sure that you're practically begging for death." I turned to him, bearing my sharpened teeth.

"Compress, let the boy go." The fire-quirked villain ordered.

After Tenya was let go. He looked at me, his eyes welling with tears. I looked down at the floor, I couldn't bear to look at any of my classmates, who were in floods of tears.

"Tenya, tell dad I love him." I sniffled, drawing a fake smile on my face.

Suddenly, I was shrouded by a dark mist, the exact same mist from the USJ attack. I was worried, but prepared to accept my death, luckily, my death wouldn't be from blood loss, my quirk was still active. When my quirk was active, my fight or flight kept me from fainting or losing blood, just because the blood was being pumped into unaffected areas. I inhaled, just before my world went black.

Tenya POV

The next night had come, almost 24 hours since the attack had happened. My anxiety was heightened, I was worried about Amao, he needed my help. But no, I had to sit and listen to Midoriya talk about fighting back and rescuing Bakugo.

"Are you stupid? You were the ones talking me out of my reckless ways back in Hosu, and now you want to just defile it?" I snarled, I was so angry, I felt guilty that I wasn't able to protect Amao. I wanted to make sure he was safe, but I failed.

"Iida, please." Kirishima started, he was held back by Todoroki,

"I know you're frustrated, and we need to help Kaachan." The fact that he didn't even utter his name made me furious, as he got close to me, I acted without thinking. I struck him in the face, I wanted Deku to feel the pain Amao had to endure.

"I am frustrated! I'm concerned for my classmates, yes, but the fact you don't even take into consideration your class representative is disgusting and pitiful!"

"Iida, calm down, please!" Yaoyorozu pleaded with me, tears falling from her eyes.

"How can I stay calm when the love of my life is being tortured!" I confessed, everyone's eyes widened.

"Iida, we didn't know." Kirishima spoke.

"He sacrificed his own life for us! He is always there for us, but nobody is ever there for him. He goes above and beyond for the class, and we give him nothing but a smile in return!" I shouted. "I love Amao, so very much. His life is already in danger, so I will not let you endanger him even further by your selfish actions!"

"Iida, this is the chance to give back to Amao. This is our chance to fight for him, and Bakugo too. If we work together, covertly, we can save him." Midoriya spoke to me.

I thought for a moment, realising that I needed to help him, he laid down his life for me, so I need to reciprocate his actions. I also wanted to show him the love I have for him, despite my parents traditional views.

"That's it, I'm coming with you, we need to save both of them." I looked up at the sky, the stars twinkled, just like Amao's eyes.

Amao POV

When I awoke, I was tied down to a seat, my hands were locked in a metal cage. I was tired, thirsty and insatiably hungry. I looked over to Bakugo, who was in a similar contraption.

"Both of you boys show promise, that's why we want you to join the League of Villains." The 'head' of the league of villains, Shigaraki spoke, in a twisted voice.

"Jump into traffic." Bakugo snarled, I remained silent.

"What about that beast over there?" The hot villain, known as Dabi spoke to me.

"I'm not a beast." I replied, weakly. By this time I was relying on my quirk to stay alive, something I've never had to do before. It was strange, but I was scared, I just wanted to go home.

"My apologies, maybe beast was a little too tame?" Dabi chuckled. "Reject? Faggot? Pig? Yeah, pig, that fits you perfectly, just a fat little pig that needs to be taken to the slaughter house."

"Clearly, you haven't read my files like Shigaraki did, those insults mean nothing to me." I smiled, but it was true, those insults were just empty words by now. "If all you villains are this incompetent as not to read a high schoolers file, I can say in succession, that I do not belong as part of your little crew."

"That was a good one, whale." Bakugo turned to me and smiled.

"See my point?" I chuckled, sarcastically.

"You're just a gimmick, a sideshow act in a world of real heroes. Did you get lost on your way to a zoo? Maybe you should stick to munching on bamboo leaves instead of pretending to be a hero. You'll make a better exhibit than you ever will a hero." Dabi snarled at me, I obviously ruffled his feathers.

"It seems that everyone is particularly aggressive. How about we let you both out and we can reconsider this." The mist man intervened. Soon enough we were let out of our confinements.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, Principal Nezu, one of your kidnapped students has autism? What are you going to do to ensure that he fully understands what is happening?" I looked at the interview screen, and a reporter had asked Nezu regarding me.

"I assure you, this student does have autism, but I know that he is incredibly level headed, he knows what he is doing, and always prioritises the safety of others over himself." Nezu spoke.

I wanted to go off, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to control myself, not at this stage, I was just barely holding on to my own sanity, I was starting to slip, going back to my old ways.

"Starting to crack boy?" The Villain Mange started to laugh, I was sweating profusely, my teeth growing sharper, muscles fluctuating between normal and strengthened. I looked at Bakugo, he spoke in a really quiet tone of voice.

"They want you to crack, to use your quirk so that they can control you, don't lose control Amao." He whispered, the quietness was only picked up by me, none of the other villains could hear us. The tension grew to an alarming rate, I felt pain, as the sweat on my back mixed with the bleeding bullet holes.

"Did someone order a pizza?" A mysterious voice knocked at the door.

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