Chapter 21

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"Is it good?" Asked Kayden looking at Andy that is eating like there's no tomorrow.

Andy just nodded. She's not embarrassed eating like that cause she's really hungry at  this moment. Kayden on the otherhand just enjoying this view. There's no disappointment in his face, he just wish that Andy will not choke on her food.

"Careful, you might choke on your food." He reminded Andy.

"I'm just really hungry. I don't know why." She said, but the reality is, she got hungry by Kayden making her embarrassed all the way here.

"Yeah, that's what it look like." He let a chuckle out a little.

'Phone ringing'

"It's Carl. Let me answer this first." He said then swipe the answer button on the screen.

"Yes?" He said.

"Eli's been drinking hard." He doesn't want to do this but, he's really not the one Eli needed right now.

"And?" His voice were cold. He's been hearing the name Eli since morning.

"And? Why don't you care a little and ask her what's wrong with her?" His voice were a little annoyed.

"What am I? A nanny? She did it herself. Why don't you do it instead?" He doesn't want to continue the conversation longer. Andy's been looking at him with concerned eyes.

"If I can do it, I'll never asked your help in the first place. You're... You're the one she needed...N-not me." Kayden felt the loneliness on Carl's voice.

"Fine. I'll visit her before the day ends. I'm with Andy so I'll hang up now." He then hanged up the phone. He looked at Andy and saw the confusion in her eyes so he said "Carl said Eli's been drinking hard."

The confusion in her eyes changed in to worries. "Is she okay?"

"She's fine." He answered.

Andy stopped eating and put down her utensils. "You should give her a visit." She said out of the blue.

Kayden looked at her with no visible expression. He doesn't understand why he need to do it. He just want to spend time with Andy that's all.

"I'm okay... I can handle my self now. You should visit her." She said.

"Fine. I'll visit her but... won't you come with me?" He said. He doesn't want Andy to go.

"That's not necessary right? I'm just gonna get in your way." She said and she mean it.

"No your not. I don't want you to get the wrong idea after all. I'll just talk to her." He said.

She chuckled "why would I get the wrong idea? She needs you and I don't own you so why would I get in your way?"

"Not yet?" he whispered to himself.
"Just...Just go with me okay? I'll not be long." He said.

"O-okay." Andy can't resist the puppy like look of Kayden.

"If you're finish, shall we go? I don't want to take longer on talking with her." Why would he? She's not his priority right now. "But first, let's just go to my office first. I just need to do something." He added.

"Yeah I'm good." Andy answered. She then took her small backpack as she stand up.

Kayden offered to carry her bag "Let me take that for you." He then took it, even without permission from Andy. It made her a bit startled.

Her face flushed red in that moment. "So, this is what it feels." She thought. She touched her chest feeling the heartbeats that is now getting faster. No one really treated her like this in her real world so it's a bit refreshing for her.

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