Chapter 27

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"Jane! My baby..." Madame Claire immediately hugged Jane as soon as she saw her precious daughter. She just went home for a while to change.

"Mom?" She responded with a hug too.

"Don't you know how worried I am? I thought I would lose you." Worries can be seen on her face, making Jane confused.

"Why am I here?" Ask Jane looking around the room.

On the side was Kayden standing, looking at her. Relief can be seen on his face. On the other side, a woman who looked the same age as Madame Claire and another handsome man. They are Madame Clarine and Dwayne.

"You've been asleep my dear." Madame Claire responded.

"Then why are you exaggerating? If I was just asleep, what am I doing here at the hospital?" Jane chuckles as if she finds herself blurting a funny joke.

"You've been asleep for a whole month Jane! We are worried sick! The doctor said you entered a vegetative state while you're asleep and... and don't know when will you wake up!" With that, Madame Claire couldn't stop herself from crying.

"Oh... Sorry for making you worry, Mom. I'm okay now." She said trying to console her mom.

"By the way mom, who are they?" Jane asked, making all of them enter a state of shock.

Kayden, who's about to drink some water, drops the bottle on the ground. What did she say? Did she just forget about him? He was about to speak, but the words didn't come out. It's a little shocking for him to react. For the first time, Kayden lost his cool in Andy's presence. Rather, now in Jane's presence.

"I'm sorry, my memory is a bit hazy... hmmm, wait, was the lady over there the one you're going to introduce to me? Your bestfriend and her son? Aunt Clarine? And... Dwayne? Am I right?" With that, Madame Claire nodded.

"And the gentleman over here?" Jane pointed at Kayden, who was still in shock. His fists were closed tight.

"Should we just leave the two of you so you can talk?" Ask Madame Claire, looking at Kayden and waiting for the latter to respond.

Kayden nodded in agreement. The rest of them leave the room to let the two talk. When only the two of them are left behind, Kayden walks toward Jane and sits beside her. He held her hand, and the latter was shocked, causing her to take away her hand.  Kayden did not expect that and awkwardly took his hand away, fidgeting his fingers.

"Uhm... May I know who you are?" Jane said breaking the silence.

"Jane... No, Andy... it's me! Please, don't do this." Said Kayden. His voice was hoarse because he wanted to cry, but he didn't. He bites his lips so that he can talk to Andy in his full self.

"Oh..." as soon as the name Andy left Kayden's lips. Jane already knew that the man in front of her was the one that Andy had mentioned. The one who knows who she was.

"I'm sorry... I'm not the one you're thinking I am." She said a concerned voice could be heard from her.

"I'm not Andy. I'm the real Jane." She added.

Kayden couldn't believe what he was hearing. He knows that he said and even promised to Andy that he would believe her when she said that she came from another world, but... now that this is happening, how will his brain be able to process all of this? He's not been sleeping properly for the whole month of Jane's vegetative state, and his head is aching like it's going to explode any minute!

"Andy, we're done with this, right? Please stop this nonsense!" Kayden's voice was beginning to rise right this moment.

"I told you I'm not Andy! That girl, she told me you knew everything yet you're not believing me!" Annoyance can be seen in Jane's face.

"Then where is she?! Where did she go? How come I didn't know that she'd leave me?!" Kayden stood up, his hands both in his head, messing his hair.

"That's... That's something we both didn't know." Said Jane, fidgeting her fingers. "We both woke up being in a dark place and talked. That's the time when we already needed to go back to our original bodies." She added.

"So, you're saying that she's now in her original world?" Asked Kayden, still in disbelief.

"Yes, that's the only thing that can happen," Jane responded.

"She said--" She wanted to tell Kayden what Andy's message was; however, before she could even finish her sentence, Kayden left her hanging.

"Hmmm, maybe I'll tell him next time we meet." With that, Jane gets back from lying on the bed. She felt her body being weak, probably because of the vegetative state she was in.


Kayden drove back in his place making Carl and Keith halt. They were talking about the new territory that they'll need to get to make the Black Dragon Mafia Organization spread infamously.

There were papers and a ton of red bobbin scattered on what seemed a map on top of the table.

"You're just right on time Kay." Said Carl as he reached out some papers to Kayden.

Much to his surprise, Kayden didn't even pay much attention to them and just immediately ran upstairs. His clothes were disheveled indicating that something might happened. He's usually calm but right now? He actually lost his cool.

"Did something happen?" Ask Keith, and Carl just shrugs as a response.

"So yeah, as I was saying, we first need to make an offensive strategy if we want to conquer this area..." Carl continued their talk and pointed at the right part of the map.

"Yeah, I'll talk about this to Tristan and Charlie." Keith nodded in agreement. "But don't we need a backup for this operation? Should I call my team too?" He added.

"Nah, Charlie and Tristan's team were enough to let their guard down. Hmmn, these were Kayden's specialties, but our boss has not been his usual self in these past few weeks, so we're the only ones that are capable right now." With that, Carl listed all the possibilities that may happen when that time comes, and Keith followed some ideas.

They took their time giving some thought to their strategies.

Meanwhile in Kayden's room.

The tapping of the keyboard can be heard all over the room. Several cups of coffee can be seen on top of Kayden's study table. He's in need of sleep yet he doesn't want to stop researching.

He wanted to know all the possible ways to go in Andy's world, but nothing shows. He promised Andy that he'll follow her yet why is he here? How come that nothing shows on this f*cking internet? Didn't they say that everything you search for can be found here? Then why? Why doesn't it show the way?!

In his annoyance, Kayden threw the cup on the wall, causing it to scatter into a hundred pieces. The amount of force he used was enough to cause some rubble from the wall to fall. Kayden clenched his fist and leaned over his study table; he didn't even realize that he had fallen asleep.


And with that, our chapter 27 is finished! Yey! I didn't know I could publish this chapter right now 😳 I'm tired from work, so yeah, I kind of do not want to do it, but, yeah, here I am! I still did it 😂😂 Thank you, and be safe, Minna!

Author ❤️❤️

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