Chapter 11

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*A little flashback before Andy got kidnapped*

"I'm gonna leave now. Take care of things here okay?" She reminded the housekeepers.

"Yes miss. Take care." They replied and help Andy put her baggage on the car.

"Thank you." Andy smiled and get on the car.

She put on her headphones and listened to her playlist while her eyes were closed.

After an hour of traveling, Andy heard a commotion and decided to open her eyes. She also felt that their car stopped midway.

"Get down oldman!" Said the two guy holding a gun outside.

"What's happening mister?" Andy asked.

"Just stay inside miss. I'll think of a way to handle this." Replied her driver.

"Excuse me good sir, may I know what's my offenses?" The driver asked politely and then rolled the side window down slightly.

The guy pointed the gun on the driver's forehead.

"I said get down oldman." Said the guy.

The driver hurriedly get out of the car and the stranger guy sat down on the driver seat while the other guy sat down on the passenger seat on the back where Andy is sitting.

"Who are you people?!" Shouted Andy.

"Be quiet b*tch!" The man then punched Andy in the stomach causing her to lost her consciousness.

"Please don't hurt her!" Begged the driver.

"Shut up oldman!" The guy then shot the driver and drove off.

*back to the present*

"W-where am I?" Andy opened her eyes in an unfamiliar place. Her hands and feet were tied up and her mouth is covered with what it seems a duck tape.

"Oh you're awake." Said Ray that is currently smoking on the table.

He walk toward Andy and took off the duck tape on her face.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" Andy calmly asked.

"Oh ho, I like you, you're remaining calm in this kind of situation huh.." He flick the ashes of the cigarette and throw it on the floor then step on it.

"You're asking what do I want from you? Actually, nothing..." He sat on a backward chair and looked at Andy.

"Then why am I being held?"

"Well, let just say you're my bait. Oh, don't you worry, I will not do anything to you if he behave." He then stand up and lean close to Andy.

"You're quite pretty huh, what do you say? Won't you be my girl?" He then laughed and tried to kiss Andy but Andy turned her head. This made Ray Irritated.

He hold Andy's Chin with force and maniacally smiled.

"Don't resist, because even if you don't want to, I'll use you as long as I want till you can't feel yourself anymore. Hahahaha!" He then let go of Andy's face.

"Boss, Kayden Hayes is here." Said the guy who just entered.

"See? When there's a bait, the fish can be caught." He laughed again. "Uggh, it hurts... It hurts now that we're going to meet again Hayes!" He touched his left eye with a big scar and continued to laugh.

"K-Kayden Hayes? W-what is he doing here?" She's trying her best to get out of being tied.

Kayden entered the premises and greeted with Ray's men. They guided him where Ray is and looked for Andy but Andy is nowhere to be seen. Could it be that Ray is lying to him and Andy is is really not here? He'll not forgive Ray if anything happens to Andy!

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