Chapter 39

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Another day of our work studies had arrived, however, what was most notable was that Midoriya, Uraraka and Tsu were all heading in the same direction as Kiri and I. We ended up standing in front of a large building, meeting up with the big three.

"What's going on?" Deku asked as we walked in.

I was shocked to see many Pro's, my eyes widened realising who was talking with my Uncle.

"D-dad?" My dad looked at me and smiled, standing proudly in his ancient hero costume.

"Hey bear, how's it going?" I said nothing but crawled up into his arms. "I've missed you."

"S-so have I." I sniffled, trying not to cry.

"Mr Bear, it's a pleasure to meet you." Midoriya walked up to us and went to shake his hand.

"Son, if you know anything about the Odayaka's, we aren't much of a handshake-y family." Dad pulled Midoriya into a hug. He then turned to the rest of my classmates and the big three. "And you must be the lot that's been watching over my boy."

"Enough you." I looked up at my dad. "What've they got you here for?"

"Remember what Toshinori- All might! All might! Remember what All might asked me?" Suddenly, I remembered what was said.

"Must be bad if they've called you in." I chuckled a nervous laugh.

"Everyone, please join us in the meeting room." I turned to see Night-Eye, the former sidekick of All-might.

In the conference room, many pro heroes sat around the veneered table. The Fatgum agency was on one section of the table, which consisted of Fatgum , Amajiki, Kirishima, myself and Dad.

""My esteemed colleagues, in this solemn gathering, we stand poised on the edge of a formidable trial. The intelligence we possess, notably the disclosure offered by Mr Panda —the name 'Hassaikai'—represents the final, vital piece of our mission to dismantle the shadowy organisation that imperils our society. Yet, let us not diminish the gravity of our endeavour. The path ahead is fraught with peril, and the consequences are dire. However, it is precisely in these crucibles of adversity that our mettle is tested. Together, united in purpose, we must confront this darkness unflinchingly. Let us not falter in our commitment to uphold justice and safeguard the innocent. With unwavering resolve, we shall overcome every obstacle. It is our duty, our honour, to protect those who rely on us. Let us press forward, resolute and steadfast, for the hope of countless lives rests upon our shoulders. Together, we shall prevail." Nighteye spoke, and I felt somewhat proud of my contribution.

"Things are about to get ugly." I swivelled my head around to the semi-retired Pro, Gran Torino.

"I'll do anything to help out." Izuku told the room.

"We reached out to the HN..." Nighteye's sidekick, bubble girl, read.

"What's the HN?" I raised my hand.

"Hero network, how we make connections." Dad nudged me.

"Why did you decide to bring a bunch of highschoolers? We shouldn't be the ones picking up the pieces for them." The pro hero, Rock-lock snarled, viciously, he pointed at me. "Especially since that one has problems."

"Hey! Don't say that about the kid, yeah he struggles sometimes but that doesn't make him any less of a hero than you or me." My dad stood up to defend me.

"Well, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree I suppose." The other hero scoffed.

"Can we get on with it?" I turned and only just noticed Aizawa.

"Lets just say, after Tamaki's quirk was temporarily erased, Kirishima was able to deflect another bullet, meaning we had a viable sample to test." Fatgum spoke. "The results were truly sickening. The bullet contained...human blood and cells."

My heart palpitated, a pit grew in my stomach, but that was nothing compared to what was said next.

"That's not all, these quirk cells had hardly developed, they were weak, infantile. These bullets are being created by... a child." My eyes widened, my claws dug into the table, feeling so much anger in my body.

"Overhaul, that is the man who is responsible for this." Nighteye spoke. "He has a daughter, named Eri. Mirio and Midoriya crossed them, noticing visible bandages on her wrists and legs."

"That's sickening." I grew visibly angry, I was starting to see red, my dad put his hand on my leg, to stop me from shouting.

"Overhaul is turning his daughter into bullets, rallying allies and investors, giving them samples to network. We assume he is still in the testing stage. Imagine the destruction that a quirk erasing bullet could cause." Nighteye spoke.

"Then why aren't we doing anything!" I stood up and smashed my hands onto the table, I drew everyone's attention to me. "Look, I understand that this is incredibly dangerous, but the signs that Togata and Midoriya failed to recognise any verbal cues, that is a clear indicative sign that something is not right. I hope that this meeting is to discuss how to save her, because if this is a brash plan about charging into their headquarters, I wouldn't put it past Overhaul to end that poor girl's life quicker than we could even step one foot on their doorstep."

"We are going to save her." Nighteye spoke.

The plan was as followed, the heroes would investigate, and come back with information that they had uncovered. We couldn't falter or stop until we were certain that the girl was found.

After the meeting was adjourned, us students sat in a hallway, the mood was solemn.

"If we had Amao, things might've been different." Mirio sighed through tearful breaths.

"I wouldn't've been able to change anything." I made a fist. "I know I was vocal back in the conference room, but I realise that there wasn't much you could do without causing a scene."

"Amao..." Uraraka spoke.

"Its so fucked up! How the most judgement free and innocent children are made to do this, it's sickening. Children should be given a space of sanctity, not ultimate hell." I snarled, my claws dug into my palms. "I'm going to use as much force as possible, as punishment for what they did to that girl, and if it kills them, then so fucking be it."

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