Chapter 16

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It was now Friday, my final day of my internship. All week I was training from 6 am to 6pm, working on my quirk, my strength and my confidence and it was starting to show. I was super excited as I got to go out on patrol with Fatgum and Amajiki. Currently we were walking through the bustling city, lights glared and many people were out partying. Fatgum had already dealt with two thieves and a drunk man. However I could hear something in the distance.

"My ears are picking something up." I looked at Fatgum, he turned to me and nodded.

"Suneater, fly up to that building and survey the area, we needn't draw too much attention to ourselves." Fatgum instructed. "Mister Panda, I need you to help civilians get to safety if anything goes wrong."

"You got it!" I gave a thumbs up, that was when I heard the noise.

A bloodcurdling scream could be heard in the distance, I saw through the crowd, a monstrous figure, rampaging towards us. He had the strength of a gorilla, but he glowed a red colour, similar to me when my fight or flight is triggered. I knew I had to get everyone to safety, Suneater and Fatgum were to take care of the fight.

"Everyone, this way!" I shouted, people did not hear me. It was difficult to hear anything in the panic.

I looked at the nearest lamp post. I jumped on top of it, wrapping my legs around it. I was above the crowd, just like when that alarm went off back at school, only, it was my time to respond first.

"Everyone! Try to remain calm! Follow this stretch of road! Backup is arriving soon!" I repeated, I looked back at the fight, it was ferocious, a televised villain fight between this villain, my uncle and my friend. They were getting pretty beat up, I couldn't stand seeing them get this beaten up.

Once the civilians were cleared, I jumped off of the lamp post and walked towards the fight, my trench coat tails dragging across the floor. Fatgum had his muscular body on display due to his valiant fighting. As for Suneater, he was on the floor, he was clearly in a bad state. I faced the villain and then it occurred to me, I could smell crayons, and fruit juice. The villain turned to me and began to try and punch me, this thing was huge, similar in size to the 0 point robots from the entrance exam, however, this was a person. All I could do was dodge the attacks, without proper authorisation, I couldn't use my quirk.

"Mister Panda! As a Pro Hero I allow you to use your quirk and engage in combat!" I heard Fatgum say.

I sprung into action. I used the power in my legs to jump up to the roof of the buildings, it was time to use my support weapon. I unravelled my new whip and started to strike the villain's body, powerful strikes to draw its attention from my family on to myself.

"Hey! Pick on someone your own size!" I shouted, running across the buildings, the creature following me, rampaging towards me.

I quickly jumped from the buildings to the ground, the monster swatted me into a wall, I collapsed, my fight or flight starting to trigger. The creature was going to crush me, I had to think quickly. I had to power up, I forced my fight response to migrate to my arms and legs, I bulked up just as the Villains fist landed on top of me. Using all of my strength I pushed it off of me.

"You Better step off!" I shouted, teeth sharp as knives. I alternated my fight response for my flight response, giving me enhanced alertness, agility and evasiveness. I suddenly heard desperate cries coming from the villain.

I did a back handspring to avoid another hit from the villain, I crouched, with one leg extended preparing my next attack. I cracked my whip behind me, I charged towards the attacking villain, climbing up its arm, whipping it, causing deep lacerations into its skin.

(Basically the first form of Love breathing from KNY)

I went for its body, but that was when it clicked. That crayon and juice smell, those cries. I stopped attacking mid air, getting faced with a punch directly to my stomach.

I tumbled through buildings, rubble and debris, I was quite injured. That was when I noticed Uncle and Amajiki stepped in for me.

"You did well Amao, but we can take it from here." Uncle said, he charged in for an attack, I cracked my whip towards him and wrapped it around his arm.

"Stop it! I know how to defeat him!" I cried out, I was in pain, but I knew exactly what to do.

I stood up and advanced towards the villain, it roared, screamed out in pain. I spoke to it softly.

"Its ok, I assure you, I understand you! I'm here and I'm not going to hurt you!" I spoke out loudly, affirming the creature. It cocked its head, crying its eyes out. "Don't be scared, I'll take care of you."

The monster started to shrink.

"That's it, now come to me, I'll be nice to you, give you all that you need." I spoke. The monster was now the same height as me. I wrapped my arms around it, comforting the monster. It slowly morphed into a small child, a little boy that softly slept in my arms. "That's it, go to sleep little guy."

I turned to Fatgum and Suneater, they were left speechless at my acts, Although I was bleeding, I didn't mind it considering I had just saved many lives. The kid was taken by social services, and ambulances took a look at us.

"That was incredible Amao." Uncle Tashiro looked at me. "How did you know it was a child?"

"I could smell crayons, hear the cries, he had a childish spirit. But he couldn't voice his feelings, I know what it's like." I chuckled.

"You're going to be a great Pro Amao." Uncle ruffled my hair.

Suddenly a reporter approached me, she wanted to ask some questions. So I complied.

"Hero! What is your name?" She asked.

"My name? The Cuddle Hero; Mister Panda." I smiled. "Currently, I study at U.A, I'm on an internship with the Fatgum Agency."

"What you did saved many, thank you for your service Mister Panda." She cheered for me.

"Don't sweat it! I only did what I know how to do." I replied.

"You have the potential to make it to the top Pro Hero!" She told me before walking away, filming more of the destroyed area.

I briefly looked at my phone, scrolling the news, looking to see if I had made it onto the major news channels. However something did catch my eye. It was a major news flash, reading; "Hero Killer Stain has been apprehended!" I widened my eyes and opened the story. "Three Hero Interns from U.A fought the vicious Hero Killer, by themselves."

I looked at the photo of the three people, my jaw dropped to the ground.

"They are going to have a strong talking too I reckon." Tashiro sat down next to me, handing me a piece of cake. "If they didn't get authorisation to use their quirk, they're going to be in a lot of trouble."

"Yep, I'll show them a proper reason for them to be in hospital." I joked.

"I'll drop you to the hospital tomorrow Amao." Uncle, Amajiki and I began to walk towards the car, to take us back to the agency.

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