Chapter 19

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I was so nervous, Shoto, Momo and I had gone into a separate room. Devising a plan.

"We need to think of something." I said, heartbeat rising.

"Relax, I'm sure you guys can do it." Momo held her shoulder.

"It's a team effort." Todoroki sighed.

My mind was racing and I didn't know what to do, I raced to the toilet in my panic, I threw up everywhere. Tenya had just entered too, he ran over to me.

"Amao!" He helped me up. "Are you ok?"

"No, just nervous, that's all." I wiped the remaining vomit from my mouth. "Please Tenya, I just want to focus on passing."

"You will pass, I'm sure of it, you are someone who has that determination within you to just pull through." He wrapped me up in a hug. "I think you deserve so much, and I think you deserve to pass, you've worked so hard to get to where you are today."

"Thank you." I rested my head into Tenya's neck. A new feeling started to stir within me, I didn't know how to deal with this, I was scared. I broke from our hug and ran out the door, panicking.

"Odayaka, Yaoyorozu, Todoroki, you're up next!" I heard on the intercom. I met with my fellow peers and we walked to the training ground together.

"Team Yaoyorozu, Todoroki and Odayaka! The Practical exam starts now!" The intercom voice said, a loud beep could be heard.

"We need to stay together." Shoto said. "That way we can take down Aizawa together."

"Agreed." I said.

"Amao, let us do the fighting." I stood there confused. "If things go wrong, you need to run for the exit."

I stood there, feeling furious and belittled, did he really think I was weaker? We began running through the side streets, staying out of sight. Shoto ordered Momo to create small objects, so that when she stopped, we knew Aizawa had found us. She was nervous, the possibility that she thought she was weak in regards to Todoroki was ever present, and it was shared with me.

Suddenly, I noticed Momo wasn't creating anything.

"Momo, you've stopped." My eyes widened.

"If you noticed that, how come you haven't acted yet?" Aizawa jumped down and started attacking us. I saw my opening and started to run.

I ran, fully sprinting, feeling anxious, feeling like a failure. I wasn't like this when I was with my Uncle and Amajiki, I was scared, terrified of failing, I'm not like this anymore... Am I?

When I got to a secluded space, I rocked back and forth, comforting myself like how I used to. This wasn't who I was, wasn't who I wanted to be.

"Tch, your friends are about to die and you sit there doing this?" I looked up and saw Aizawa's piercing red eyes. "What a hero. Your peers are currently apprehended, scared for their lives."

He then left, more panic settled within me, did I choose to save my friends or fight alone. I could only pick one.

"Fuck it." I bit my lip, teeth sharpening. "I choose my friends."

Using my flight response, I shot towards where my friends were, they were tied up, in pain. I was met with those piercing red eyes once more. He stood in front of me, deactivating my quirk. Behind him hung my friends.

"You can only choose one Amao... and make sure it's a choice you don't regret." He snarled. "Because I know that about you, I know everything about you. How you constantly compare yourself to your peers. Just because you changed costumes, it doesn't mean you can reverse damage already set in stone. So I'll say it again, choose wisely!"

"I have chosen, and I choose..." I ran as fast as I could towards Aizawa. "Both!"

I slid underneath his legs, and for that split second I had of my quirk I used it to free my friends.

"Are you two ok?" I asked, I then felt my hand be wrapped up in Aizawa's bandages.

"Amao!" They both said.

"I've still got some fight left within me, so bring it Aizawa." I said. Looking at my peers, they seemed exhausted, I trusted that they softened Aizawa up for me. "You two need to get help."

The other two confided in my plan, accepting that I could finish this fight, putting their full trust in me.

"You still don't get it!" Aizawa hoisted me by my leg up into the air and let go. "You won't win this fight!"

I tossed my whip downward, wrapping it around a lamp, and I coiled myself around it, striking Aizawa in the face with both feet. He tumbled until he laid on his stomach. I couldn't activate my quirk, even if I had the opportunity to, I still was scared, even though I had trained really really hard. I was scared I would hurt someone, like how I hurt Bakugo, even though that was what they wanted from me.

"Another great hero once told me, "Words wield power more mighty than the fist." and that phrase still reigns true today." I cracked my whip. "But I'd like to share my own wise words, the true most powerful quirk... is kindness."

Aizawa got back to his feet, he shot towards me and his movements were erratic. I braced myself for impact, he was attacking from above, If I moved in any direction he would be able to clear cut attack me. But, I had to try, even if it didn't work, it would be something, and anyways, I can trust my friends to make it to the exit. I just had to try. Suddenly I felt a burning heat coming from my right side. Aizawa became rigid and fell to the ground. Walking behind me were Shoto and Momo, and together we had defeated Aizawa.

"Team Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Odayaka have passed!" The intercom called out.

"Go team long names!" I high fived the other two.

"After Amao ran, I was focussing on how the pair of you worked together." He looked at Todoroki and Yao-momo. Apparently Yao-momo had messed up in their first plan that got them both captured. I tried to walk away but Aizawa used his cloth to grab hold of my arm.

"Amao," Aizawa began, his voice low and unforgiving, "You've shown promise, but your fear of losing control continues to hold you back. Just like at the Sports Festival, you let your insecurities get the better of you, allowing doubt and hesitation to cloud your judgement. Without facing your fears, you'll get nowhere, you'll get worked up, and probably end up in jail for doing some pretty bad things."

His words hit me like a blow to the chest, dredging up memories of the panic I felt during the Sports Festival. The fear of harming others with my Quirk consumes me once again, and I can't help but feel a knot form in my stomach.

"You can't afford to let fear dictate your actions," Aizawa continues, his gaze unwavering. "Heroes must possess the strength to confront their fears head-on, to rise above their limitations and emerge stronger for it. Until you learn to master your own abilities, you'll always be held back by your insecurities."

I absorb his criticism, feeling the weight of his words bearing down on me like a heavy burden. I know deep down that he's right—that I need to confront my fears and gain control over my Quirk if I ever hope to become a true hero.

"But," Aizawa adds, his tone softening slightly, "Everyone has their weaknesses. What matters is how you choose to confront them. Use this experience as motivation to overcome your fears, Amao. Only then will you be able to reach your full potential as a hero."

"Thank you sir! I bowed, trying not to cry

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