Chapter 6

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"Really, WHAT AM I DOING HERE WITH THIS TWO?!" Andy thought.
"I'm supposed to take my leisure time reading every books here but how???"


They both call Andy at the same time. In a position where Andy is in between with those two.

"Y-Yes?" Andy replied.

"What's wrong with this idiot calling Jane in another name?" Dwayne thought while pouting.

"Is this book good?" Kayden smirked at Dwayne.

"Jane, take a look at this book. I find it interesting." Dwayne intervened.

"What am I gonna do with these two?" Andy's head is starting to ache.

"Y-yes they're both good. Also I already read that both in another place." She replied.


This are the repeatedly answer and questions that happened and so, Andy burst out.

"Uuuggh... Can you please stop it you two??!" She can't hold back anymore. And so she shouted out of the blue while standing up.

All the people around the vicinity stared at their way because of that.

"Sssshhhhhh!" Said by the others.

Feeling embarrassed, she bow down and sat again.

"We're supposed to read here!" She whispered.

"How can I focus on reading if you're behaving this way?" She added.

"What are you saying? I'm just asking about this book that I'm reading" Kayden is indenial. He doesn't want to share Andy with some nobody.

"I'm just asking too you know? And in the first place, we're the one whose supposed to be reading now, why did this somebody just barged in?" Dwayne scoffed.

"Who are you calling somebody? Don't you know who I am?" Kayden frowned.

"I don't know and I don't even want to know." Dwayne spoke back.

"And why the hell are you calling her Andy? Her name is Jane! I think you're talking to the wrong person." Dwayne added.

"Then I guessed that's our secret?" Kayden smirked.

"Why this one..." Dwayne stand up and about to hold Kayden's collar but Andy stopped him.

"Stop it you two! We're in the Library for God's sake!"she burst out once again.

"Excuse me ma'am, sirs... But this is the library and you are supposed to read quietly. If you're going to make a scene here, it's best for all of you to leave now. Thank you." The Librarian said politely.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am.. We'll leave right away..." Andy picked up her things and walk away without looking back with those two.

"Jane wait!" Dwayne followed Jane.

Kayden just chillingly walk with his hands on his pocket following the two.

"What am I even doing here? Why am I wasting my precious time doing nonsense?" Kayden stop on his trail and thought.

"I just returned the book and now I'm here. The hell is wrong with me?" He stared at the fading image of Andy and Dwayne.

"What did you do to me Andy?" He murmured to himself.

'Phone ringing...'


"Hey! I have a news about Eli" Carl on the other line.

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