Chapter 24

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The night breeze is freezing cold yet, Andy can't feel any of it. They are watching the vastness of the ocean as the small waves touch their feet while they were walking hand in hands.

"I didn't know that this time will ever come in my life." Said Andy as she smile looking far away. Her short hair were swaying as the wind passes by.

Never did she imagine that the Kayden Hayes that she dreamed off will be her reality now and walking together right now. Well, who would really imagine that? Now, you're just reading a book and the next you're in that book and became a character in that book.

Kayden stopped walking causing Andy to stop too. He walk toward Andy's front and hold both of her hands. He looked at her with his eyes being gentle then said "Then I'll remind you every time." He said then put his hands on Andy's face.

"You're too close." Andy, as she felt her cheeks being hot.

Kayden smirked as he saw the looks on Andy's face. "Let me give you a warning." He said.

"A warning?" Asked Andy.

Kayden nodded as his eyes repeatedly looking in Andy's lips. "First, I'll make you fall inlove with me."

"I'm already inlove." Replied Andy.

"Next, in half a minute I'll hug you and after a minute I'll kiss you till you can't breathe." He said while smirking.

Andy once again felt the hotness of her cheeks, despite the coldness of the night, all she can feel was the presence of Kayden.

"You can run if you want too..." he said then  pause a second.
"Not that I'll let you do that" He whispered with a smirked as he pulled Andy to hug her tightly.

The next second Andy just felt Kayden lips touching hers as he dominate her with his passionate kiss. The sound of her heartbeats became loud as they were sharing the warmth that the kiss were giving. The cicadas were all singing in sync giving the night a noise of music for their ears. Kayden then lifted Andy, still while kissing her and brought her to the shore where the waves can't touch their feet and sat down on the warm sands. Andy were sitting in Kayden's lap as her legs were crossed from his back. Feeling the warmth of the kiss, Andy starting to tapped on Kayden's chest as she were really out of breath. It's been five whole minutes after all. Kayden chuckled as he let go of Andy's lips and hug her instead.

"Aaah, I don't want you to go home." He uttered leaving Andy speechless.

"Can't we just stay like this?" He added, now looking at Andy's face. He's pouting like a child begging for candy. This side of Kayden never stop amusing Andy. She let out a small giggle as she looks at Kayden's puppy face. Never did she imagine that she will see him this way.

She stroke his hair carefully and flicks the strands of hair in his forehead revealing his thick eyebrow and long eyelashes befitting his god like face structure. (Not that she actually saw a God) Well, for her, Kayden is like a god.

"Thank you." She said as she held Kayden's face making Kayden frowned a little.

"For what?" He asked. Still his arm linking in Andy's waist.

"For making me feel this way. For feeling the love that I've never felt before." Her eyes were full of sincerity as she said those words.

"I should be the one thanking you." Kayden said. "Thank you for coming into my life. Rather, Thank you for giving colors in this monotone like Life of mine." He said, burrying his face on Andy's shoulders, tightening his hug.

"I just hope that..." Andy stop for a second a let out a small sigh. "I just hope that, this will not come to an end." She continued. Kayden felt Andy's hand tightens as she hugged him back.

"I'm just afraid that one day, time will come that I will leave you behind after all those things that you have done for me." The sadness in her words are making Kayden uneasy. He doesn't want that. In any case, he doesn't want Andy leave his sight. He wants all of her. He wants to stay by her side even if it means the world will crumble.

"That won't happen." He said in a reassuring tone. "No, I won't let that happen." He looks at Andy's face as he let go from hugging and held her hands and put his other hand in his chest.

"This thing," he pointed his heart. "This thing is just beating right now only because of you. I think, it will stop so if you would be gone."

Andy chuckled a little shaking her head in amusement. How can he say those words without even flinching? That's the most corny yet romantic words she heard in her whole life of reading Novels! And it came in Kayden's mouth for Godsake! When did he learn speaking like this? Does he takes classes for being corny?

Kayden scoffed a little "What's so funny?" He asked not taking his eyes off in Andy's laughing face.

Not realizing that her small chuckles became a small laughs, she wanted to stop but as Kayden can see, she can't. His choice of words are making her laugh.

"I... I'm sorry... I can't... I can't stop!" She's still laughing. Tears are welling from her eyes as she laughs her heart out.

Kayden should find it annoying if it's someone else but he can't with Andy. Instead, he finds it adorable. What the heck? Is he really falling this hard? Can someone punch him in the face or what? Kayden Hayes! That's him! Everyone should be afraid of him but why is he the one being afraid when the thought of this girl in front of him being gone?

"I can't... I'm just falling hard over and over again with this girl." He thought.

"Stop laughing will you? Or else I'll make you laugh harder." He said.

"And how's that?" Andy looked at him, wiping the tears on her eyes.

"Like... This!" He started tickling Andy on her waist and in no time she started laughing and laughing, struggling from Kayden's grip in her waist.

"S-stop! Haha! Stop it!" She shouted. She managed to let go from Kayden and started running.

Kayden stand up too, slightly tapping his pants that has sands in it and followed Andy.

"Aaah, I wish to stay like this!" Andy.

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