Chapter 16

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The sound of punches in a punching bag can be heard when Carl entered Kayden's personal gym. His body were covered in sweat and his fist are now covered with his own blood due to the hard punches he's throwing.

"What's up?" Carl asked while sitting on a bench. He then looked at Kayden in a worried expression.

Kayden didn't answer. He continued to throw heavy punches until the sand bags broke apart.

"Let me guess." Carl said. "It’s not going well with Ms. Jane is it?" He added.

Kayden stopped for a while and just took a glance of Carl and continued again. He can't take out of his mind what Andy said. He's been running in circles thinking about it. How could he believe such things?

"Do you know why I came here? I'm here not as your employee but as your friend." Carl pointed the seat beside him. "You can tell me everything." He added.

Kayden think about it and stopped. He took a bottle of water and jug it empty. He then walk toward Carl and sat beside him. Carl took the towel beside him and toss it to Kayden for him to wipe his sweats.

"Go ahead, tell me." Said Carl, he opened a bottle of water and drink it.

"Andy, I mean Jane told me that...that she's not from this world." Kayden don't want to talk about it but he still do want to ask for others opinion.

"W-what?" Carl almost spat the water on his mouth.

"See? That's my reaction too. I mean, who would believe that? I think she just don't want to see me again, that's why she's lying like that." He pressed the towel on his face and put it on his neck after. He bend a little while his arms are leaning on his knees.

"I mean, I will not believe that if I didn't met her. But, remember the first time we saw her? When the time she lose consciousness on the middle of the road?" Carl reminded.

"What about it?" Kayden asked.

"If I'm not mistaken and my mind doesn't playing games with me... She mentioned you and Eli about breaking up right?and she's asleep at that. How did she know that?" Carl look at the ceiling and frowned. "She didn't even know you when you two met at the restaurant right?" He added.

Kayden think of it and remembered those times. Carl was right, that's the reason why he took an interest to Jane after all. She knows a lot about him. Is she not lying after all??

"But how is that even possible?" Kayden's mind is a mess. "Does that mean that were just a character on a Novel or whatsoever? But your too real for me to be a part of that!" He added. His voice were full of confusion.

"Hey, she said we're a character in a Novel? Who's the protagonist? That must be me right?" Carl joked.

Kayden just glare at Carl. He has a lot of things to think off and here is this idiot adding all the stress on him.

"Look at you now. All because of a girl. It's not the Kayden I know at all." Carl patted Kayden's back and smile. He then said "well, if you don't feel anything like this, then you're not a human after all." He then stood up and smiled at Kayden.

"I don't know if I helped a little but, don't hate Ms. Jane that much. I know she has reasons. She's a kind person after all. She'll not do anything that will hurt anyone." Carl advised. "I'll let you think about it. Just call me if you ever need me okay?" He tapped Kayden's shoulder and left while his hands were in his pocket.

Kayden just nodded and sigh. He took another bottle of water and poured it in his face. He stayed there for a while and stand up. He then headed on the shower. He turned the shower lever and feel the water flowing through his body. Every drop of the water gave him a sense of pain relief in his tired muscles, the smoke of the hot water is evaporating covering his wholeness as he were thinking of what Andy told him. He leaned on the wall and stayed like that for a while, after that he look up to let the water flow on his face and wipe his hair with his hands.

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