Chapter 42

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Kuma Odayaka POV

I watched my son fight, he was brave, he was valiant, and a stronger Pro than I ever was in my day. He was using his quirk to fight, along with Izuku's One for All, and the child's rewind power. He was brave to have dropped the two, to fight one last time, without any restrictions for strength or power.

"Go on son." I smiled.

"He's come so far, and I'm very proud of him." I turned to see Eraserhead shuffle next to me. "Did you see him? I recognise a Seismic Toss from anywhere."

"Yup, I didn't even realise he knew I could do that?" I chuckled, watching my son fall, I had faith he would spring back. "I mean I guess it was my ultimate move from back in the day."

"Kuma, he's falling quite quickly, y'know." Shota looked at me, I looked at Amao, I tried to think nothing of it.

"He'll be fine." I smiled, he was getting closer to the ground. My smile turned to a frown. "He's not fine!"

I sprinted on all fours and caught him in my arms. He was softly sleeping in my arms. I returned to the rest of the heroes, with my boy in my hands.

"He drew so much power and strength, he fell asleep?" Ryuko sighed, and I noticed my boy start to wake up.

"Yup, when us panda's fight for too long or use too much power, our bodies say, "it's time to nap" which is almost unavoidable, similar to how hibernation works." My bear awoke. "Morning bear, how was the sleep?"

Amao POV

"Eri? Where is she?" I stirred, rolling out of my fathers grasp. Midoriya held her in his hands, however she was losing control of her quirk. Since most of my body was in dire condition, I crawled over to her.

I picked the small, white haired girl in my arms, holding her gently as she shone a vibrant yellow glow. I calmed her down and settled her nerves.

"Shh Eri-bear...I've got you, you can calm down." I rocked back and forward with her. "It's all fine now, the nightmare is over my love. When we get you looked at you can stay with me and I'll protect you."

I smiled as her quirk stopped activating, she fell into a deep slumber and I held her tightly. Looking over at everyone I saw that most of us were all in one piece.

"Tamaki, you're safe!" I tried to stand up but was wobbly, dad and Midoriya supported my weight.

"I'm glad you guys are all safe." He whispered, I noticed he stole a kiss off of Mirio's lips while he was asleep.

"Everyone! The Ambulances are here!" A policeman shouted. We all began to take everyone to their respective ambulances.

I saw Kirishima and Uncle Tashiro roll out of the gate, we ran up to them, I wasn't able to get a good look at Kirishima as he was quickly whisked away to hospital, Uncle was reduced to his skinny form which was a rarity.

"Skinny Fat!" I hugged my Uncle.

"Hey bears! Are you doing ok?" Uncle wrapped dad and I in hugs.

"Well, my legs are broken, so is my arm, I've got a puncture wound in my lung I'm pretty sure and I'll admit, I think I'm bleeding internally." I coughed up a huge blood clot. That was when I started to feel lightheaded. "Y'know what, I think I'm going to pass out again."

"AMA-!" I couldn't tell who those words were from, because I fell right back asleep into a healing slumber.

I woke up a while later, hooked up to many tubes, and a nurse came in and smiled.

"You're ready to go home now Amao, Recovery girl sure does work her magic." The nurse began to take apart the tubes stuck to me.

"She really does help us out." I flexed my scarred arms in the direction of the window. "How's Eri?"

"She's got a bit of a fever, but she should be ok." The nurse swivelled me around and began to dress me. As she took my shorts off, I was graphically reminded of Ume Sukabara and what she did to me. I began to sweat and pant heavily. "Are you ok, Amao? Amao!"

"I can dress myself!" I snapped, grabbing my shorts.

"Oh... ok then... Just get changed, your peers are waiting for you." The nurse exited the room and I finished dressing.

When I got outside I noticed that my peers had already left, Aizawa stood outside.

"I told them to get going." He looked away from me. "Amao, what you did today, you just proved to yourself how much of a great fucking hero you are."

"Mr Aizawa..." I held my head down in shame. "...during the attack, something happened to me..."

"Go on." He said as we got into the police car.

"A villain, Ume Sakubara, she..." I tugged at my collar, unable to find the words.

"Take your time." Aizawa put his hand on my back.

"She did things to me... and it was awful." I started to cry. He immediately understood what I meant.

"Amao, you'll be glad to know, Ume Sakubara is dead now." Those words sent a chill down my spine.

"R-really?" I asked.

"Yes, she was found dead when we were searching for survivors." Aizawa cracked a twisted smile.

"How did she go?" I looked out the window.

"She hung herself with her own ribbon, but before she went she wrote "I repent for the assaults I committed on the children." In her own blood." Aizawa smiled.

"So I shouldn't be worried?" I asked.

"No, but I'm going to get you into some more therapy, maybe even some anti-depressants if you wanted to." Aizawa smiled. "You know I'm thankful to have someone like you in the class, a level headed guy with a kind heart."

"Thank you sir." I reflected on the day, preparing myself for the future.

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