Chapter 17

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"Dwayne! Glad you came!" Greeted Madame Claire.

"I have nothing to do today anyways. What is it aunt? What help can I do for you?" Asked Dwayne. She called Dwayne after Jane called, for him to help Jane in her please.

"Well, it's last minute and the model that we invited just canceled. I want you to help Jane doing the endorsing." She said. It was the last resort she can think off.

He gasped "E-endorsing? With Jane? I don't think I can do that aunt Claire."

Madame Claire hold his hands and said. "You'll just need to guide her. She'll be embarrassed if she will stand up in front of other people so I want you to encourage her by her side." She then smiled. "Just escort her will you?"

"I-I'll try.. after all I'm not used in standing in front of other people too." Dwayne submitted.

"Thank you! Ugh, that model gave me a headache!" Said Madame Claire as she were touching her head.

"Anyway, just go now to the dressing room. I'll tell my staff to dress you appropriately." She added.

"S-sure." Responded Dwayne.

"I'm sorry again for the trouble, I'll get back to you next time okay?" Said Madame Claire. She then called her staff to take Dwayne to the dressing room and dress him.

"No problem Aunt Claire. As long as I can help." Dwayne replied.

"This way sir." Said the staff.

"Thank you." Dwayne.

On the otherhand in Kayden's post.

Looking at his computer screen, Kayden's head is starting to ache. It's been a while since he used the internet to search for something. This time, he's searching for some research about 'reincarnation' or 'is it really possible that someone can possess another's body?'

He scratched his head as he were looking and looking through it. There are a lot of answers shown but he refused to believe it. Not just reincarnation but is it possible that we were all just in a Novel? That too, shown too many answers but they were just 'WHAT IF's' of somebody. He's now back again with the question he's been trying to avoid since the last time he and Andy talked. 'HOW THE HELL CAN HE BELIEVE ALL OF THAT?'

If ever he believes in Andy, will he accept that he's not real? What if Andy go back to her reality? What will happen to him? What will happen to this Novel that doesn't have an ending until now? And if it ends, what will happen to him? Or everyone else?

Those are the questions that is floating on Kayden's mind right now. He himself can't really answer all those and is really having a hard time finding the answers. He's in the middle of searching when Carl suddenly barge in and talked, causing him to be startled a little.

"Kayden!" Called Carl.

He fix his sitting position and look at Carl. There is no visible expression on his face. It feels like you were looking at a statue but with a cold eyes.

"What is it?" He asked.

"The Scott's are having an endorsement later, we received an invitation. Should we go?" Said Carl.

"Endorsement?" Asked Kayden.

"Yes. Their planning to build another real estate on Manhattan so they were doing an endorsement. I heard Eli's the one who's gonna endorse it." Said Carl excitingly.

"I'm not really in the mood." He said.

"Ms. Jane probably will come too. After all it's their real estate." Teased Carl. He's taking risk just to include Kayden in the program.

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