Chapter 53

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A couple days later, and we had finally gotten snow. It was awkward for me because I was sluggish and tired because of the cold, but I still wanted to experience the enjoyment. Tenya and I stood at the door, watching Kirishima take his shirt off and dive into the pile of snow.

"Kirishima! You're going to get ill!" Tenya yapped.

"It's ok, just let them have fun." I held Tenya's back and patted it gently. I yawned and turned back into the dorms. "Everyone! Come inside for a hot drink!"

I was able to prepare everyone a lovely cup of hot chocolate, making sure that they all got warm and comfortable in the dorms. That was when we heard about Bakugo and Todoroki's actions, not even half an hour after they passed their provisional exam, they had already taken down a villain.

We had reporters the next day, asking them about what had happened, especially considering they may have had links to a villainous organisation. I couldn't stop myself from laughing at Shoto's stoic and dishonest replies to the reporter's questions. Especially when you compare it to Bakugo's brash and insincere notions.

The next morning we sat in class talking about the destruction caused in Deika. I had heard that within an hour, substantial damage had been caused, however there were less casualties. I was nervous, villains were getting stronger, but whether or not the hero's could keep up was a different story.

"Ever since that guy made himself famous for talking about Endeavour, he's gotten tons more support." Mina smiled.

"It's not just about him though, people are turning to hero's more often now, supporting them in their entirety." I chimed in as I scribbled some words into my recipe book.

"Alright everyone! In light of recent events, we are giving you some lessons on how to deal with publicity!" We all turned our heads to see the amazing Mt. Lady and Midnight standing at the door. Mineta was trying his best to keep himself calm but he was failing quite miserably.

"Mineta, please control yourself." I sighed. He ignored my pleas.

After getting changed into our Hero Costumes, we were gathered into a sort of "Interview" stage, in front of everyone, with Mt Lady playing the role as a "reporter".

"Shoto, come up first." She spoke. Shoto advanced plainly. "You did amazing!"
"Wait what?" He was confused.

"Pretend you've just done a really important mission." Mt. Lady spoke. "And smile! All the ladies would just die to see you smile."

"Women will die if I smile?" Shoto was shocked.

"Ugh! Next!" Mt Lady signalled for Tenya to stand up. "You need to show off how your ultimate moves will help people. We aren't calling them out just for the sake of it, but as a personal calling card. C'mon Iida, let's see what you've got."

"My name is Ingenium! I am inspired by my brother, who also has the same name!" Tenya spoke robotically.

"Iida, I spoke to Ingenium recently, he said you haven't called at all." Mt Lady poked. "He said something about troubles at ho-!"

"That's all the questions I can take right now." Tenya hopped off the stage and went to the back of the class. I was going to go up to him.

"Mr Panda, your turn." The young Pro invited me up to the stage. "Give us what you've got, cutie!"

"Um...My name is Mr Panda, and I'll help anyone and everyone with cuddles and good food!" I beamed.

"Now that is what you call a good tagline!" Mt Lady patted my back.

When I got off the stage, I went straight to Tenya. I held his hand and asked. "Are you doing ok?"

"Tensei tried to call me a couple days ago, but I couldn't pick it up." Tenya gripped my hand. "I was too embarrassed, nervous and scared."

"I hate to be the one to tell you Tenya, I've been your biggest cheerleader and I will continue to be your biggest cheerleader." I started. "But I think you need to speak with him."

"But you told me to wait until I'm ready." He looked me in the eyes.

"I understand, but I think it's worth speaking with him before your parents." I looked just behind him, Midnight caught my eye. "Trust me, speak with Tensei, and we can go from there."

Days later and it was now Christmas eve. Unfortunately, the school deemed it "Dangerous" to let the students stay with their families over christmas, which shattered my heart. My dad was going to spend Christmas without me. But I had called him to ask what his plans were. He said that he was invited to spend Christmas with Uncle Tashiro, Gran Torino and a couple of other Pro Heroes, so I'm glad he was spending the holiday season with someone. But at the moment, the class was just enjoying the festive time.

"Eat up you guys! This is a true labour of love!" I explained it to my classmates. Almost every table in the common area was designated with a different food item that I had made. "I made sure that everyone had something that they would enjoy!"

We all sat on the sofa taking pieces of food from the plates. I made sure I separated a plate of a range of different foods to give to Aizawa, like I did every night for him. Whilst we were laughing and cheering, I noticed a string of Mistletoe above Tenya and I's head.

"You know the rules, boys!" Hagakure and Uraraka chuckled. We caught everyone's attention.

I laughed a little and gave Tenya a short kiss on the lips. He went bright red and huddled himself up. Everyone cheered for us and it was affirming.

We also spoke about the work studies, since they were being reintroduced.

"Amao, are you thinking about going back to Fatgum?" Kirishima looked at me.

"I'm not sure, there's someone else that has been on my mind." I looked down at the number on my phone. "I'm not sure if they'd want me."

After I said that, I noticed Eri and Aizawa standing at the door.

"Eri-Bear!" I ran up to her and gave her a big cuddle. "Welcome!"

"I- I think I'm supposed to say, Trick or treat?" She questioned.

"Almost!" I held her hand. "It's Merry Christmas."

"Ohh!" She opened her eyes wide.

"I got a present for you." I smiled, I held a small white box that was decorated with pink ribbons. I handed her the box as she smiled. "Open it Eri!"

As she opened the box, it was a photo of Me, her and a couple of our other classmates. It was framed in a beautiful wooden frame too.

"Thank you Amao!" She hugged me. "I'm gonna put this by my bed!"

"You do that, Eri-Bear." I ruffled her hair. "Now let's get some food for you."

For the rest of the night, we had a great time, dancing, singing, watching T.V, eating! It was a great atmosphere and a wonderful sight to see the class coming together as one. Being together made us feel like a true family.

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