Chapter 9

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"Hmmn, Madame Claire is not here so the house feels so big for no reason." Andy murmured to herself.

She flip and turned in her bed, checking her phone but she doesn't know anyone to talk to. Since it seems that Jane and Andy is really similar to each other. Both of them don't have that many friends. Jane just spend her time cost playing and Andy on the otherhand is a booknerd.

"It seems being rich is not that fun after all"

"Where are you Jane? Did you wished to escaped your reality? While I just wished to have my own Kayden Hayes... hmmn, but now that He's here, I don't want to ruin this Novel. I'm better on the side just watching what will happen."

"Hmmn, let see what to read for today..." she check her table and can't see a single book.

Right, after she returned the books, she hasn't been there for days.

"Just my luck, should I go there now?I can just borrow some books and read it on the park." She's been talking to herself a few hours now.

'Knock knock!'

"Uhm yes?"She answered.

"Miss, there is someone looking for you outside." Said the keeper on the other side of the door.

"Did they said who are they?"She asked while fixing her bed.

"He's called Mr. Hayes."

"M-Mr. Hayes? What is he doing here??" She replied in panic.

"He said he'll be waiting for you downstairs. I'll take my leave now miss." And then the keeper left.

"What the hell is he doing here? Is this his new hobby now? He's like a mushroom just showing everywhere."she uttered to herself and hurriedly go downstairs.

"You're slow" Kayden, while sitting on the couch.

"Says who?" Andy, while walking downstairs.

"Who else? the one and only me, Kayden Hayes." He boast.

"I don't think we're close enough for you to visit me here? Am I missing something?" Andy ask in confusion.

"Well let say, you open a new chapter in me?" Said Kayden while opening a book on the small table in his front.

"Oh ho, where did you get that? That's cringe coming from you." She meant the chapter word. But Kayden just turned around. He felt embarrassed when she said that.

"Anyway, I'm free today, so I'm here." Said Kayden while flipping the page of the book.

"Okay, then feel at home." She then took her backpack and about to go.

"Wait where are you going?" He is startled that Andy is leaving.

"To the usual place." She replied.

"Usual place? You mean the Library?" Kayden then put down the book and stand up from the couch.

"Yup." She replied.

"Then I'll go with you."

"And why is that?" She stopped at the door.

"Because I said so." He then picked up his car keys and go.

"You're supposed to be busy right? I mean, you are Kayden Hayes after all." Andy follows Kayden but stopped midway.

"Look. I'm not going with you. You're not supposed to be here, wasting your time with me." She added.

"Why? Does your boyfriend got mad?" He's referring to Dwayne.

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