Chapter 5

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I didn't know where I was, I was so disoriented. I then felt a presence behind me. I went to attack but realised it was a fellow classmate.

"Woah Amao, chill out, its only me." Mashirao Ojiro spoke, he sat on his tail.

"Good, at least it's someone who knows what they're doing." I walked over to him.

"You know what you're doing, deep down you know." He replied.

A bunch of villains faced us and started to run in for an attack, they were quick to overpower Ojiro.

"I don't know what I'm doing! I'm useless! I was useless then and I'm useless now!" I cried.

"Amao! Just think back to how you fought to save Midoriya!" Ojiro shouted, before being punched in the face.

"Fight to save others." I whispered to myself. I made a fist in my hand and charged towards the villains. "Get off of him!"

Each punch I took blew out a different fire, I managed to take down all of the villains without harming Ojiro too.

"Get on my back, we'll be quicker that way." I grabbed his arm and hoisted him into a piggy back.

We ran together, many villains crossed our path but we took them down, our favourite combo move was for me to throw Ojiro and he'd use his tail as a helicopter fan, swatting them out of the way.

"This is fun!" I smiled.

"You know you don't have to hide, I know you've got some killer claws." Ojiro knew things about me I'd never shared before, it made me slightly uneasy.

"How'd you know?" I asked, scratching a villain across the face.

"Because, I noticed you and Bakugou, when you fought, your nails dug into your skin, causing it to bleed." Ojiro took down another villain.

Suddenly, a wreck of burning rubble crashed down on us. We became separated, suddenly that same portal opened up and engulfed me once again.

"Ojiro! Be careful!" I tried to resist but I was too weak.

"I will, and remember to keep fighting for our safety, no matter who you face." Ojiro smiled.

Within seconds I faced All Might, Tsu, Midoriya, Mineta and Aizawa, who was on the floor unconscious. I then felt a hand on my neck, the hand it belonged to only had 4 fingers on my neck, not all five.

"Now All Might, you must think clearly about your next moves. As we now have a hostage." A creepy voice called out from behind me. "And what's your name my big furry friend?"

"Please take your hand off of me." I huffed.

"Amao, stay there." All might ordered.

"Amao is it? Well, it seems like you've been through some hard times, haven't you?" The voice placed another hand on my shirt, disintegrating the sleeve and revealing my scars on my arms. "Wouldn't it be lovely to get revenge on those who caused this to you?"

"Let me go, right now." I began to grow angry, furious.

"Why are you getting touchy? Is it because I brought up your fucked up past!?" The voice shouted in my ear, almost spitting in it too.

"JUST STOP IT!" All I could see was red. Hanger had taken over. I swiftly overpowered the scary man and broke his arm. I heard his bones shattered as he cried out, I didn't care, I wanted him to feel the pain. As he dropped to the floor I began to stamp on his face, hopefully leaving his nose broken in several places.

I then felt a pain to my stomach, a punch. I was blasted quite far but All Might stopped me.

"LET ME AT HIM!" I snarled, bearing my sharp teeth. Kicking and screaming from All Mights grasp.

"Calm down Amao!" Midoriya tried to get through to me but I couldn't listen, my ears were blocked with rage for this Villain.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I shouted. I saw All Might looking like he was torn to shreds.

Suddenly, Midoriya, Bakugo and Todoroki appeared, looking like they wanted to help with the fight. I didn't care, I just wanted to kill this creature attacking All Might, to save him.

I snarled a vicious growl. Before I charged towards the vile Creature. The warp gate appeared in front of me, I tackled it to the ground and tore open the metal frame keeping it together. The warp screeched in pain. I carried on attacking the "Nomu" creature.

Every blow I landed was no effect. However tearing off bits of flesh with my claws and jaws would help. I vividly remember through my rage biting down on the monster's neck, locking my jaw and biting down extremely hard, there was no way I was going to let go.

"Amao! Let go of it!" Kirishima shouted.

Suddenly I felt a pain in my jaw and my stomach, I was sick everywhere. I landed next to the others. Kirishima and Midoriya rushed towards me. I regained my normal state. All Might fought a ferocious fight with Nomu. Soon after, Nomu was destroyed.

Next the Pro Heros arrived. Present Mic used his quirk and i had to quickly cover my ears in defence, I was glad it was over however.

"Amao, your head is bleeding, as well as the rest of your body." Kirishima took my arm and helped me up the steps.

"I'm fine, I don't need your help." I swatted him away.

"Please just accept the help." The Red haired boy pleaded.

"No really, I'm fine." I said, even though I wasn't. I was so mentally shaken up by this experience, I was shaking like a leaf on the outside and the inside.

As soon as Iida saw me he ran up to me and asked if I was ok.

"Are you ok?" He asked as he sat down next to me.

"I could really use a laugh right now." I chuckled.

"Well if it helps you, I did forget my way back to the main school a couple of times." He said embarrassingly. I giggled a little bit.

"After this, I'm getting you guys round and I'm going to make us dinner." I shook my head, laughing all the way.

"How's Midoriya!?" I asked as the detective came past. Iida and Uraraka also jumped up, as well as Tsu.

"He should be fine." The detective sighed. Now, all of you get back to the main school and go home.

Iida and I chose to walk back to school, in the meanwhile, he asked me.

"Amao, before you came out, I had a brief talk with Kirishima." He looked at me. "He mentioned something about you being in an uncontrollable state, glowing red eyes, sharp claws?"

"Yes." I simply replied.

"He also said something about how the villain was talking about your past and you got really mad?" Iida looked away.

"Look Iida, what's your point? Because I'm not a huge fan of talking about this." I sighed.

"It's nothing bad...I just wanted to know if I could do anything to help you? Because as the Vice Class Representative, I need to make sure the Class Representative is performing his best, physically and Mentally." Iida told me.

"It's a Friday y'know." The blue haired boy gave me a questioning look. "If you want, you can stay over at my house for the night and we can maybe talk about it?"

"Sure, I'll call my parents to see." Iida smiled as we pulled up to the school.

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