Chapter 2

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Andy woke up with the sound of the monitor.

"W-where am I?" Asked by the still dizzy Andy.

"You're in the hospital, Miss Jane." Said the nurse who was attending to her.

"H-how? I remember being in the middle of nowhere and then... wait, how do you know my name?" She asked.

"Oh, you were once admitted here. Don't worry, we already informed your mom. She should be here any minute now." Said the nurse.

"T-Thank you... But, how did I even get here?" Confused, Andy looked at the nurse that is writing something.

"Oh, Mr. Hayes is kind enough to bring you here after he saw you lost consciousness in the middle of the road." Said the nurse. You can tell that she's a little jealous by the tone of her voice.


"It rings a bell; where did I hear that name again?" Andy thought.

"Yes, Mr. Hayes, the one and only Mr. Kayden Hayes." The nurse answered.

"I'll go ahead, I still have other patients to attend to. Just push that button if you need anything." The nurse added, then left the room.

"Thank you" Andy politely said.

Wait! Did she just say Mr. Kayden Hayes? Jane just couldn't believe what she had just heard. It's like a dream come true.

"Wait, does that mean that I'm in a Novel? That 'Beautiful colors' [title of the Novel she just had read] Mr. KAYDEN HAYES???" she slapped her face to see if she was just dreaming, but it hurt like hell. Meaning she's not.

"But, I don't remember anyone who named Jane in that Novel. Does that mean I'm just an extra? And what happened to my real body? Did I just die?"

"Ugghh, my head hurts like hell I can't think perfectly!" Her thoughts cut off when Madame Claire and Clarine entered the room with Dwayne.

"Jane!" Madame Claire cried as she saw the pitiful Jane.

"I'm so sorry, my good-for-nothing son just did this to you." Said Madame Clarine as she was hitting Dwayne.

"Come on! Say sorry!" Angry, Madame Clarine shouted at Dwayne.

Dwayne is about to speak when Andy speaks first.

"N-No! Please don't be mad at him. It's me to blame because of my carelessness. I'm sorry that I made you worry... uhm, m-mom.." said Jane. She's still not used to calling Madame Claire a mom.

"I told you it's not my fault." Dwayne insisted.

"Can you just shut up, why is it not your fault? You told us you saw her looking for you right? And what did you do? Acting like a child and hiding? Do you think that's funny? Look what happened to her?" Madame Clarine can't hide her emotions and starts to rub her forehead.

"Why didn't she call her mom in the first place? Doesn't she even know where to go? What is she a child?" Dwayne scoffed.

"You even dare to say that? You brat!" Madame Clarine just can't hold back and slaps Dwayne.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't call cause I didn't have my phone in me. And uhm... I-I actually don't know our address... I-I just woke up one day, and I don't remember being me. I mean, I'm Jane, but I think I'm not... It's just... I can't explain myself too. I'm sorry, I put you all the trouble... Sorry, mom, Aunt Clarine... And Sorry Dwayne..." Andy just broke up her tears and started crying.

"Ooh~ my baby Jane... what happened? Tell me... Are you stressed? I'm sorry you're feeling this way." Madame Claire hugged Jane and started crying as well. She thinks it's because the divorce from her husband makes Jane this way.

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