Chapter 1

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In an abandoned building somewhere.

"You leave me no choice, Mr. Cruz." Kayden Hayes is holding a gun while looking coldly at the old man in his front.

"W-wait, Mr. Hayes, I- It's not me, okay? I've been set up! P-please, believe me!" Begging for his life, Mr. Cruz knelt on his knees.

Kayden Hayes's face immediately darkened and then turned cold once again. You can't read what was going on in his mind. He looked at the old man and then pointed the gun in his face.

"P-please don't ki-"


The echoes of the gunshot were heard all over the building.

"Toss the body on the river; make sure you do it clean," He said while wiping his hand with a white cloth and giving the gun to the bodyguard next to him.

The alarm clock is ringing.

"Oh, it's already time?" Andy Lopez is holding a book she's reading when her alarm goes on.

As a book nerd, she already read a lot of novel books. She is now reading a Novel about a cold-blooded Mafia who is making the readers get excited and fall in love. Or what she thinks he is She's the only one reading that Novel. The writer of this Novel is anonymous, and she just happened to see it on a bookshelf in her regular bookstore and bought it.

" 'yawn' I didn't think that I would spend so much time reading..." rubbing her eye, Andy took her glasses off and looked at the ceiling.

"Hmm, I guess I'll just continue to dream of having my own Mr. Hayes. Well. It's not that I'm gonna have one. 'Yawn' "as she was thinking that, she didn't realize that she had already fallen asleep.

'Bird chirping'

Yawning, Andy who woke up from a very peaceful sleep, paced around the unfamiliar room. Rubbing her eyes, looking for her eyeglasses are nowhere to be found.

"Where did I put those glasses? ugh!" Irritated, she still looked for it anyway.

"W-wait, Am I dreaming? W-why am I seeing clearly?" She rubbed her eyes again and again, but nothing changed. She also pinch her skin yet the pain is real.

"Where am I? I-it's not my room!! Wait! Did I get kidnapped while I was asleep? No, t-that's not possible right?"

Her thoughts were cut off by a knock.

"Jane, honey, it's time for breakfast," An elegant lady said as she walked toward Andy then kissed her cheeks.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Miss, who are you calling Jane? My name is Andy. Andy Lopez, I - I think you're talking to the wrong person!" She said as she slightly pushed the lady in front of her.

"I don't think I'm getting what you're saying. Are we playing again? Who is this Andy Lopez that you're role-playing for? You're too old for that okay? Grow up, young lady! Now come on! Where going somewhere after eating breakfast." The lady said and then sat up as she walked to leave the room.


"Jane? Who the hell is Jane??!!!!!"

Confused, she started looking for a mirror and stared at her reflection.

"What the Hell?!" Not believing what she was seeing, she rubbed her eyes multiple times until she got tired and gave up.

"Ugh, who the hell is this, Jane? I don't even remember getting plastic surgery before I slept last night~." She let out a deep sigh after messing her hair and then sat down on the side of the bed and kicked the air with her bare feet like a child.

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