Chapter 25

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"It's rare to see you out this time of the day, Is the gang that busy?" Keith asked while drinking milk and wearing his pajamas.

He walked from the refrigerator and placed the glass he was holding on the kitchen counter and looked at Kayden carefully.

Kayden put down his suite and hung his car key on the key holder as he went straight up the stairs to the bedroom. Ignoring his watching brother.

Keith took a deep breath and then shook his head as if he was disappointed in his brother's behavior. He's used to this kind of behavior of his, but even now he's still amazed and so, he just ignored it and went up to his room. It's been a few years since he came home to this house that's why he wants to rest properly.


Andy stroked her lips as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Until now, she can still feel the warmth of Kayden's kiss and it seems like it will take a long time before she forgets that sensation.

"Aaah, what are you doing Andy! What? Is that your first kiss? It's not, right?"

The truth is YES, Kayden was her first kiss, she was really just indienal because at her age, she hasn't been in a relationship yet. She slapped herself to wake up from the dreamy sensation and stand up from sitting. She then walked towards the wash room and then washed her face. She reached for the towel to the side and gently touched it to her face to remove the grainy water from washing. And yes, as a loner and nerd, Andy never really take good care of her face. No skincare routine? Yes, she doesn't care of it all. All just natural!

After that, she returned to her bed and noticed that her cellphone was lit up because of a notification. She immediately took it to check the notification and saw a text message from Kayden.

"Hey, still up?"

"Yes" she replied.

A small smile appeared on Andy's lip while reading the text message. She then lay down on the bed and slowly typed on her cell phone. Only the light of the cellphone serves as her light and here you can see that she is happily talking to Kayden.

"Why are you still up?" She asked.

"I miss you" as she read that message, her face instantly beam and a small chuckle left her lips.

"We just saw each other an hour ago." If only Kayden can see her, maybe Kayden will think of her as a weirdo because of how wide her smile is.

It seems that Andy is only now experiencing what others call a teenage love because of this set up.

The smile couldn't disappear from her lips, even more as her cellphone vibrated again and the photo of Kayden's seemingly gentle face that was sent to her wearing a bathrobe and pouty lips came out. His eyes were like those puppy eyes that you can only see on anime's while hugging a pillow. His hair were still wet as he just finished taking shower. In amazement at what she were seeing, Andy couldn't help but laugh, causing her cellphone to fall on her face.

That's it, she needs to sleep now or else she'll forget how to. Having this side of Kayden is too much for her to handle. It's just too much! Considering how nonchalant and strict Kayden act in front of other people.

"Goodnight." She typed. She wanted to add some heart emoji but hesitated to do so. She's not used to it after all. If she'll do something like that, maybe she'll be cringed on her self too. With that, she put her phone on the table beside her and slept with a smile on her face.

Meanwhile, Kayden saw the "Goodnight" message of Andy and instantly got sad. He still wanted to talk to her until morning but don't want Andy to pushed her limits so he just replied with a "good night too."

He then took the towel on top of the drawer beside him and wiped his wet hair with it. He then stood up and looked at the balcony and took the glass of whiskey in the table near him. As he take a sip of the whiskey, a smile appeared on his lips thinking the time he spent with Andy. All of those was his newly found treasure.


Dwayne took his cellphone near his pillow to see if there's a message from Jane but nothing shows on the notification bar.

It's been a few days since he saw and talked to Jane, that's why he wants to talk to her again. But then, he hesitated because he didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Should I just call her? Hmmn, but I might just be a nuisance to her."

"Can I just text her? Hmmn, but what am I supposed to say?"

"Aaah, What am I going to do with myself?"

Dwayne dropped his cellphone on his bed and then covered his face with his two hands.

When did it all start? He had never been like this before since his crush had broken his heart. Yes, he fixed himself not for that girl to like him but also just for his own satisfaction.

A small smile peeked from Dwayne's lips as he realized that he had come a long way compared to his child self. He doesn't know, but, he thinks that Jane contributed a lot to this.

Because ever since he met Jane, he has changed his view of everything. He learned to socialize again and experienced being happy again. When was the last time he felt being happy again? He can't think of any but maybe the last time he felt genuinely happy was when he was still a child with nothing but innocence and not having care for what will people say. Then again, being this happy right now, he can say that he really surpassed his old self. The lonely and self centered Dwayne.

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