Chapter 14

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"Is it that hot? The aircon is on though." Said Kayden as he buttoning his shirt. "Are you still heading to the library?" He added.

"I-I think not anymore. I'll visit the driver that has been shot because of me." She replied as she were picking her things.

"Should I go there with you?" He asked while putting his necktie.

"No need, that's enough of you for today." She already seen a lot of Kayden's face for today, so she'll feel like she will explode if there's more.

"Enough of me? What amusing choice of words you have there." He's picking up his car keys not letting Andy go by herself. "Let's go." His face shows no expressions but as soon as his not facing Andy, a smile can be seen in his lips.

"Wait! I said I can go by myself!" Andy runs as she were following Kayden's big footsteps.

As though he was not hearing anything, he just continued to walk not letting Andy reach his pace. He even entered a different elevator just not to hear what Andy have to say and by the time they arrived at the lounge area, all the eyes are on Andy giving small knocks at Kayden's back while Kayden looks like enjoying it.

"Hey you're not listening to me!" She then threw her shoes at Kayden causing Kayden to look at her. She was exhausted catching Kayden's pace after all.

"Is she insane??? Why did she threw her shoes at Mr. Hayes??"

"Does she look sane? Oh my gosh! It's her doomsday today! Mr. Hayes will never take that as a joke!"

"That girl is a b*tch! How dare her to treat Mr. Hayes like that?" This were the things that you can hear in whispers. They all hate Andy's guts and wanted to slap her right now.

Kayden didn't tell a word and walk toward where Andy is. He then slightly bend and carried Andy in front of his employees. This made everyone shocked to their bones. Never did they expect that they will see another side of Kayden in the first time.

"H-Hey! What are you doing? Put me down!" Andy shouted in embarrassment. She can feel all their eyes on her. It felt like they saw a ghost passing by with their mouth open wide.

"You threw your shoes right? You can't walk barefeet so I'm kind enough to carry you." He smirked.

"You call this kindness? Oh really? Now put me down Mr. Hayes! I'm not joking. You better put me down or else..." She didn't finished what she was about to say when Kayden suddenly stopped walking.

He looks at her with his captivating eyes, and asked in confusion."Or else what?"

She felt her cheeks get hot in an instant saying the word "N-nothing."

"That's what I think so." He then continued to walk with his lips making a little smile. A smile that no one ever seen and no one will ever see. Andy on the otherhand can't look straight at Kayden because he might get the wrong idea again when he saw her blushing so she looked the otherway avoiding Kayden's eyes.

"This is really embarrassing!!!" She's shouting in her mind.

Kayden then put Andy on the passenger seat of the car in assistance of his subordinate opening the car door. He then sat on the driver seat.

"Ugh, what am I even doing here?" She pouted causing her cheeks to puff a little.

"You're here cause we're going to your driver right?" Kayden said avoiding the real reason Andy is in his car.

"I said--" she was startled when Kayden suddenly lean on her and looked like he's going to hug her but no.

"What?" He looked at Andy's startled eyes and laughed. "Safety first, I'll put your seatbelt on." He said and smiled.

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