Chapter 13

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"Sleepy head? Who's this? How did you get my number?" Andy asked on the caller on the otherside but it didn't answer immediately.

"No answer? Okay bye." She hanged up."I'm gonna be late for my bus." She then hurriedly put her phone on her pocket.

'Phone ringing'

"Jeez, who is this really?" She answered it again, this time she's not speaking.

"Sleepyhead."once again, the voice of the man on the otherline spoke. But still she didn't respond.

"Okay fine. It's me." He said.

"Who's you?" She Irritatedly answered."I'm not in the mood to play okay? I'm busy." She added.

"I'm gonna hang up." She's about to hang up when the man speak again.

"Come on, don't be stingy. It's me. Kayden."

"M-Mr. Hayes?"

"Every single time.. Why are you always stuttering when you say my name?" His voice were cold as ice but the smile on his lips is undeniable if Andy can just see him.

"I'm just a little startled. How did you know my number? I don't remember giving it to you." She replied, the irritation is now gone.

"Well, let's just say I have my own ways."He boasted.

"Where are you headed? You said you're busy." He added.

"I-I'm just about to go to the library."she replied. "A-Anyway, how's your wounds?" She said in a low voice. She's still thinks about that night that Kayden let himself beaten for her sake.

"My wounds? Come to think of it, it still hurts." He teased. "Ah, I think I need some medication.." He added.

"W-Where are you?" Asked Andy, she thought, she might buy some medicine for wounds and give it to Kayden as thanks.

"Will you treat my wounds?" He teasingly asked. "I'm now on my office. I'll send you the address. See you then." He didn't even wait for Andy to reply and hanged up the call.

"Treat his wounds? I'll just give him medicines!" She uttered, she then heard her phone beep and saw that Kayden send his location. "He's fast, I'll give him that. Jeez." Leaving no choice, she immediately go to the nearest drugstore and go to the location Kayden sent.

"Wooah, it's big." She was amused by the building that Kayden's working on. She's not mistaken cause she saw the sign in front of the building.'The Black Dragon' She then headed to the Reception area.

"Uhm, excuse me miss."

"Yes? How can I help you?" She's smiling but there's a dismay in her eyes. She looks to Andy head to toe thinking she's not appropriate in a place like that.

"A-uhm, I'm here for Mr. Hayes." She smiled.

The receptionist smirked and said. "Do you have an appointment miss?" She rolled her eyes and look at the computer screen.

"N-No, I don't have an appointment." She honestly replied.

"Tss. Miss, if you don't have an appointment you can't meet Mr. Hayes. He's busy and you're not worthy of his time." She sarcastically said.


"No buts! You may leave now miss." She then pointed at the entrance door. "Tss. She wants to meet with Mr. Hayes with that kind of attire? She's insane." She murmured to herself.

Andy looked at the bags that she's carrying and tried to leave it at the reception. "Can you please just give this to him? Tell him it's from Andy." She then passed the bags.

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