Chapter 6

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After the Incident at the USJ I had to plead with my father to let me stay at U.A. Uncle Tashiro had to help me out too.

"Dad! I can hold my own there!" I argued with him.

"You almost killed Amao!" Dad pointed his knife he was holding whilst cutting up some vegetables.

"Don't you see Dad! I'm happy there! I have made friends! I'm the Class Representative! People actually like me!" I smashed my hand on the dining table.

"Tashiro, speak some sense into that boy." Dad shook his head.

"He's got a point, Kuma." My uncle stood beside me and placed his hand on my shoulder. "I was able to speak with All Might, only for a brief second and he said that Amao was able to fight pretty well. A true hero, he said."

"Ugh! Fine! You can stay there, but I want to meet these friends you've made." My dad caved. "Now, come eat, you must be starved."

"I'm fine." I tried to walk away but my uncle blocked my way.

Nope, eat up kid." Uncle Tashiro ushered me to my seat.

The next day, It was just like any other weekend, I woke up, was forced to eat breakfast, went back to bed and was forced out of bed to be somewhat active. That was until I got a text from Iida. It read "Hey Amao, is it ok if I stayed around at yours tonight?" Of course I replied with a yes. I told my dad and he was slightly sceptical, but he agreed to it in the end. So I sent the address to Iida and waited for him to arrive.

Almost an hour later, Iida appeared at the restaurant. I saw him through my window so I opened it and shouted down to him.

"Hey Iida! I'll be down in a second." I said, he looked up at me and waved with a smile.

I rushed downstairs and burst through the staff entry door in the kitchen. I invited Iida in and he seemed happy to be here. He went to the kitchen and greeted my father with a bunch of flowers.

"Sir, My name is Tenya Iida, a classmate and vice class representative of Amao. I thank you for allowing me to enter your home, your sanctuary." Iida bowed, his body being at a right angle.

"Oh..! Um... Thank you very much Tenya, I appreciate it." Dad smiled, carefully placing a couple of noodles onto a plate.

"Wow, you weren't kidding that your dad had a restaurant . Smells amazing too." He said as we walked upstairs to our home.

"Thank you, he tries so hard to make a living for us." I opened the door to the home, Iida took his shoes off in an act of respect.

We went into my bedroom, it was a bit of a mess, there were a couple of clothes I hadn't organised. He was hesitant to sit on my bed until I reassured him that it was fine. Still he was very formal and proper.

"You have a really nice room Amao, it is very cosy." Iida sat upright, I sat next to him, picking up and arranging my clothes neatly. "I see you're a man of organisation too."

"Of course! I get so stressed when things aren't properly organised, it makes my brain go fuzzy and I can't process anything." I chuckled.

Iida then got up and pulled a photo from my wall, it was of me, dad and Uncle Tashiro, however that was when I was younger, when people didn't judge me.

"Is that FatGum!?" Iida's eyes widened.

"Yeah, the one and only." I also held the photo. Covering my face of course. Iida managed to clock on to my action.

"Why cover your face?" Iida asked.

"It just reminds me of when I was happier, I'm envious of that child." I sighed.

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