Chapter 5

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It's already late when Andy finished reading. She's still not contented so she borrowed another book from the library to take it home.

Looking at the time, it's almost 9 and she's still at the library.

"Oh my god! It's that late?" She immediately grabbed her things and rushed outside the library.

When she got out of the Library, it's raining and she doesn't have any umbrella. Neither, call a taxi or walk home soaking wet is the only option. But her precious books will soak in the rain water so walking is not an option. She can't call a taxi cause she doesn't have the taxi's calling number. She doesn't want to call Dwayne or Madame Claire cause she thinks she will be a disturbance to them.

"What a hassle.." she murmured.

While waiting for the rain to stop, a familiar car stopped by at her front.

"I remember this car..."
"No that can't be..." she thought.

The window of the car rolled down and showed a familiar face. A face that already marked on her mind. Kayden Hayes.

"Get in." He said.


"Do I have to repeat myself? Get in. I'm taking you home." Kayden said while staring at the startled Andy.

"N-no sir it's okay. I'll just wait for the rain to stop." Andy refused. She doesn't want to change the flow of the story. She didn't expect that she will see Kayden again after a short period of time.

"I'm waiting... Just so you know, I hate waiting and nobody dared to make me wait." Stern and nonchalantly said to Andy.

"Y-yes sir. T-thank you for your kindness." She then immediately entered the car after the subordinate opened it for her.

"Again with that kindness..." He thought.

"You do looked like you're enjoying reading. I can see with that file of books that you borrowed and the time that you spent in that boring place." Kayden started the conversation. Of course, in a non expression face.

"Y-yes sir. I really liked reading books. Actually no, I love it. It's just that, when I'm reading books, I can't feel loneliness. It's like it's pulling me down into the fullest of my imagi...nation..." she noticed that Kayden is staring at her so she slowed down speaking.

"S-sorry, I got carried away..." she explained.

"I'm not sir.."

"I'm sorry sir, what?" She wondered.

"The name is Kayden. Kayden Hayes." He looked outside.

"So I was right... He really is Kayden..." Her eyes were brimming with excitement but she didn't want to show it. She just go with the flow of the conversation.

"K-Kayden? As in Mr. Kayden Hayes?" She acts surprised.

"So you know me." Kayden said.

"W-well, I heard alot about your name..."
"And you're always be my favorite character.." she thought.

"And you still think I'm a good guy? What if I tell you that all you heard about me was right?" He looked at Andy closely. So close that their face almost touch.

Andy's face turned red but thanks to the darkness of the car, he didn't noticed that.

"I- I don't really believed the rumors. They're just rumors and even if it's true, I know you only did it because you need to." The answer of Andy made Kayden move.

She is right after all. All he do is for the better of his association. His territory. He'll k*ll if he needed to, and take them all down when needed. That is because, this association of him is his treasure. Being a mafia can bring fear to anybody but for them it's their life.

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