Chapter 4

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In Kayden's mansion.

"I should stop thinking about that girl. She is not worth my time." Looking at the window, you can see the reflection of Kayden staring at the endless streetlights that glowing in the night.

"Sir, it's the guy that you've been looking for." Suddenly, one of his subordinate brought a beaten guy that almost losing consciousness.

"Good, now leave." He commanded.

"Right away sir." The subordinate then leave .

Kayden sit in front of the guy and hold it's chin. He then turned it right and left then shoved it.

After doing that, he stand up and turned his back. He then once again look at the city lights.

"Answer me. Is it worth betraying me? Kayden Hayes??" His voice were cold and fierce.

"I'm sorry sir, t-they threatened me." The guy answered while shivering.

"What do you think will happen if the enemy just barged in because of an incompetent like you? A traitor." Still facing the city lights.

"I'm sorry Mr. Hayes, please give me another chance." The guy begged.

"What is my only rule?" Kayden asked in a stern tone.

"T-that e-everything should be obeyed in your p-presence." The guy tears started running on his cheeks.

"Very well."
"Now k*ll yourself." Kayden commanded.

"P-please, I-I can't do that! Please Mr. Hayes, I have family to feed!" Begging for his life, the guy kneel on the ground and bowed.

"You should've think of that in the first place before betraying me. You know that betrayal is what I hated the most." Kayden turned a little and smiled.

"What about this? I'm not that of a monster right? What if I give your family your monthly salary? Of course I will say that it came from you. Is it good?" There it is. The devil in Kayden just came out.

"N-no please!! I begged you mr. Hayes, I will not do it again. Just p-please!" Snot are started flowing in his nose from crying.

"Should I just k*ll you? But if that happens, your family can't receive anything..hmmn, it's your choice." Kayden said nonchalantly. He then throw the kn*fe in the guy's feet.

"I will count to three, just now, you're disobeying my order right? I'm should be mad by now, but I'm kind enough to give you choices. Now, don't make me take that f*cking kn*fe and do what should be done!!!" His voice is starting to raise.

The guy took the kn*fe while shivering and placed it in front of his neck. He is crying. The sweat is running down in his beaten body. He's in pain. He doesn't have any choice. This is the real Kayden, the boss of this Mafia Association.

"One" His voice is now cold, that can make you freeze the moment you hear it.


"Maybe it's for the better. I'm sorry my son, my wife." This is what the guy's last thought.


His lifeless body fell down after he sl*shed his own throat and bathed with his own bl*od.

Satisfied, Kayden then sit down and took a glass of whisky and drink it while staring at the lifeless body of the guy.

His subordinate then entered the room and took the body.

On the otherhand...

"Hmmn, I missed reading 'Beautiful colors'." Said Andy while reading another book. She missed the excitement that the book shared in her.

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