Chapter 7

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It was early on a saturday morning, around 5:30 am, my phone was buzzing, peering over it with fuzzy eyes I noticed that the person that was calling me was Tenya. I swiftly sat up and answered the call,

"Amao, get dressed, we're going for a walk." He told me.

"What are you talking about Tenya?" I yawned, reluctantly.

"Look outside your window Amao." I heard Tenya sigh through the phone.

I did as he said and looked out of my window, low and behold, my blue haired peer was standing at the storefront of the restaurant.

"Give me a minute." I grumbled, annoyed that my slumber was interrupted.

I swiftly changed into some incredibly oversized clothes, a t-shirt, hoodie and shorts. Dad had knocked and asked what I was doing. And I told him.

"Well, have fun kid, and remember, no one at this hour is looking at you, you don't need to worry about a thing bear!" Dad beamed, he always knew how to hype me up, even in the times where I couldn't.

I then rushed downstairs and met up with Tenya. As we walked I asked him.

"So why did you want to get me out so early?" I asked, curiously.

"Because, I want to show you that the outside world isn't scary, plus, if you want... we can go for a little bit of a jog?" Tenya smiled slightly.

"If this is an elaborate plan to make me magically lose fat Tenya... it's not going to work." I put my hood up and tugged at the drawstrings as a couple of early-morning joggers passed us.

"No, I'm not saying that Amao." He sighed, "Look, come with me."

We walked for around 20 minutes before reaching the beachfront. I was incredibly sceptical about the reasoning as to why we were here.

"Amao, In a couple of weeks, U.A is going to be holding something called the-!" Iida started but I finished his sentence.

"Sports festival, I know." I said. "My uncle told me about it, he's going to be there. He's going to watch me, acting a fool, failing to prove why I should be in 1-A."

"Don't say that." Iida shook his head in disapproval. "Come on, run with me for a bit."

I reluctantly complied. We ran for another hour, watching the sun rise in the process, I have to admit, that was worth coming out for. I also enjoyed the presence of Iida. I greatly appreciated his dedication to building me up so much, even though I didn't believe in myself. My legs burned so much, however the pump I got from the run, my calves were just as muscly as they are when hanger takes over. I felt proud, even though I still looked ugly as fuck. I huffed, hunched over, I almost vomited over the grey concrete floor.

"Remember who you're doing this for Amao." Tenya helped me stand up, he also encouraged me to breathe, slowly and calmly. "You're doing this to prove that you are a great hero!"

"Too loud!" I huffed in between my breaths.

"My apologies, I think it's time to go home now." He said, as he noticed a couple groups of teens approach us. I turned around and noticed the group, fear rocked my body like a small ship in a ferocious tempest. "Let's go to Amao."

"Lets." I then took off, running as fast as I could.

As we approached my house, he asked.

"You know Amao, you still haven't given me your number yet." He held out his phone, presented to me a new contact screen. "Midoriya, Tsuyu, Shoto, Uraraka and I have a group chat together, we wanted to add you to it!"

"Mhm, I'd greatly appreciate that." I said as I filled out the information.

"Thanks, I'll add you right now." He then got a call from his mother asking where he had been, therefore he had to run home quite quickly, but he had kept his promise, he did add me to that chat, and like that, I felt slightly better about myself.

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