Chapter 19

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In just a night, Jane's face covered almost all the newspapers and social media platforms.

The Scott's Real Estate were opening a new Estate here in Manhattan! Jane Scott, the daughter of Madame Claire Scott gain a huge follower in just one night, being the new face of the Real Estate!

Mr. Hayes, has been the news contents this days because of this mysterious girl that was seen carried by him. Is Jane Scott the one who's behind this mystery? Kayden Hayes as one of the most well known Boss of the Mafia organization here in the country, has always been the dream of many woman because of his endearing looks, making all the girls turned their heads when he walk by. Does Jane Scott finally caught the heart of Kayden Hayes?

Including with videos and pictures of Kayden walking toward Jane and taking her hand, those were one of the news that is spreading fast worldwide. This has gain a lot of comments from the netizens point of view. Some were jealous, some were supportive and lot.

'She probably seduced my Mr. Hayes'
  -> right? I thought so too.

'She's pretty! How I wished I was there!'

'She looks kind, I bet if they were really in a relationship, Mr. Hayes hit the jackpot! OMG! Team JaDen here!'
-> oh Shut up! Mr. Hayes is only mine.
-> just keep on dreaming! It's free after all.

Those were just some of the comments from the netizens, meanwhile, Eli on the otherhand almost broke her phone from seeing the news.

"How dare she?!" She threw the glass of wine she's holding on the wall.

"After all the things I told her?? The audacity! Argh!" She can't accept the fact that Kayden can look at someone like that. Even with her, Kayden didn't look at her with those eyes. The eyes with such care and gentleness.

When they were together, she knows that Kayden was happy but his eyes never really changed. It was an abyss for everyone to look and yet...

"What does she have that I don't have?!" She burst as she wipes all the things from the table in front of her.

"I'll make you regret this Jane Scott! The moment you lay your filthy fingers on what's mine is the day you meet your demise!" She shouted.

The love she feels for Kayden were overflowing that she can't even hear herself saying those words.

Scott's Residence

"Look at how gorgeous my baby is." Said Madame Claire as she were browsing tru the internet. The reservation in their Estate too, grew rapidly in just one night because of Kayden's influence.

It's the first step of the Future Madame Claire wish since they started this business even without the help of her ex husband. She wanted Jane to have everything she's building right now.

"What's the deal between Mr. Hayes and Jane?" Asked Madame Clarine as she were drinking tea on the Garden.

"I don't know actually" she also take a sip of the tea. "But I guess, Mr. Hayes is taking a liking to my Jane." She said.

"Hmmn, My Dwayne is being left behind huh.. I really hope that they can be couples, but it's Jane's choice in the end so I'm gonna support her." Said Madame Clarine.

The middle age housekeeper suddenly came and said "Madame, sorry for the disturbances, Mr. Hayes is at the gate."

The two looked at each other and said together. "Speaking of the devil." They let out a giggle after saying this.

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