Chapter 12

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"Look at this girl, sleeping like a baby." He smirked and then said after. "How cute." Kayden carried Andy and laid down in the car back passenger seat.

He then called the worried Madame Claire and relay the good news. After an hour of driving, he arrived at the Scott residence where Madame Claire is waiting and the rest.

"Good eve Mrs. Scott." He's still carrying Andy on his arms and signaled them to keep quiet so that Andy won't wake up.

The sight of it made Dwayne jealous, he couldn't do anything when Jane is in that state. He didn't help at all. He also saw Kayden that full of bruises on his face and the disheveled suit. It causes him to feel more useless.

"Oh my God, what happened to my baby?" Madame Claire cried in despair. She don't know what will she do if something terrible had happened to her only daughter. She can't thank Kayden enough.

"The perpetrators has been caught ma'am, you don't have to worry." He then laid down Andy on her bed and fix her bed a little.

"She's the bravest girl I ever saw, you're so lucky having a daughter like her." Said Kayden and smiled to Madame Claire.

"I can't thank you enough for what you did to my daughter... I'm really thankful that you saved her, look at you, you've been beaten badly." Madame Claire then fix his clothes a little.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I can't help being a mom." She meant on fixing Kayden suit.

"No it's okay don't mind it."

"You'll become my mom too, soon enough." He whispered to himself.

"Huh? What did you say?" Asked Claire cause she thought Kayden spoke something.

"What? I didn't say anything." He then turned around feeling embarrassed.

"What the hell am I saying?" He thought and shook his head.

Madame Claire then guided Kayden downstairs and offered to be treated but he refused. There are things that needs to be done first so he bid his farewell.

Meanwhile, Andy woke up from her bed a little startled.

"Is this my bed?When did I get home? What happen--" She remembered the time that Kayden carried her and she felt the warmth of his body next to her. It smelled good too, never she expected of being carried by the one and only Kayden Hayes. It's like a dream come true for her.

"Oh my G-. Why did I slept like that? He must be awkward right? I must be heavy, because I always eat a lot.. uggh, that's embarrassing." She covered her face with her hands and laid down her bed.

Tomorrow morning..

"Jane, are you awake?" Called Madame Claire as she knocks on Jane's door.

"Uhm, y-yes... Do come in." She replied as she were combing her short curly hair.

Madame Claire entered the room and looked at Jane. She then said "How are you feeling? I'm so sorry you have to experienced that." She was really worried about Jane, she knows it causes Jane trauma.

"I-it's okay, I'm not that hurt at all." She replied in an assuring tone.

"W-what about the man that brought me home?" She asked after.

"Oh, you mean Mr. Hayes? I told him that I will at least treat his wounds but he refused, anyway, when, where and how did you meet that man?" She lift her left eyebrow while asking this. She knows the name Kayden Hayes and she really never expected that her Jane knows someone like him.

"He's the one that brought me to the hospital when I lost consciousness in the middle of the road." She honestly replied.

"And you became close just like that?" Madame Claire is not catching that at all.

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