Chapter 10

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It's been a week since Andy left and Kayden is still in his bad mood. No one even dare to ask why because they know what will happen.

He's just there in his study spending his time with works.

"Seems like you don't have your personal day this week." Carl mentioned while he's filing some documents on the table.

Kayden just took a glance of him then continued to read reports and signed them.

"Oh right, I came to the police station yesterday and saw the guy." Carl was interrupted when one of documents fell.

"Who?" Kayden asked.

"The guy with Ms. Jane in the restaurant that day? I think the name is Dwayne?" Carl picked up the document not minding what he was saying.

"And why should I care about that brat?" Kayden lift his left eyebrow in dissatisfaction.

"Well, cause it seems that you took a liking to the girl so I'm just saying... He filed a missing report yesterday." Carl finished his filing and about to go.

"What did you just say?" He dropped the pen he was holding and immediately holds Carl collar.

"Who's missing??" Carl felt the anger and worries in Kayden's tone.

"Ms. Jane." He replied in shocked.

"But I thought she's in LA?" He let go of Carl's collar and turned.

"Well apparently, her mom called and said that she hasn't been arriving since she left the house. And so they asked the guy to file a missing report." Carl fixed his collar and explained.

"Damn it!" He punch a hole on the table in anger.

"Sir?" Said the subordinate who just knock on the door.

"What is it now?" Kayden frowned.

"There is this package that arrived for you." Said the subordinate and passed an envelope to Kayden.

Kayden immediately opened it and saw a lot of pictures. The first picture are the one that he is together with Andy in the Library. The second is in Andy's house before Andy left and the third and almost all the pictures are Andy's pictures being held.

He crumpled the pictures with his own hands and throw it. He never felt this anger before.

"Whoever it is, I'll make sure that I'll kill him with my own hands!!" Kayden shouted.

Carl can't even say a single words. He never saw Kayden being like this before. It seems he saw the devil in Kayden, not just the devil but it seems Satan itself showed before him.

"What happened to you suddenly?" Asked Carl but Kayden ignored him.

He took his phone and dialed Charlie's number.

"Prepare a manhunt. I'll send the information." He then hanged up the phone and left.

Carl didn't have a choice and just followed. When Kayden said 'manhunt' it means he's gonna turn this country or even the world upside down just to find this person.

Kayden then contacted the police station to get the information he needs. After that he contacted a few person on the black market to find and track the car that Andy rode on the day she was taken.

"When I found out who's behind this I'm gonna make sure that he'll know the taste of Hell! Just wait you assh*le!" He's shivering in anger and clenching the steering wheel.

"H-hey, I still want to live okay? Can you just calm down and drive carefully?" Said Carl on the front passenger seat.

"They took Andy Carl! There's no way I'm gonna calm down!" Shouted Kayden.

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